Rep. Robert Garcia Tries to ‘Own’ Elon Musk, Becomes a Laughing Stock
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Rep. Robert Garcia Tries to ‘Own’ Elon Musk, Becomes a Laughing Stock

Rep. Robert Garcia Tries to ‘Own’ Elon Musk, Becomes a Laughing Stock

Don’t use a song lyric unless you know the context, especially one from a song that implies a person is a pedophile.

Maybe there’s something in the water in Oklahoma because, man, these people are disgusting me even more today than yesterday.

Rep. Rob Garcia (D-CA) thought he would be clever during a House Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency (DOGE) hearing.

Garcia fell on his face, tripping over his feet due to the egg on his face.

Kendrick Lamar

OK, so, first off, Garcia slipped in a Kendrick Lamar lyric to insult the young people working with Musk in DOGE:

The richest person in the world, to hurt people so they can take all of this money that they so called want to save and then give it to themselves, their companies and their billionaire friends. That is the attack that is happening in this committee and across this country, and it’s important that we call it out. We also know, of course, that Elon Musk is sending his unqualified DOGE staff to carry out this agenda.

Across all these agencies, and in some cases, actually teenage staffers. No accountability, no experience, and problematic records. They’re trying to rob you and they’re probably a minorrrrrrr.

Why is this a big deal? Because the highlighted phrase is a Lamar lyric calling Drake a pedophile.

Yes, Garcia tried to be funny by using a lyric about pedophilia.

The lyric Garcia recites, “They’re probably a minor,” is from the song “Not Like Us,” which is known as a Drake diss track.

“Not Like Us” brings attention to the rumors Drake preyed on underage females.

It’s a pretty serious song about a horrible topic. It’s just one of those songs you should tell someone, “DON’T” when they want to use a lyric from it.

I would include songs like Aerosmith’s “Janie’s Got a Gun” in that “JUST DON’T” category.

A few clips from the song:

Say, Drake, I hear you like ’em young. You better not ever go to cell block one. To any b*tch that talk to him and they in love…just make sure you hide your lil’ sister from him

Why you trollin’ like a b*tch? Ain’t you tired? Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A minor

Dick Pic

However, Garcia flat-out called Musk a dick:

[Marjorie Taylor] Greene is in charge of running this committee now. In the last congress, Chairwoman Greene literally showed a dick pick in our Oversight Congressional hearing, so I thought I’d bring one as well.

Now, this, of course, we know, is President Elon Musk. He’s also the world’s richest man. He was the biggest political donor in the last election. He has billions of dollars in conflicts of interest. And we know that he is leading a power grab also abided by and encouraged by Donald Trump.

Best response:


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


I don’t understand the story or the commentary. Maybe this belongs in a stoner chat room.

Stop just stop. We are all embarrassed for you

I watched this a$$hole this morning and he spouted one lie after another. He acted like his audience was made up of children. I hope these morons keep this up but I wish Trump would demand one hour of national media time to tell the people what he is trying to do for them and the Dems are trying to block him by telling lies and using activist judges.

Of course Rep. Garcia is obsessed with minors and dicks. He’s gay.

    CommoChief in reply to Dagwood. | February 12, 2025 at 1:58 pm

    Paedophiles want to have non consensual sex with kids who can’t legally give consent, they prey on children as part of their kink. Gay men want to have consensual sex with other men. Big difference.

      nordic prince in reply to CommoChief. | February 12, 2025 at 2:46 pm

      There’s more than a bit of overlap between those two groups – disproportionate considering their percentage of the general population.

      Crawford in reply to CommoChief. | February 12, 2025 at 3:05 pm

      Yet NAMBLA was part of the early “Pride” parades and in recent years the Gays Against Groomers have been poorly received at such events.

        sheepgirl in reply to Crawford. | February 12, 2025 at 3:49 pm

        Sez crime statistics. The stars might lie but the numbers never do.

        CommoChief in reply to Crawford. | February 12, 2025 at 9:04 pm

        Yet gays against groomers does exist and does oppose the predatory sexual actions of any adult towards children. Their actions brought more condemnation for the monsters who go after children. These folks very publicly stood up to be counted from inside the LGBTQ movement and some paid a price for it being condemned by the radical loudest voices and shunned by their ‘friends’.

        While homosexuality ain’t my cup of tea it also doesn’t matter to me what two consenting adults do in their private lives or behind closed doors. That’s between them and their Creator. We should be happy to accept allies, even if only on this issue, to help keep predators away from kids. IMO, there’s no need to offer gratuitous offense by lumping ‘Gays’ with paedophiles.

          Azathoth in reply to CommoChief. | February 13, 2025 at 9:32 am

          These folks very publicly stood up to be counted from inside the LGBTQ movement and some paid a price for it being condemned by the radical loudest voices and shunned by their ‘friends’.

          They did stand up–and that’s a great thing.

          But they didn’t pay for it from the ‘radical loudest voices’

          The fringes weren’t the issue.

          They paid for it from the majority of the LGBTQ+ community, and politicians and the MSM.

      Dagwood in reply to CommoChief. | February 12, 2025 at 8:11 pm

      My mistake. He’s a gay paedophile.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Dagwood. | February 12, 2025 at 2:22 pm

    To be fair, not all gays are pedophiles.

      George_Kaplan in reply to JohnSmith100. | February 12, 2025 at 8:15 pm

      To be fair, paedophile doesn’t mean child predator – that’d be child molester/child rapist. Paedophile simply means an ‘interest’ in children. Thanks to media abuse of the term however most treat paedophile as a euphemism for child rapist. That’s roughly akin to making husband a euphemism for rapist – an abuse of the English language.

      Thus one can be a moral and law abiding paedophile i.e. one who is tempted by but never succumbs to their interest in children. Interestingly enough it appears that most child molesters and child rapists are not in fact paedophiles.

      By contrast, since ‘gay’ or homosexual refers to a particular choice of lifestyle, one that is illegal in certain countries, was illegal in many countries throughout history, and is consider wrong or sinful by many even today …

        Do we need the opinion of a paedophile?

        Even you, who rush to ‘their’ defense, recognizes that the ‘interest’ they have in children is something that must not be succumbed to–a point that undermines your definitional stance.

        nterestingly enough it appears that most child molesters and child rapists are not in fact paedophiles.

        oh really?

        Please, go back to the hell that spawned you.

    Paula in reply to Dagwood. | February 12, 2025 at 2:47 pm

    “You become what you think about all day long.”

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    diver64 in reply to Dagwood. | February 13, 2025 at 4:59 am

    He is? I know a number of gay men and women. Not one is interested in kids however, as a group, homosexuals do have a higher rate of preying on minors than straight people but not nearly as high as school teachers.

He thinks he’s being bad and being hip. He’s just lame.
Where’s that meme with the old guy with the skateboard and backwards ball cap?

Why do Communists always have to be so stupid?

The aggregate intelligence of Musk & Doge team is probably about 1000 x greater than Robert Garcia. I think that Garcia is too dumb to represent anyone in Congress. We really need to weed out stupid in Congress.

Between the foul-mouthed women of congress and this idiot, who would let their 7 year old daughter watch congress in action? Shame on these low-lives! Esteemed members of congress? Thats an ancient phrase – few of these “leaders” deserve any respect.

He should confine his male appendage comments to being spoken only when he’s at the bathhouse–they’ll appreciate it (and probably understand it) more than we do.

Dickhead comes from German, dick, thick. It means stupid. Dick has migrated from that, so you can’t be sure about it if you’re going to feign outrage.

MoeHowardwasright | February 12, 2025 at 5:57 pm

Rob Garcia bringing a Congressional Committee meeting to the level of a high school sophomore. What a d!(&!

Demoncraps keep saying DOGE has young unqualified people. Seems to me if they are actually qualified, then a lawsuit for slander/libel is called for. Let the demoncraps be the ones to explain under oath just exactly how they are unqualified or pay up.

    George_Kaplan in reply to justacog. | February 12, 2025 at 8:16 pm

    But do they say these things in public, or in Congress where they’re protected? And what would constitute evidence that they are qualified?

      Congressmen are protected wherever they say things. It’s not like the UK, where MPs’ speech is privileged only if it’s on the floor of Parliament, and they can be sued for anything they say outside.

Ok. I don’t know what is a ‘drake’, or even a ‘kendrake’, but apparently they sell songs insulting each other w/ veiled epithets to their respective audience? And people buy this schlock. Is this where we’re at as supposedly educated people??

And some amoral midwit thinks it’s cool to reference this schlock in a congressional hearing. Do I have this right? Can we ban all of them from breeding or voting…?

Thank you, Mary, for explaining this steaming pile schlock to an old goat like me in order for me to grasp this culture is more rotten than I ever imagined.

    henrybowman in reply to LB1901. | February 13, 2025 at 1:30 am

    Singers been dissing each other in their music for a long, long time.
    Lynyrd Skynyrd telling Neil Young that a Southern Man don’t need him around.
    Steely Dan telling John Lennon that only a fool would say that (“Imagine”).
    Heart calling their agent a Barracuda.
    Jermaine Jackson dissing his own brother Michael.

    Hip hop just elevated the diss track to a whole new level.
    Often, the “musicians” just skip the songs and go directly to the gun duels.

“He was the biggest political donor in the last election.”
Really? Musk beat out FTX-boi? Receipts, please…

I don’t know Drake from Scrooge McDuck. I want to hear Bob tell us about him and Julio down by the schoolyard.