Oh, look. Hollywood is being Hollywood.
Wicked star Cynthia Erivo will play Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar at the Hollywood Bowl. Official Broadway World posted:
Cynthia Erivo is set to play the role of Jesus in an upcoming production of Jesus Christ Superstar at the Hollywood Bowl! The musical, by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber, will be mounted at the iconic Los Angeles venue this summer.
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The Hollywood Bowl’s musical performances return in August after a hiatus that began in 2020.
According to Deadline, Sergio Trujillo will direct and choreograph the production. Stephen Oremus will act as the musical director and conductor.
They have not announced the rest of the cast. It cannot be all female because that has already happened!
Erivo starred as Mary Magdalene in the all-female rendition of Jesus Christ Superstar: She Is Risen. Broadway alum Morgan Kames played Jesus.
But Erivo is black and a lesbian.
The Hollywood Bowl happens on August 1, 2, and 3. Other performers include John Legend, Diana Ross, Rick Springfield, and Cyndi Lauper.
This isn’t edgy. This isn’t controversial. It’s almost expected for Hollywood to make these moves.

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This confirms what Professor Jacobson said a couple of days ago that DEI isn’t dead yet. But a little more of this crap shoved down our throats and it will be.
Dead? No. They’re going to keep trying this edgy shit for a while longer.
I agree that DEI will continue under other names until it finally runs out of steam but I’m not understanding why anyone cares about this. It is not grade school curriculum being force fed to a captive audience of 10 yr olds, It’s a play with characters using actors. If people don’t like it then they don’t have to go see it.
There is offense taken because they are attempting to delegitimize Jesus. They want to present Him as perverted and twisted, to make you angry, and to throw out His work – because His work is based on them being sinful and needing redemption.
But it’s better to laugh and point than to get all rage-faced and scream about it.
This blasphemy will not bode well for anyone involved. God will not be mocked.
You got that right.
They know they can get away with mocking Christ. They also know that that mocking the Prophet Muhammad would be a death sentence.
Waiting for them to do a rock opera/ stage play of a female Mohamed….
Yes. With a list of interesting pronouns.
With a list of fabulous pronouns!
A good way to identify the worst Muslims is a trap based on this.
Scripture suggests this blasphemy will likely condemn most if not all of those associated with the planned production.
You’d think California would’ve learned from this year’s wildfires, but no.
Who downvoted Bucky’s comment? You do know it’s a fair reflection of progressives in general. Come on, identify yourself, and tell us why you did so.
It was probably that imbecile, JR.
I thought he died after Trump was elected.
They will get away with it in this life, but not in the afterlife. And that is where it counts.
And for this reason!
Our (Judeo-Christian) Bible states: Deuteronomy 5:17 “‘Thou shall not murder.”
The Muslim Quran/Korans states:: Surah 9:5:
“Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush.
If they want to be so brave and edgy, let’s see them cast the prophet Muhammed as a black lesbian.
If they make a movie about Joe Biden they could cast her as the white house press secretary.
Or cast her a s Joe Biden.
And who would play Dr Jill:
a. Whoopie Goldberg
b. Tom Hanks
c. Tyler Perry
d. Will Smith
e. a stray dog
A real doctor in a white coat?
Now that would be really interesting to see! But I would not be there.
More nose hardware. That stuff is absolutely disgusting and repulsive. And what’s with more of these bald black chicks?
So what’s with the bald and disgusting and absolutely disgusting. white bald guys like you?
“white bald guys like you?”
Assumes facts not in evidence, dingus.
I thought you were a lawyer.
Oh. There you are. I thought you died.
I think the bald head is supposed to come across as scary.
Reminds me of a mannequin.
At night the reflection could cause a car wreck.
Is it wrong to say her head looks like a Milk Dud?
She’s definitely a Dud! As will be the upcoming production.
I always found Yul Brynner attractive. Mr. Clean is another I find attractive, even though he’s not real But there are so many others who are not.
Who loves ya, baby.
t is useful if you have a leash.
She looks like a Milk Dud.
With a face. That’s scary to me.
I’m sure the critics are already drafting their ecstatic reviews about the stunning and brave choice. It’s not like it will hurt their credibility anyway.
I’m completely indifferent about those people.
Now do Mohammed.
Now just wait for the pissing and moaning when no one actually buys tickets or goes to see this stunning and brave show.
I’m sure they’ll sell out. I have a classmate that goes and from what I guess it’s more of a social event. Wine and cheese, being seen, and people watching. Oh, a there’s a show? Even better.
Let them go. Whatever floats their boats. A one eyed bald black gay lesbian with a beard and a glandular condition playing Jesus checks so many boxes. Now if she wears a MAGA hat I’d still … stay 1500 miles away.
She’s one-eyed?!? I didn’t know that!
Is this the one where the Pharisees all stab Jesus in the back because they mistake her for Donald Trump (being played by a different black female actor in a totally different city)?
Donald Trump is not Jesus Christ. You need to read the Bible,
You need to take remedial logic and reading comprehension classes, dufus.
At least I can put my hands on one without finding my gloves.
Oof. You need to get your sarcasm detector out of the pawn shop, man.
JR is such a tight ass that a piece of coal shoved up his ass would become a diamond in no time.
Last I knew Christ wasn’t female.
You need to ask around. I’m sure there is some group claiming that.
I don’t care what you read in The Bible – The Hollywood Reporter told me that Jesus was a Bald, Black, Lesbian with a ring in her nose. So there!
South Park nailed this a long time ago.
Nailed it.
I’m not going to react to this because that’s exactly what they want – attention.
Their time has passed. Stage productions of JCS and Godspell happened fifty odd years ago. Yet another example of Hollyweird having zero new ideas.
They want anger. Give them public indifference and pray for them that be enlightened and repent.
As they say down South, bless their hearts.
You put your head down sadly, then shake it side-to-side slightly, and then say “Bless their hearts.”
Because I know when I Think Jesus the first thing that comes to mind to me is Grace Jones with a nose ring..
Wow, the Babylon Bee really has outdone itself…. Oh, wait. This is serious?
Babylon bee: “Woke Hollywood gets ratioed by middle America over casting Jesus as white, Christian.”
Jesus wasn’t white, but he certainly wasn’t black either. Middle Eastern, so somewhere in between.
Jesus Christ Superstar is so far from anything Biblical that it matters little who plays whatever role. It is a complete work of fiction using the names and a small handful of plot points from the Biblical accounts. It’s not even among the better of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s compositions. At least Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat has musical variety. Jesus Christ Superstar sits near the bottom with Cats.
Jesus Christ was technically* a Semite.
Semites are a type of Caucasian.
Jesus was ‘white’.
Middle Easterners are, in general, ‘white’.
I say ‘technically’ because Jesus is God, God implanted God in the womb of Mary through the action of the Holy Ghost, who is also God.
Jesus appearance was whatever He wanted it to be.
That’s how gods work.
I wouldn’t get too much into what’s “white” and what isn’t. It’s all lines drawn by man. You could easily throw an “olive” in there between “white” and “black,” and there used to be a “yellow” in there, too. Until some men somewhere decided to relabel it so it wasn’t racist anymore.
Which goes to your point about Jesus’ parentage. It’s God in flesh – he’s not really limited. He was born a Jew for a lot of theological reasons… and that’s it.
She’s one-eyed?!? I didn’t know that!
According to the Mishna, which was compiled in the Galilee in the 2nd century CE, Jews of that time and place typically had skin the color of boxwood. (Nega`im 2:1)
wow… I am going to need more popcorn.
Why don’t they just put all the money in a pile and set it on fire?
Let’s see if she’s brave enough to play Muhammad.
Genesis was written by a woman, “J.”
This casting is appalling. I can only hope that the market place resoundingly rejects this nonsense. I certainly will not be in line to purchase a ticket.
The key to it is to patiently state “Nope. While it doesn’t matter much to God, Jesus wasn’t trans or a hippie or a homosexual. Nor was he married and he didn’t have any earthly children (except as metaphors). Also, Jesus wasn’t a philosopher or just a teacher. He was God and Man (“God made manifest”), and he never sinned, and he was crucified in our place, so that our sins might be washed away and we can enter the presence of God. Then you’re gonna see some REAL “superstar”ing going on!”
You have explained this very well! Thank you!
“Hamilton” proves otherwise.
The Son of God was a … girl? Who knew?
Whoa. Are you dead-naming Jesus?
Or.. .wait… misgendering! Yeah, that’s it! You’re misgendering everybody here!
It’s a naked attempt to poke normal people in the eye.
It’s best to ignore this BS.
They still think USAID will buy all the tickets. Guess that memo didn’t get delivered.
And who did they cast as God? Lucifer??
Liberals HATE Christians, and Christianity, more than muslims HATE Jews.
Bonus: Liberals HATE Jews almost as much as muslims do. Maybe more.
Jesus NEVER had a nose ring, nor did HE declare as a black lezzo.
I don’t think it’s recorded what jewelry he wore, if any.
But it’s likely that Moses, 1300 years earlier, had a nose ring or an earring, or both. Biblical Hebrew uses the same word for both nose and ear rings, and Exodus tells us that it was normal for men to have that kind of adornment.
The Bible and the Koran are works of fiction created by men. Naturally ,they concocted ‘divine Jesus” as a man. This is ridiculous and will be watched by no one.
I would pay to watch you shitpost on a Muslim website.
Oh, sorry, did I just roll my eyes out loud?
Honestly, though, it’s not like Jesus Christ, Superstar is a doctrinal story of Jesus and his ministry and salvation. It’s always been a hippie production.
Having said that, it’s so amazing to see these folks going out of their way to try and delegitimize Jesus and God. They work so hard at trying to make us angry and to deconstruct the in-deconstructable. And God just laughs.
You have explained this very well! Thank you!
Didn’t that play cut out the resurrection?
I can’t wait to get in line to NOT see it.
Sadly, this is what passes for creativity among the degenerate control freaks that dub themselves “elite.”
The “Scatman Cruthers look” is very popular this year!
You take that back!
/zombie Scatman Cruthers
Dumb hipster musical from the early 70s, just got dumber for new generation.
That is one ugly Boot Lip.
Bot you should hear her play the tuba!
Bigger PLEASE …