Biden Dept. of Veteran Affairs Paid for ‘Gender Alterations’

Luke Rosiak from The Daily Wire reported that former President Joe Biden’s Department of Veteran Affairs paid for “gender alterations” despite a federal ban.

It’s disturbing, and I cannot believe this is going in a post. Rosiak wrote (emphasis mine):

The VA, known for providing prosthetic limbs to war heroes who suffered wounds on the battlefield, provided prosthetic penises called “3-in-1 (pee/pack/play),” as well as prosthetics designed to look like breasts, chest binders, wigs, and dilators for fake vaginas, the documents show.Federal regulations exclude “gender alterations” from the medical services the VA is permitted to provide. But the VA interpreted that phrase narrowly, to mean only the surgeries themselves. “Since 2011, VA has provided all medically necessary transition-related care for transgender and gender diverse Veterans except surgeries,” one document said.

Medically necessary. For example, the VA considered hair removal cosmetic and did not cover the procedure in 2020.

Biden’s VA told the staff to call the hair removal for transgenders an “unlisted procedure code for skin, mucous membrane, and subcutaneous tissue.”

The VA put everyone through gender training, from the parking attendants to the housekeepers.

The VA forced them to “ask the Veteran what name, gender, and pronoun, the Veteran prefers.”

Why? To place the veteran in a room with the sex they listed.

So, yeah, males with females.

The Biden administration wanted to drop the ban on sex surgeries:

Biden-era documents said that the department intended to change the regulations to also cover surgeries, but that the process could take years. A document called “Gender-Affirming Care at VA: Resources for Providers” said that “While VA cannot provide gender-affirming surgeries at this time,” it would diagnose them with gender dysphoria, put them on hormones, give them voice training, store their eggs or sperm, remove their body hair, and write letters convincing outside surgeons to perform the surgery.An April 2024 presentation by an “LGBTQ+ Veterans Care Coordinator” added that the VA would also cover “medically necessary post-operative and long-term care following gender-affirming surgery.” It also construed that broadly, including revision surgeries and testicle removal if there were complications with prescription hormones.

The Biden VA also forced the staff to take training courses to diagnose gender dysphoria, assess the person’s readiness for surgery, and receive consent to start hormone therapy.

Tags: Department of Veteran Affairs, Joe Biden, Military, Transgender, Veterans