World Becomes Brighter as Trump Reverses Biden’s Incandescent Light Bulb Ban

President Donald Trump has spent another day reversing Biden’s efforts to limit consumer choices over products that limit their options and hinder their quality of life.

In the name of efficiency, Biden’s bureaucrats banned incandescent light bulbs, normal-flowing toilets, and effective shower heads. Trump has just instructed his Environmental Protection Agency administrator to bring them all back.

Here is the USAID subsidiary Politico’s hot take on the subject.

“I am hereby instructing Secretary Lee Zeldin to immediately go back to my Environmental Orders, which were terminated by Crooked Joe Biden, on Water Standards and Flow pertaining to SINKS, SHOWERS, TOILETS, WASHING MACHINES, DISHWASHERS, etc., and to likewise go back to the common sense standards on LIGHTBULBS, that were put in place by the Trump Administration, but terminated by Crooked Joe,” Trump posted online Tuesday.Zeldin is the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. The Energy Department — not EPA — is responsible for establishing efficiency standards for consumer products and appliances.Still, the post echoes Trump’s long-time criticism of efficiency standards put in place for products, like shower heads and light bulbs.

LED bulbs have been a standard replacement for the incandescent bulbs. There is myriad of reasons to deride the blue light that LED bulbs emit.

Blue light suppresses melatonin production, disrupting circadian rhythms and making it harder to fall asleep. This is particularly problematic when exposed to blue light in the evening or at night.

From the American Academy of Ophthalmology:

Blue light does affect the body’s circadian rhythm, our natural wake and sleep cycle. During the day, blue light wakes us up and stimulates us. But too much blue light exposure late at night from your phone, tablet or computer can make it harder to get to sleep.”

Prolonged exposure to blue light can cause eye strain, resulting in tired, sore, and dry eyes. This can lead to blurred vision and headaches.

So, once again, Trump is right. And many Americans are thrilled with the news.

Low-flow toilets often struggle to flush away all waste due to the reduced water used per flush. This can lead to incomplete waste removal, requiring multiple flushes, defeating water conservation’s purpose.

Insufficient water flow can cause waste to accumulate in sewer lines, leading to backups and unpleasant odors. Cities like San Francisco experienced significant sewer system issues due to the widespread adoption of low-flow toilets.

The city of San Francisco is dealing with its lack of flow with $100 million in system upgrades, and a controversial $14 million plan to pour bleach into the sewer system to neutralize the odor and disinfect the water.

Trump, again, is proven correct.

Finally, “high efficiency” dishwashers are ironically named. These dishwashers use less water, which can result in dishes not being cleaned properly. High-quality dishwashers may run up to 2-3 hours per cycle to compensate for lower water usage. Lower operating temperatures in eco-friendly cycles can lead to dishes not drying completely, requiring the use of rinse aid to promote water runoff.

So, again, score another one for Trump.

Personally, I am planning to load up on the incandescent bulbs as soon as they become available.

Tags: Donald Trump, Energy, EPA, Lee Zeldin