Zelensky Would Resign for Ukraine NATO Membership or for Peace
Europe knows Ukraine in NATO would tick off Russia. Otherwise NATO would have brought in Ukraine years ago.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he would resign if it meant an end to the war with Russia or if NATO accepted Ukraine.
Zelensky told the press: “If (it guarantees) peace for Ukraine, if you really need me to resign, I am ready. I can exchange it for NATO.”
Ukraine has been under martial law since 2022. The country’s constitution does not allow elections during this time.
Zelensky is already one year over his allotted time as president.
Zelensky also pushed back against President Donald Trump’s suggestion that the country pay America back the $100 billion it has sent Ukraine since 2022.
“We agreed with Biden that this was a grant,” stressed Zelensky, according to Fox News. “A grant is not a debt.”
Trump’s administration has made it known that Ukraine cannot join NATO because Russia would not agree to it.
Europe knows this, too, because if it could happen, then NATO would have brought in Ukraine years ago.
Trump has said he is close to a new mineral deal with Ukraine worth $350 billion. It includes giving America “access to hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of Ukraine’s rare-earth minerals as payback for past military aid, with no guarantee of future aid.”
But Zelensky said “he would not sign a deal that would cost Ukraine for decades.” More from Fox News:
Under the first draft of the mineral deal, the U.S. and Ukraine would split the profits of its minerals 50-50 for up to $500 billion.
The second draft of the deal, obtained by the New York Times, was even harsher – and would have required Kyiv to give up its minerals, oil and gas revenues and earnings from ports and other infrastructure until reaching $500 billion.
Zelenskyy said he would not recognize Trump’s $500 billion figure, as the assistance Ukraine had received from the U.S. was closer to $100 billion.

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LOL. Talk about delusions of grandeur … This midget thinks he’s this important? What a joke.
The only reason Zelenskyyy isn’t out on the street (or on the front line) right now is because he shut down the press, killed or jailed all of his opposition, and has called off all elections.
And now he’s mouthing off to America, trying to badmouth President Trump, declaring to NATO who will or won’t be future members … and in this grand finale he is to sacrifice his joke post in a country about to be overrun for NATO admittance of Ukraine and the kick-off to WWIII.
No thanks, Tom Thumb. No one cares what you do. But you can make pretend with a bunch of the European losers about how important you all are … Have fun.
And I’ll resign from all further shitposting on the internet for life for $10 million.
Making stupid empty promises for things that everybody knows are NOT being discussed doesn’t impress anybody.
You got to be kidding right? Does anyone think anybody is stupid enough to want to add a country to their military Alliance that’s already at war?
NATO’s charter explicitly disallows that.
Zelensky doesn’t care if he resigns. He knows the gravy train is over and has skimmed 10’s of millions and parked it safely elsewhere as has his cronies.
Will Zelensky disgorge all the graft he took? How about telling all about bribing our politicians? What makes him think his people should have a free ride at the expenses os 2-3 generations of Americans?
I don’t like Zelensky, he is a con artist.
I never understood the wild enthusiasm some conservatives had for Zelensky and getting involved in the war in Ukraine. Both the Biden* junta and Franz von Papen Republicans like Graham and McConnell were on the same side, which should have raised caution about forking over so much cash. The loss in Afghanistan (with its roots in Uniparty “nation-building” stupidity) was another red flag that some ignored.
But were they conservatives or were they Republicans? Not the same thing.
No conservative I know who had the slightest knowledge of what has been happening Ukraine since 2014 evidenced any support for its regime. Only someone suffering from Cold War Delusion Syndrome, convinced the Soviets were about to overrun Europe could possibly be enthusiastic about Zelensky and the war.
The best part is depending on what day it is, the Russians are eithere an unstoppable colossus that must be countered or they are collapsing and attacking the Ukrainians with pointed sticks. You can’t have it both ways.
Money! Money! Money!
I’ve never understood the absolute lunacy of the right on the Ukraine issue. You’ve got republicans parroting Putin, word for word and acting like he’s the 2nd coming of Christ who is going to drive all the resurrected Nazis out of Ukraine. Wilful ignorance is an ugly look, regardless of which side it comes from.
Speaking of wilful ignorance…. The same cabal of grifting neocons, wokiesta leftists and Cold War holdouts who refuse to admit the Soviet Empire died 3+ decades ago that populate the 3 letter agencies, their adjuncts in other Govt agencies like USAID and their legacy media allies (whom they pay exorbitant subscription prices and gift $ to get friendly media) the same groups digging in to ‘resist’ any sort of accountability from the Trump Admin….these are the folks in Gov’t pushing the approved Ukraine narrative.
And you’re not really the Prez anymore anyway
Have an election
I don’t care, Margaret.
This stupid was was made possible through a single word uttered by the moron who formerly occupied the White House – “Don’t”
The United States has no legitimate strategic interest here. And no, “Russia! Russia! Russia” isn’t a satisfactory answer. Russia is to the Deep State as Eastasia is to 1984.
I don’t care if Putin takes the entire country. It’s not our concern.
Paraphrase by Paula:
“I’ve milked everyone for all I can get. I now have enough money in my off-shore account to live comfortably. As a result, I’m ready to retire to France and live in luxury for the rest of my life.”
Among other things, the threat of a NATO member on Russia’s border is what contributed to this war. If only USAID had not run this war, it might have been done much earlier.
This war had nothing to do with Nato membership and everything to do with Putin’s unquenchable desire to take back what he thought belonged to him, which is every country that Russia lost after the cold war.
There are a long list of reasons Putin invaded. Zelensky shut down Russian Orthodox Churches, jailed political opponents, attacked personal friends of Putin and ran around saying that Ukraine was going to join NATO which Putin clearly said was a red line. Biden then told Putin and the world that “a little incursion” would be fine so Putin got the green light to go in. This is a very brief summery of some of what was going on. Trying to boil it all down to a talking point “Putin is a warmonger” isn’t close to a reading of the events.
Were any of those former Soviet satellite Nations that you claim Putin wants back under Russian control offered NATO membership …..why YES, yes indeed they were. Bringing NATO slowly eastward over Tue past 3 decades since the end of the Cold War (we won) and the destruction of the Soviet Empire. The same NATO which was formed as the Western counter poise to the Soviet Union/Warsaw.Pact and whose reason for existence died with the Soviet Empire.
Russia has always been paranoid about controlling buffer states to mitigate invasion fears. NATO on the border would be intolerable.
“We agreed with Biden that this was a grant,” stressed Zelensky, according to Fox News. “A grant is not a debt.”
Ok. Good to know that you think being aided in your most desperate hour means you owe your savior nothing. Good luck with the rest of your war, because we don’t owe you anything either and since we’re not getting anything back, we have no interests or investments there to protect.
How about – No.
Just hold elections already. We know you’d lose to a particularly dim rock.
“We agreed with Biden that this was a grant,” stressed Zelensky, according to Fox News. “A grant is not a debt.”
“Listen to that,” said the man in a red cloak, “one animal says another animal told it to do something.”
>“We agreed with Biden that this was a grant,” stressed Zelensky, according to Fox News. “A grant is not a debt.”
Got that agreement in writing? With Congressional approval and signatures? No? Then it certainly not a “grant” but a debt you now have to repay to the United States. $100 Billion plus a modest but appropriate interest rate will do. Now pay up you pusillanimous little prick.
There’s no agreement in writing that it was a grant, but (to my knowledge) there’s no agreement that Ukraine has to pay us back, either.
I suppose so…. though it also means we could simply cut a deal with Russia for raw materials which formerly were under Ukrainian control….once they wrap up their operations.
Unless Europe steps up, Trump IS able to stop the war. Stop the US support and Zelenskyy is the former leader of the former country of Ukraine, now a Russian province.
When Zelenskyy threw in with Harris to influence the US election, he was trying to prolong the war…
Who cares what he thinks? He’s our puppet.
Seems this guy is saying things to keep the left on his side.
Pretty much everyone is only wanting this war to continue because Trump wants it to end.
Rather interestingly this morning Macron was on the news proclaiming a ceasefire could be in place within the next couple week. The interesting part was that at the end of that report that was the end of it.
Compare that to the last two weeks where every report of Trump working on peace in the Ukraine was accompanied by a video of either Germany calling Trump a traitor for surrendering in the Ukraine or some other leftist losing their shit at Trumps capitulation in the Ukraine. But with this report it was just Macron saying peace was coming and that was it.
Wonder what has changed?
Anyone fora betting pool? Z is gone in a week!
For all the millions and power he accumulated, he is still a malevolent, little midget. The small and pockmarked Stalin wore oversized uniforms and carefully orchestrated photographs to look the big man of steel. Zelensky, in his ridiculous black muscle shirts, looks ridiculous standing next to normal human beings.
Don’t poke the bear. He’s already ticked off.
Mary this article leaves the NATO topic rather abruptly and discusses mineral rights. It’s time to ask why we still have a NATO? Does anyone think that Turks and eEstonians will fight to protect the borders of Ukraine?