“one of the reasons Israelis are so tough is because the enemies they have are truly depraved”
My appearance on Fox News at Night with Trace Gallagher: “The problem with Gaza is that it is so imbued with a terrorist spirit. It is so imbued with a hatred of Jews. It’s so imbued with a hatred of the West, that I don’t know how you get over that.”

I appeared last night, February 21, 2025, on Fox News at Night with Trace Gallagher to talk about the murder of the Bibas children, Ariel and Kfir, while in captivity in Gaza, and the repurcussions:
(Transcript auto-generated, may contain transcription errors, lightly edited for transcript clarity)
Yeah. this is being talked about around the world, Israel revealing new levels of disgust concerning the killings of two very young Jewish boys at the hands of Hamas. Let’s bring in Equal Protection Project founder and Cornell University Law Professor William A. Jacobson. Professor, it’s great to have you on the show, as always. I want to put this up because, I just wanna ask you, when you hear that soundbite, what do you think of Hamas killing these children with their bare hands and how does it affect the relationship with Israel and the ceasefire?
Well, it reflects the depraved enemies that Israel has. These are crimes that are really ISIS level sort of crimes, and it’s done throughout Gazan society, because on October 7th, most of the crimes were committed by Gazan civilians who crossed the border.
They were lined up to cheer and to mock these dead children. An eight month or nine month old child, you had a crowd cheering about it. So people need to understand one of the reasons the Israelis are so tough is because the enemies they have are truly depraved.
Yeah, it’s interesting. I want to put this up because this is Mark Dubowitz. It’s an X-post from him. He is the CEO for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. And he writes: “I deeply regret my decades of support for a Palestinian state under land for peace and the two state solution. I was wrong, badly wrong. I misjudged a society that prioritizes murdering Jewish children over building a better future for its own. I apologize.” Do you think what’s happening, or what happened in the past couple of days, Professor, is changing worldviews, changing attitudes about what’s happening?
I don’t know if it’s changing the world’s view because so much of the worldview is biased against Israel. But it’s certainly changing the Israeli view. I think it’s changing the American view, and it’s changing some views around the world.
The notion that giving land for peace brings peace has been destroyed after October 7th and after what we just saw, this sick spectacle of a crowd cheering over a nine month old child they murdered. I don’t see how you have a two-state solution now. I think that it’s dead. I think that when they killed the little Bibas children, any notion that you can live side by side with people who do that I think is over.
So, yeah, I think that a lot of people who maybe in good faith thought that the answer to the problem is a Palestinian state now realize that that’s not the problem. The lack of a state is not the problem.
Yeah. And you had President Trump, Marco Rubio kind of echoing that. Meantime, do you think that the Arab nations, when it comes to Gaza, when it comes to what to do with Gaza, do you think the Arab nations will come together with any kind of agreement, consensus on, on what the next steps should be?
I don’t think they know what to do any more than anybody else does. The problem with Gaza is that it is so imbued with a terrorist spirit. It is so imbued with a hatred of Jews. It’s so imbued with a hatred of the West, that I don’t know how you get over that.
President Trump came up with a plan that was rejected in the Arab world. I don’t know what the Arab world’s going to do, but what they can’t be allowed to do is funnel billions and billions of dollars into Gaza that end up going into building new tunnels. So I don’t think they know what to do, and I don’t think they’ll come up with a meaningful plan that will work.
Yeah. William A. Jacobson, Professor, thank you for your insight. We appreciate it.

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This destroys the myth that there’s a difference between Islamic terrorists and the ordinary people in Gaza who are peaceful. Hamas is bad, they say, but Gaza people are good.
What a load of Bull!
John Quincy Adams and his studies of Islam tells us
that as far back as his day he realized that honorable and empathetic people are no match for their evil ways. They will never be compatible with any decent people because they think we are the “evil ones.” They’re nuts.
The foolish politicians who let them into America still don’t understand that they not only mean everyone else harm, but have plans to TAKE OVER the world.
Just by seeing how events have unfolded from Oct. 7th to the present and how horrifically they kidnapped, murdered, starved and raped innocent civilians illuminates what they’re made of.
Israel has to keep these Terrorists as far from them as possible with extreme vigilance and they must all be permanently removed from Gaza.
Who would do this to a young Mother and two babies? Certainly NOT anyone human.
I think that there are plenty of us who know what needs to be done. One option is to dump them in South Africa, they love them now, but that would not last long.
In the end it comes down to no one can life with them,
My personal suggestion is to find an island or island chain somewhere far away from anyone else and dump them there until they learn to behave in a civilized manner.
They are barbarians. They will never become civilized.
… which makes North Sentinel Island the perfect place for them.
Whereever you put them, ban the Koran and all islamic texts.
Ireland could take a few, too.
Don’t put all of them in one place if possible, break them up so that their numbers are smaller in the places they are sent to thus making them easier to “handle” for their new caretakers.
Tough? Well that depends on your perspective. I don’t think the Israelis are nearly tough enough. Not as tough as the Allies were during and after WWII. How many US civilians were killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor? About 300 from friendly fire otherwise none. How many American civilians did the Japanese kill? Close to none. Our soldiers were a different story? Decapitated, tortured, starved etc. How many Japanese civilians did America kill? Somewhere between half to one million. Yet most of the world expects Israel to respond in proportion. Or perhaps not at all.
The atrocities have pushed me over the edge, and I advocate the total destruction of Gaza. Now I won’t even go near a Reform Rabbi who pushes the two-state solution, and that’s most of them. They never learn.
You’re forgetting the Rape of Nanking.
The Imperial troops viewed the Chinese as sub-humans deserving whatever the Japanese did to them. The Imperial Japanese Army was set loose on Nanking with the result we now call The Rape of Nanking. Imperial Japanese forces committed war crimes against POWs and civilians on various islands in the Philippines, Dutch East Indies, SE Asia, etc.
I do agree that the Israelis talk tough, start tough, but eventually fail to finish the job – often because the US administration at the time strongly encourages them to stop short of finishing the job. We, and usually the Leftist Israeli government, worry more about what “the world will say” than ensuring that the problem doesn’t arise soon after.
As Golda Meir once said: “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” We haven’t reached that day yet.
They could be–but we always kneecap them when they are winning, Republican or Democrat.
How many Japanese civilians did America kill? Somewhere between half to one million.
There is a reason for that and you know it they refuse to surrender and we would’ve lost 1 million men taking that island just like Sherman, March through , the Japanese people had to pay a price to end that horrible war that they began.
My father, who was a very young man who fought four years in the European war was home on leave, he was being sent to Japan to be one of the 1 million to try to take over Japan.
More than likely, my father would have been murdered along with 999,000 other Americans.
I’m so sick of the example. Japan brought this upon themselves unfortunately.
There is no equivalency
The American calculation was that all the Japanese on the island were not worth the life of a single additional American soldier, widely supported by the way. Once they surrendered, different rules, and they had no better friend than Americans.
Hamas is clearly evil. But what is missing in all this is the voice of any significant Muslim decrying these abominations. Isn’t any Muslim anywhere embarrassed by how Hamas has dishonored Islam, or are they giving their assent to Hamas’s abominations by their silence? If the latter than my description of Islam as a totalitarian political ideology and death cult pretending to be a religion is not contradicted.
I remember seeing video of crowds cheering, nation after nation, on 911.
No contradiction at all Jack. The world, according to Islam, is divided into three parts, the part under sharia law and Islam, the part which has made peace with Islam and is not yet conquered and the part with which Islam is in a war of conquest.
There aren’t words in the vocabulary of a civilized society to describe the level of depravity that condones and applauds the murder of infants and toddlers.
There is an old saying that applies: “Kill ’em all, let God sort them out!”
What is missing in all this are Muslims voices decrying Hamas’s abominable actions. Are there no Muslims who are ashamed of how Hamas has denigrated their religion? The longer they are silent, the more we realize where Muslims really stand and how abominable Islam really is.
No, because it IS consistent with their religion. Wake up!
Here’s a simple rule of thumb. Whatever the issue is-take Israel’s side. You’l be in the right 99% of the time.
Israelis? Tough? Since when? They talk the talk until it’s time to walk the walk. Then you find that it’s all bluster. Hot air and hollow threats. Pagers – good! A bit of follow up but never a finish. Never a permanent solution. The boo hoo hoo gene is just too strong in them. The NEED to be loved kills them and their children every time.
Nothing will change until this ancient and corrupt religion is fully reformed…and that’s not going to happen…so again, nothing will change. Every time an individual raised in this ancient religion is brought into a Western European country or the United States, that country suffers from an increase in lawlessness, crime, misogyny, hatred, and bigotry.
When you are fighting for your very survival, you can’t be a wimp.
“…I don’t know how you get over that.”
A few GBU-43/B (aka MOAB – Mother of all Bombs) would take care of the problem. Of course Western “sensibilities” would never agree to it (not even Israeli Leftists), but it is a definitive answer to the problem.