The American Assoc. of University Professors Has Abandoned its Mission
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The American Assoc. of University Professors Has Abandoned its Mission

The American Assoc. of University Professors Has Abandoned its Mission

“has taken several positions within the last year that are either inimical or orthogonal to academic freedom”

The AAUP had noble goals. Unfortunately, it has become one more institution ruined by progressive politics.

From the Why Evolution is True blog:

The AAUP abandons its mission to defend academic freedom

In less than a year, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has completely abandoned its mission, originally conceived

. . . to advance academic freedom and shared governance, to define fundamental professional values and standards for higher education, and to ensure higher education’s contribution to the common good.

Academic freedom is generally understood as the freedom of faculty to research and teach what they want, subject to the requirement that they have to teach their subject and not something else (e.g., no creationism in evolution class), nor engage in irrelevant proselytizing.  “Shared governance” is the making of university rules by groups (usually faculty) rather than constituting rules handed down from on high.  At the University of Chicago, both academic freedom and free speech are connected as two of our several “fundamental principles” installed to ensure an atmosphere of free inquiry without intimidation.

As U. Chicago law professor Tom Ginsburg points out in Chronicle of Higher Education piece, however, the  AAUP, however, has taken several positions within the last year that are either inimical or orthogonal to academic freedom. To put it frankly, the AAUP has become authoritarian, adhering to “progressive” politics and abandoning those precepts that it once adopted to further academic freedom. The three changes the AAUP has made to this end include these (there are a few other and more minor ones included in the piece):

a.) Abandoned its opposition to academic boycotts

b.) Approved of the use of diversity statements, finding them “compatible with academic freedom”

c.) Averring that institutional neutrality, as embodied in Chicago’s Kalven Report, need not impact academic freedom one way or the other, so one need not adhere to the Kalven principle that the university or parts of it cannot issue ideological, political, or moral statements unless those statements bear directly on the mission of the University.

This is basically abandoning much of what the AAUP was set up to support: academic freedom. These changes are shameful and reprehensible, and all I can guess is that the AAUP, like much of the academic “progressive left,” has gone woke, which means clamping down on freedom of speech and putting in place more authoritarian policies.


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Not really.
But its mission changed from “Protecting academic freedom to advance Progressivism” to “Advance Progressivism,”

The AAUP has usually balanced its socialist tendencies against its goal of academic freedom. The recent change has been to drop its goal of academic freedom except when it pertains to advancing the ultimate goal of “progressive” (ie socialist) takeover of academia.

When SJW secure a position, their job soon has little to do with why they were hired, and instead morphs into advocacy and recruitment for their cause, until the organization dies.