Report: Man Who Tried to Assassinate Trump Might Have had Accomplice
Rep. Clay Higgins, the chairman of the Congressional group investigating the assassination attempt, admits the FBI has been obstructing the investigation.

A private investigator told The New York Post that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man who tried to assassinate then-presidential candidate Donald Trump in Butler, PA, might have had an accomplice.
A private client hired Doug Hagmann to investigate the assassination attempt after it happened. From The New York Post:
A veteran private investigator from Erie, Pa., who was hired shortly after the fateful July 13 event at the Butler rally to look into Crooks by a private client, told The Post he believes a “criminal network” was operating with him at the time of the assassination attempt, is still in existence and still wants to kill President Trump.
Doug Hagmann, whose team of six other investigators have been working the case for months and have interviewed more than 100 people, said they also conducted extensive geofencing analysis of cellphones and tablets not belonging to Crooks that were found with him at his home, at the rifle range where he took target practice, at the rally and at Bethel Park High School, where he graduated in 2022.
“We don’t think he acted alone,” Hagmann told The Post. “This took a lot of coordination. In my view, Crooks was handled by more than one individual and he was used for this [assassination attempt]. And I wouldn’t preclude the possibility that there were people at the rally itself helping him.”
Hagmann said one of the electronic devices geolocated with Crooks at several different places at the time of the shooting is still pinging today — at Bethel Park High School.
Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), the chairman of the Congressional group investigating the assassination attempt on Trump, “has not seen Hagmann’s geofencing data but downplayed their significance.”
Higgins admitted the FBI keeps obstructing his investigation:
His report into what he calls “J13” was published Dec. 5 as part of the bipartisan task force on the attempted assassination.
But Higgins admitted that even after months of his granular, boots-on-the-ground research — including exhaustive ballistics examinations, trips to FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia, and lengthy conversations with the high-profile Pittsburgh law firm representing Crooks’ parents — he has only one theory.
He thinks Crooks must have been on some sort of prescription drug that made him, in Higgins’ words, “go crazy.”
Unfortunately, the prescription drug theory won’t go anywhere because the medical examiner did not perform toxicology tests for those types of drugs.
If the examiner performed the tests, he did not put them in the autopsy report.
Then officials gave Crook’s body to his parents eight days after the shooting without alerting most of the officials investigating the assassination attempt.
Crooks’ parents cremated his body.
Higgins continued:
“Thomas Crooks was a brilliant engineering student who was on a path to success,” Higgins said, noting that Crooks had been accepted and was given a scholarship to Robert Morris University, where he would be starting in the fall of 2024.
“Something happened to make him go crazy and that’s why I think it might have been pharmaceuticals. He performed an attempted assassination and he was committed all the way through — to death. He was not acting erratic but he was a wild lunatic at the same time, incredibly calculating and incredibly smart.”
However, Crooks’ classmates, teachers, neighbors, and friends would not use “wild lunatic” and “incredibly calculating” to describe him.
They described him differently to the New York Post right after the attempt on Trump’s life:
“He was my little buddy,” teacher Xavier Harmon, 48, who had Crooks in his computer technology class at Steel Center for Career and Technical Education for two years, told The Post last week.
“I just didn’t believe it when I heard it. Tom was the quirky, funny little guy who also loved to excel in class. When he was finished, he’d always go back and help his classmates. He was very intelligent.”
Harmon and other teachers both from his high school and at the Community College of Allegheny County, where he graduated in 2024 with an engineering degree, said there was no indication Crooks was on any type of substance — legal or illegal.
Crooks was a gifted student with nearly straight As all through high school and college. He scored a total of 1530 out of a possible 1600 score on his SATs, according to records.
“I don’t think he set out to kill the president,” Harmon said. “My guess is, he messed with the wrong individuals about what they were going to do and it was different from what he thought it was going to be. Anyone planning to do this would leave some sort of breadcrumbs. But there’s nothing — no paperwork, no itinerary, no even [him] going to websites to [research].”
Former Bethel Park High School counselor Jim Knapp said Thomas and his sister Katie never “fit the profile of a troubled kid and their parents didn’t seem strange, either.”
Knapp found Crooks to be “a nice kid.” He admitted Crooks “stuck to himself a lot but he also had friends.”
A neighbor also never thought the family was strange. Kelly Little said Crooks “was nerdy but nice.”
A few floated the idea that radicalization of Crooks happened at the Community College of Allegheny County.
Crooks’ academic advisor Todd Landree does not subscribe to that theory. He found Crooks to be innovative.
Crooks made a 3-D chess project for blind people in one of the classes, which impressed Landress. Crooks’ mother is visually impaired.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that we will never discover the truth.

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Crooks’ accomplices includes Feds, especially the FBI. Which is why they will never be brought to justice.
I agree with the first half of this comment. But I have some hope, if Kash and crew get serious about this, that those responsible may be brought to justice.
There would be no more effective way of discrediting the deep state than be showing that some of its members plotted to kill the President.
There would be no more effective way of discrediting the deep state than be showing that some of its members plotted to kill the President.
Which now puts the conspiracy hat back on the other hand. Errr, something. If there would be no better way to discredit the Deep State, which Trump has sworn to dismantle, then how can you trust any report you get from his admin saying the Deep State was involved?
This is the danger when the people who need to be trusted start destroying that trust. It rots everything it touches.
ain’t it the coincidence that Crooks just happened to train at the same range as DHS?
No, all of the ranges around me are used by all sorts of LE agencies both local and federal. Someone training at one of them would not indicate any connection to law enforcement.
The information about his academic record, his SAT score (which is higher than the average matriculating scores for Duke, Vandy & Notre Dame) and his partial scholarship to a nearby private school is…interesting. The early mainstream media stories about him largely implied he was a solitary, unremarkable student working in a dead-end, minimum wage job.
There’s zero reason that 6-months after the assassination attempt there’s been no formal report issued by the USSS/FBI.
“might have had an accomplice”
Yeah, like the entire leadership of the Democrat Party.
check this out, despite the FBI’s efforts, there is apparently evidence of another involved
Or he “might have been an accomplice” to the ones who planned it.
He sure did. It was the short, fat chick with arms spread, collapsing into Donald.
Thats actually funny Mike!!
With respect to the prescription drug issue with the autopsy, even without the tests being done, the FBI would still have access to his prescription drug history. There are only so many doctors and pharmacies in that small little town plus his insurance and credit card history would be known. If he was on prescription or illicit drugs, they would know it.
What’s really odd is there is no credible information that this kid had any history of mental health issues. Unlike most spree-shooters where there are troves of acquaintances who will come forward and discuss the assailant’s profound psychological problems, no one has said that about this kid. When someone is mentally disturbed enough to commit this kind of crime, that’s impossible to mask. These aren’t people who are doing well in school, are gainfully employed and have no interactions with law enforcement. They’re unraveling or have unraveled, entirely.
It’s possible that Crooks himself was not the shooter.
That’s why the shooters DNA remnant were all quickly disposed of.
And that’s why Crooks’ parents are hiding out silently in their house. They have been told if they open their mouths, their son–who they know is alive–will be put down.
Pointing this out as a possibility, not a fact.
The problem with this theory is how long do they hold his son? Makes no sense.
No Crooks is the shooter. Why he’s the shooter and how someone convinced him to be the shooter is the question that needs answering.
The biggest reason I believe this is very unlikely is there’s ample video of Crooks walking around the site in the hour before the shooting began. Even the longer-distance video that shows him walking on the roof looks exactly like him, his build, posture and gait that was caught in the earlier video that clearly shows it’s him. This is the best still of him that was taken moments before the first shot rang out. It definitely looks like him a great deal.
on this FOX News video I still wanna know what the tacted out guy @5:10 starting out in the upper right, is up to pointing his rifle at Trump as he gets into The Beast? Was he supposed to finish the job? He looks like he’s talking into his radio right before he moves
I would not be at all surprised to find out that his accomplices included highly placed individuals in US law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
The Fedboi Gang are partly responsible.
We all know a Barney Fife, and the fed ranks are rife with addled loners that are eager to please.
I’d be willing to bet the CIA turned a corner in the MK-ULTRA program started in the 1950s, and is just a tip of the iceberg.
At this point, I’d be happy to die than live with the truth…that is my level of mistrust.
None of it makes any sense
Note the idea of an accomplice comes from the private investigator. I think the feds are merely using that as an excuse.
Also, if you haven’t caught the accomplice by this time (8 months later) you never will, except as some cold case tv special 10 years from now.
“I don’t think he set out to kill the president,” Harmon said. “My guess is, he messed with the wrong individuals about what they were going to do and it was different from what he thought it was going to be. Anyone planning to do this would leave some sort of breadcrumbs. But there’s nothing — no paperwork, no itinerary, no even [him] going to websites to [research].”
He just woke up one morning, proned out on a sloping roof, with a black demon gun next to him, shouting in his ear, “Pick me up! Shoot me! Shoot me!”
LOL – It’s like that Robot Chicken sketch where the kid gets a Bop-It toy as a gift and the next thing he knows he’s sniping some politician because the toy talked him into it.
Hard for a complete amateur to pull that off
Nothing in the excerpt that follows supports that assertion.
And an FBI handler.
This is my shocked face.
“Oh? You finally noticed?”