Rep. Robert Garcia: ‘Bring Actual Weapons’ to Fight Against Elon Musk
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Rep. Robert Garcia: ‘Bring Actual Weapons’ to Fight Against Elon Musk

Rep. Robert Garcia: ‘Bring Actual Weapons’ to Fight Against Elon Musk

“Well, he is a dick, and I think that he’s also harming the American public in an enormous way.”

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) is getting the attention he craves. I’m willing to give him the attention so we can point and laugh at him.

Garcia doubled down on calling Elon Musk a dick but also said the left needs to “bring actual weapons” to fight against Musk:

BRIANNA KEILAR: I want to hear why. But do you think that calling Elon Musk a dick is effective messaging for confronting what is a potentially irreversible transformation of the US government?

GARCIA: Well, he is a dick, and I think that he’s also harming the American public in an enormous way. And what I think is really important and what the American public want is for us to bring actual weapons to this bar fight. This is an actual fight for democracy, for the future of this country and it’s important to push back on the chairperson of this [House Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency (DOGE)] committee.

I mean, Marjorie Taylor Greene talks about having decorum about bipartisanship. This is the person that lies more than anybody else in the entire Congress. And so if she is going to make a mockery of hearings, I want to make sure that Democrats are bringing that same level of energy, and of course, after those comments, we went into exactly what Elon Musk is trying to do: dismantling the department of labor, dismantling the Department of Education, dismantling all of our consumer protection agencies and so it’s all important.

But it’s also important to get the attention of the American public and call Elon Musk out for what he is and to make people know that Margie Taylor Greene is not a serious legislator and she shouldn’t be treated as such.

Did…did Garcia just threaten violence against Musk? Did Garcia just encourage people to use violence against Musk?

Also, the American people overwhelmingly voted for President Donald Trump. Dude, he DEMOLISHED Kamala Harris.

Plus, since August (I believe), Trump told America that he would appoint Musk and transform an office established by Obama into DOGE to root out waste, corruption, and fraud.

The American public knew this would happen and voted for it.


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Has Robert Garcia gone far enough to bring charges?

    It sure sounds like he is inciting not only violence but an Insurrection which we have told is a bad thing. Pam, are you listening to this?

Arrest his ass for incitement and deliver some consequences for his actions, probably for the first time in his life.

    OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to mailman. | February 13, 2025 at 5:20 pm

    Wasn’t language such as that against a public employee, appointed or staff, deemed actionable recently?

Gay Garcia takes the lead over Mad Max. Ted Loser, and Eric Swallows in the race for dumbest California congress critter.

Wouldn’t you think that Speaker Johnson could censure this clown for using unconstructive and inflammatory language.

DeweyEyedMoonCalf | February 13, 2025 at 3:15 pm

Sounds like he is attempting to incite an insurrection.

And the Marxists thought Jan6 Ralliers were out for a Insurrection

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | February 13, 2025 at 3:23 pm

All of a sudden this Garcia dude is turning up everywhere … and he’s a complete moron.

The worst thing about today’s society is that we have people who are so obviously dumb but they have no shame about flouting their stupidity in public. People who couldn’t pass 8th grade math tests who are trying to pretend they have any clue about anything scientific. Barky was the worst example of this. There is no way he scored north of 940 on his SATs but he was still one of the most arrogant pricks you could ever find. It used to be that people were ashamed of not being able to do basic math – and for good reason. Of course, we also have those who are functionally illiterate, with vocabularies restricted to less than 2000 words (95% of which they couldn’t define on a bet) and have no qualms about jumping up on the stage and demonstrating that backwardness for the world to see …

    “All of a sudden this Garcia dude is turning up everywhere”

    Garcia is the swamp’s patsy, their cannon fodder, their forward scout in the minefield.

    “to make people know that Margie Taylor Greene is not a serious legislator and she shouldn’t be treated as such.”

    Aha, THAT’S where I left my kettle!

    Barky claimed only 940 on the SAT? Hell, my combined score was 1340, and I took the SAT in the early 70s before it was dumbed down.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to DaveGinOly. | February 13, 2025 at 11:55 pm

      No. I contend that he could not score higher than 940 on his luckiest day. He has the mathematical sophistication of a slow 8th grader and his English isn’t all that impressive, either.

      Of course, Barky’s actual SAT scores (and LSATs) are the closest held secrets in the history of planet Earth.

    So isn’t Crockett out of Texas and AOC. It’s like the Dems want to parade their crazy as a badge of honor or something. The same geniuses on the left that assured everyone in the party that jamming Harris down everyone’s throats was a winner seem to be telling the Dems they are not left and crazy enough. I say let them keep going.

How stupid is the news media. I think the programing group behind this newscaster has to be going “how many things can we get her to say?” Harry Bolzs, Dick. How much trolling can you do?

BigRosieGreenbaum | February 13, 2025 at 3:37 pm

“And what I think is really important and…”

No it’s not!

It’s not going to be a battle of wits.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | February 13, 2025 at 3:46 pm

People need to remember that the MSM love saying stuff like this on TV. They were all giddy back in 2010 when they came upon calling us “Tea Baggers” every chance they got. They thought they were so clever and edgy …

These are people with the intellects and emotional landscapes of 11 year olds we’re dealing with, here.

thalesofmiletus | February 13, 2025 at 4:04 pm

Sounds like incitement and insurrection. Lock him up indefinitely because that’s been the standard for the last four years.

If Johnson had a set he would expel this moron and then request an investigation by the DoJ.

When thou findest thyself in a hole, thou shouldst cease digging.

Somebody tell this blithering ten year old fool when you shoot your mouth off, make sure you’re not loaded with blanks.

“And what I think is really important and . . . .” It’s that kind of loud, almost naked hysteria from the MSM that really boosts the quality of life.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | February 13, 2025 at 4:40 pm

I don’t care, Robert!

irishgladiator63 | February 13, 2025 at 5:05 pm

Calling Moonmoth!
Please tell us again how random comments from random anonymous commenters on a small website are going to make voters vote for this guy and his side.

DJT said it best years ago, “They’re not sending their best…”.

Since this asshat is from Cali where the normal people can’t defend themselves anymore I think I have him covered. In fact, I’ll wager every Trump voter has his entire state covered so let’s get it done if you have the balls to start.

Golly. It’s like these marxist meat puppets didn’t get the memo that Trump won, they lost, and elections have consequences.

The vile Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks are stupid and evil; end of story. They are physical adults possessing the intellectual and emotional maturity/ability of toddlers, but, having none of toddlers’ excuses.

Dhimmi-crats are subversive and cancerous fifth columnists who are manifestly unfit to wield a scintilla of political power at any level of government — municipal, state or federal — and, they should be concerned persona non grata in all forums and institutions in American society.

Nothing says “fighting for democracy” than protecting unelected bureaucrats from accountability by preventing the elected chief executive of the country from examining the books of the very agencies and offices for which he is responsible.

He wants to handle things the way his constituents handle things. I would guess that 90% of the people in his area live off of entitlements, and the other 10% run the convenience stores where that money is spent.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | February 15, 2025 at 12:52 am

So … evidently Garcia was an ILLEGAL ALIEN. I’m not sure under which treasonous program he allegedly got citizenship but he has no business being here, let alone making a mockery of this nation in Congress.