State Department Stops Funding to Rebuild Ukraine Power Grid
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State Department Stops Funding to Rebuild Ukraine Power Grid

State Department Stops Funding to Rebuild Ukraine Power Grid

The USAID helped fund the project. If USAID didn’t waste funds or commit fraud then it would still be around.

NBC News reported that the State Department stopped a USAID program that sent money to Ukraine to help rebuild its power grid earlier this week:

Power outages have been applied overnight in some regions of Ukraine due to the attacks on energy facilities. The country’s systems have sustained near-constant impact throughout the course of the three-year war.

“It significantly undercuts this administration’s abilities to negotiate on the ceasefire, and it’d signal to Russia that we don’t care about Ukraine or our past investments,” one USAID official involved in the Ukraine mission told NBC News.

The official continued: “Russia is fighting a two-pronged war in Ukraine: A military one but also an economic one. They’re trying to crush the economy, but USAID has played a central role in helping it be resilient, [including] shoring up the energy grid…We’ve provided vast amount of support to the Ukrainian government to avoid a macro economic crisis.”

USAID funded the project. However, President Donald Trump’s administration has dismantled it after finding so much waste and fraud within the agency.

It’s really simple. Don’t waste your resources. Don’t commit fraud. The government is to the point where it needs to be burned down and rebuilt.

The U.S. had 64 employees and contractors in Ukraine. Now it only has eight.

Maybe that’s another reason why Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tried to be all time in the Oval Office today with Trump and JD Vance.

The money is stopping. We have sent over $200 billion to Ukraine since 2022. We don’t even know where most of that money is going. Zelensky even said that the country hasn’t received all of that money.

[Featured image via YouTube]


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We know know for sure that President Trump and his administration want Russia to win the war in Ukraine and revive the USSR. Maybe Trump has been listening too much to “Back in the USSR” by the Beatles, when he is not listening to his homosexual buddies The Village People.

    sequester in reply to JR. | February 28, 2025 at 7:18 pm

    Who is this “we”? How is your Mandarin coming along?

    clerk in reply to JR. | February 28, 2025 at 7:22 pm

    Can you describe a realistic path to victory for Ukraine? How are they going to drive the Russians out of Ukraine and prevent them from coming back without United States forces on the ground in Ukraine?

      Edward in reply to clerk. | March 1, 2025 at 8:54 am

      Putin apparently understands that he can’t continue losing 1,000 + troops per week (and more, December 2024 averaged 1500 troop losses per day). That Putin has resorted to DPRK troops and raising mercenaries in Africa is an indication that he knows he can’t draft from Moscow and St. Petersburg and remain in power. At present the Russian Army’s tactics are those of WW II, massed infantry assault to gain territory, trading men for yards. Putin is about to lose the last of the North Korean troops (if not already KIA/WIA).

      As for US “boots on the ground”, that is a baseless fear of many who are opposed to supporting Ukraine in the war. If the US backs the Ukrainian Army with materiel, as has been done – though in dribs and drabs during Quid Pro Joe’s administration, there will be no need to US troops involved in the fighting or in guaranties of Russia not returning. Any “peacekeeping force” can be European (i.e. NATO) troops. Zelensky, in February 2023 said give us the weapons and we’ll do the dying. Three years later, and about 800,000 Russian Army KIA (and an unknown number of WIA, sick and accidental injuries) that is still true. With Putin running out of other sources of bodies (no pun), he soon will have to draw some from Western Russia (not counting the prisons). The population in the East is growing restive over the number of people drafted/enlisted and not returning. Putin can’t afford a Russian Far East problem and his ability to control the news accessible to the Russian people isn’t as great as it once was.

      I could be wrong, but we couldn’t stand 58,220 KIA in RVN. Will the Russian people continue to accept 400,000+ per year (in 2024). Perhaps the real question is do the Russian people even know what the data is? So far the butcher’s bill in Ukraine for Russia is 800,000 (rounded, per the Brits) for the three years, with about half in the last year due to the change in tactics. This is what a smaller nation attacked by a larger does, make the war as “expensive” (in terms of manpower) as possible so the cost in money and people becomes unaffordable. Financially Putin’s nearing the precipice unless he’s thrown a lifeline of oil price and sales.

        moonmoth in reply to Edward. | March 1, 2025 at 11:30 am

        “NATO peacekeeping troops”
        Russia has made very clear, repeatedly, that that will be completely unacceptable. For Russia, the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine poses sn existential threat. You conveniently ignored that fact in your cheerleading for prolonging the war.

        You also ignored how the US/NATO neocons provoked this war, and have lied to us repeatedly about its course and prospects.

        legalbeagle in reply to Edward. | March 1, 2025 at 3:46 pm

        @Edward. What you describe sounds like a costly war of attrition. Costly in lives lost (perhaps a million), destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure and costly to the American taxpayer, costly in creating a Russian, North Korean and Chinese axis. That strategy is based on the belief that the Russians will leave as they did in Afghanistan if enough lives are lost.. Ukraine is not Afghanistan. Suppose in reality the Russian tolerance for NATO troops in Ukraine is comparable to our tolerance of a large scale Chinese Army, Navy and Air Force presence in Mexico?

    gonzotx in reply to JR. | February 28, 2025 at 7:23 pm

    lol look who’s back

    JR in reply to JR. | February 28, 2025 at 7:29 pm

    Ronald Reagan said “Gorbachev, tear down this wall” Trump says “Putin, Build back the Wall!”

    steves59 in reply to JR. | February 28, 2025 at 9:08 pm

    “We know know for sure that President Trump and his administration want Russia to win the war in Ukraine and revive the USSR.”

    Utter and complete horsesh*t from the Number One purveyor of horsesh*t here.
    Who is this “we” and how do “we” know “for sure?”
    I’d call you a tool, but tools are actually useful.

    ChrisPeters in reply to JR. | March 1, 2025 at 12:11 am

    Prove it, with actual facts. Not Democrat “journalist” talking points, not supposition. Actual facts.

    If you cannot provide actual facts, you should retract your statement.

    Mike 1969 in reply to JR. | March 1, 2025 at 1:22 am

    How about you go F yourself libtard. If anyone is a homosexual it’s most likely you.

    diver64 in reply to JR. | March 1, 2025 at 4:24 am

    You are such an ass.

    Ironclaw in reply to JR. | March 1, 2025 at 6:24 am

    We know no such thing. What we know is that zielinsky is an a-hole who came and totally disrespected us in our country in the oval office. I for one, and I don’t think I’m alone, I’m sick and tired of that in great demanding more. He’s in a war he can’t win and seems completely opposed to finding a way to stop the fighting. In addition, usaid has wasted so much money it had to be shut down which means that some of the things that it did that are actually beneficial also went away as well. However, I’m really not sure that I approve of some of the things like for instance using Aid money to pay the pensions of Ukrainian government employees.

    tlcomm2 in reply to JR. | March 1, 2025 at 1:20 pm

    Does it come naturally to be this dense 24/7 or do you have to work at it???

    Rhetorical question

“The money is stopping. We have sent over $200 billion to Ukraine since 2022”

So we sent 150
Billion before 2022?

Cause it’s over 350 billion with over 100 billion missing

    paracelsus in reply to gonzotx. | March 1, 2025 at 12:10 am

    it’s not missing!
    check the DNC and when you find a lot of it, then check the media for the rest

    Ironclaw in reply to gonzotx. | March 1, 2025 at 6:26 am

    That is what happens when you’re not allowed to have anybody account for where the damn money is going. Remember, every Democrat in the Senate voted against any sort of financial accountability

What’s the power grid look like in western North Carolina or in Lāhainā, HI which burned to the ground more than 2-years ago but still looks like it happened last weekend? Presidents/PMs of Sweden, Germany, France and a host of other Eurotrash leaders all tweeted their unconditional support for their hero Zelensky today. Let those morons rebuild Ukraine’s power grid.

    DaveGinOly in reply to TargaGTS. | February 28, 2025 at 7:56 pm

    Yup. It’s not that there isn’t money for it, it’s just that the money isn’t ours!

    CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | February 28, 2025 at 8:34 pm

    Agreed. Time for the leaders of these Nations touting their unwavering support of Zelensky to foot far higher % of the bill. They can draw down their accumulated stocks of munitions while they are at it.

    Apart from the UK which has been sending a disproportionate amount of $ and equipment the rest of Europe is mostly talk in comparison with relatively small donations. Strangely these same Nations who are ruled up to eleventy about the supposed danger Russia poses to Europe are massively underfunding their military given we are into the third year of ‘Putin’s War’. If they really believed their BS they wouldn’t be crowing about an increase in defense spending from 2.3% of GDP to 2.5% as the UK just did….and the UK spend a higher % than almost all the remaining Nations.

    diver64 in reply to TargaGTS. | March 1, 2025 at 4:25 am

    If they love the comic and Ukraine so much they can pony up the cash. Why is the US obligated to borrow money from China and send it to Ukraine?

    Dathurtz in reply to TargaGTS. | March 1, 2025 at 5:01 am

    Hell, I am currently paying a “fee” that nearly doubles my price for electricity so that hurricane damage in the southern part of the state can be repaired.

    Why the hell would anyone support rebuilding the infrastructure of another country when ours sucks and I am already paying through the nose for it?

Seems silly for us to rebuild the grid while Russia continues to bomb it.

10% for the big guy.

Hearing this is the song streaming on Z’s iPhone tonight

Zelensky’s position seemed to be: 1) Return of all lands, 2) Financial reparations from Russia, 3) US guarantees for Ukraine security, and 4) Security guarantees simultaneously with a cease fire.. This is not a viable position. Zelensky is going to have to compromise.

    paracelsus in reply to Arnoldn. | March 1, 2025 at 12:12 am

    more ‘n’ likely Skyy will have to/is going to disappear

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to paracelsus. | March 1, 2025 at 9:16 am

      The only people that Zelenskyy will be negotiating with are the bank officials to make sure that the millions in U.S. taxpayer dollars he’s stolen will be readily available when he abandons Ukraine to its fate and high tails it to greener (and safer) pastures in some other country.

    Sanddog in reply to Arnoldn. | March 1, 2025 at 8:01 am

    Those are actually reasonable requests but no one believes Putin would actually be put in his place and there’s currently no real way to force the issue. It’s likely there will be a cease fire with zero security guarantees, giving Putin the time to build his forces back up. Zelensky will most certainly lose the next election by agreeing to what the Ukrainians would view as a bad deal and Putin will install a puppet in Kyiv and they will start pumping in the disinformation. The end result is going to be Ukraine back under the control of Russia. Belarus is basically a client state already and NATO membership isn’t going to stop Putin from looking towards Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. NATO certainly isn’t going to stop him.

When will Trumpski start bombing Ukraine?

    mailman in reply to geronl. | March 1, 2025 at 2:11 am

    It’s amazing just how much the left is against peace in the Ukraine.

    Or is it more a case of them being against a peace created by Trump? 🤔

      diver64 in reply to mailman. | March 1, 2025 at 7:30 am

      It’s more about their money laundering scheme coming to an end and who was getting the dough being exposed.

      Sanddog in reply to mailman. | March 1, 2025 at 8:04 am

      Peace being defined as the absence of conflict. As long as no one opposes Putin, there will be peace. This attitude has bitten us in the ass in the past and it will again in the future.

        mailman in reply to Sanddog. | March 1, 2025 at 5:00 pm

        That seems to be the lefts attitude to this conflict, more invested in ensuring Ukrainians keep dying than they are in stopping the shooting.

        Of course these same lefties were of a completely different opinion with the war Hamas started in Gaza. Couldn’t fall over themselves hard enough demanding immediate ceasefires could they 😂😂

        Boy, if it wasn’t for double standards the left wouldn’t have any at all! 🙄

That USAID official should be fired for stupidity. Of course the infrastructure is being destroyed. War tends to do that as one way to bring the enemy to it’s knees and reduce it’s capacity to wage war. No electricity, no factories churning out weapons, ammunition and other things.

I thought the moron was going to end this war on day one. ( LAFFRIOT)

    CommoChief in reply to tjv1156. | March 1, 2025 at 6:44 am

    Unfortunately he seems to have been under the impression that Zelensky and the People of Ukraine wanted to end the conflict. When brokering a deal for peace it’s really helpful if the belligerent parties desire an end to the conflict. Especially important when that belligerent is steadily losing to the other belligerent.

    Yesterday’s asinine antics by Zelensky in WH clearly demonstrates Zelensky doesn’t recognize the fact that Ukraine is getting curb stomped, that Russia is not gonna give back the bulk of the territory they acquired, that the the People of the USA don’t want to send more $ to a losing cause nor will the European Nations make up the difference leaving him no realistic alternative. It remains unclear if the People of Ukraine desire peace enough to remove the primary obstacle to achieving it, Zelensky.

    steves59 in reply to tjv1156. | March 1, 2025 at 7:24 am

    The article’s not about Biden, dummy.

We say we sent Ukraine, 200 billion dollars and Ukraine says they haven’t received 200 billion dollars.

I’d like to know why there’s a discrepancy.

After that, I’d like an accounting of every dollar we sent over there. Oh, hell let’s just round it off to the nearest million.

Maybe DOGE can help.

    diver64 in reply to RITaxpayer. | March 1, 2025 at 7:32 am

    I’ve seen figures from $100-$300 Billion. It get hard to estimate because of the mix of direct cash, equipment, etc. One thing isn’t in dispute, though and that is no-one seems to know where the money went.

      Liz in reply to diver64. | March 1, 2025 at 10:34 am

      DOD has failed their audits for 7 years. So, with the ammo and equipment that we sent over, was it at the cost that was on the books or another number? And, the US has to replenish our stores of ammo and equipment at a much higher cost.

      I would guess that DOGE audits have come up with an estimate of the amount of money that has been sent in total to the Ukraine. And there is an emphasis to get the US military back to fighting strength and that will take money.

    Sanddog in reply to RITaxpayer. | March 1, 2025 at 8:06 am

    There’s a discrepancy because Biden flooded Ukraine with billions of dollars with zero accountability to show where it was going or if it was being diverted.

      RITaxpayer in reply to Sanddog. | March 1, 2025 at 8:13 am

      Well, Sandog, that is the elephant in the room.

      I read somewhere (I can’t find it now) that the insurrectionist in Syria had some US weapons with serial numbers on them that were sent to the Ukraine.

      We WERE being duped. I like this new route we’re taking.

If all Ukrainians were freezing in the dark, Zelensky would have to end the war, or he’d be deposed. U.S. maintaining their grid prolongs it.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to jimincalif. | March 1, 2025 at 9:45 am

    If Zelenskyy ends the war he will be deposed because then he’d have no further reason to cancel the Ukrainian presidential election. And since his approval rating is in the toilet there’s not way he’d be re-elected. So Zelenskyy’s only option to stay in power is to prolong the war by whatever means necessary.