James Carville Throws Kamala Harris Under the Bus: ‘7th-String Quarterback’
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James Carville Throws Kamala Harris Under the Bus: ‘7th-String Quarterback’

James Carville Throws Kamala Harris Under the Bus: ‘7th-String Quarterback’

“You can’t address a problem unless you’re honest about a problem. And none of this was inevitable.”

Democrat strategist James Carville has been having a months-long meltdown over the 2024 election and the state of his party. He knows that the woke left is dragging the Democrats down. He also knew that the Kamala Harris campaign wasn’t running at full speed.

Now he is being quite frank about Kamala’s candidacy and is basically trashing her. He made these comments at a live event for Firing Line.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

JAMES CARVILLE: We ran a presidential election. If we were playing a Super Bowl, we started our 7th-string quarterback. That’s what happened.

You can’t address a problem unless you’re honest about a problem. And none of this was inevitable. Now, if you were to put the staggering talent that exists in today’s Democratic Party, you heard what I said?

If you had the staggering talent that exists in today’s Democratic Party, and people would have seen that, they’d have gone, I didn’t know they had people like that, can actually complete a sentence, okay, that actually can know how to frame a message, that actually have a sense of accomplishment of doing something. If we would have excited people, and we would have had people from the middle of the country, we would have had people from the coast, we’d have been diverse, we’d have been, and then when you do that, that’s how people get involved in politics. We have not had an inspirational presidential candidate since 2012.

That’s a problem.

Watch the clip below:

So Carville wants Democrats to rally around someone who is exciting and inspirational?

Did he watch any coverage of the DNC this weekend? Does he know who was just elected vice chair of the party?

From the Post Millennial:

BREAKING: Anti-gun influencer David Hogg elected Vice-Chair of DNC

Left-wing social media influencer David Hogg has been elected vice chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), making history as the first member of Generation Z to assume the position.

Hogg, a well-known anti-gun activist, rose to national prominence following the 2018 Parkland school shooting.

He accepted the nomination in a speech that lasted approximately one minute. “Who’s ready to take the fight to the Republicans?” he said. “Let’s go and kick some ass!”

The Democrats may be in the political wilderness for longer than they planned.

Featured image via YouTube.


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It isn’t the messenger.

“staggering talent” …. He got that right.

    diver64 in reply to jb4. | February 2, 2025 at 3:35 pm

    He was absolutely spot on earlier in 2024 when the Dems were in disarray trying to pass things no one wanted and Biden was hiding out on the beach while his campaign was getting steamrolled by Trump.
    Speaking about the WH he said: ” Someone better wake the F*** up over there” and they didn’t, they forced out Biden and rammed Kamala in which cemented Trump’s victory.

Wait… Firing Line still exists??

” . . . the staggering talent that exists in today’s Democratic Party . . . ”


    henrybowman in reply to Halcyon Daze. | February 2, 2025 at 5:30 pm

    “If you had the staggering talent that exists in today’s Democratic Party, and people would have seen that, they’d have gone, I didn’t know they had people like that, can actually complete a sentence, okay, that actually can know how to frame a message”

    Yeah, Sucks for you that they’re not the people in charge of your party anymore.

I’ve heard his rant before. He keeps telling us the the Democrats have a lot of talent, but doesn’t name them. I challenge Carville to name five hot shot Democrats, and tell us where they have shot hot. He gets a lot of obvious stuff right. So what? Shooting fish in a barrel. He needs to tone down the curse words and histrionics so he doesn’t come across as an angry old man.

He is entertaining. Like the side show at a circus.

    Olinser in reply to oden. | February 2, 2025 at 5:32 pm

    Well they just elected DAVID HOGG as the DNC vice-chair.

    Let’s hear Carville’s opinion on him.

    Because I honestly can’t think of a single person that’s better for Republicans.

    korp in reply to oden. | February 2, 2025 at 5:51 pm

    Mark Kelly was a successful Navy pilot and astronaut, his wife got shot and he became anti-gun, he agrees with the rank and file democrats on everything, and he’s been in the Senate for a few years. He’s also young(ish) at 60, and doesn’t have any real scandals that I know of. He has a lot of things going for him and no real negatives, so I’d count him in eventually. Possibly 2028.

    Gavin Newsom is a piece of shit, but he’s governor of the most populous state, has a lot of name recognition, and is again relatively young at 57. Plus he has that movie star look and agrees with the rank and file on everything. He’s a strong candidate for the dems, and I’d say he’s more likely for 2028, but it’s going to depend who the Republicans run.

    Unironically John Fetterman is a dark horse candidate down the line. He’s younger still at 55, and he is more centrist rather than the hyper progressive that own the democratic party right now. He’s pretty popular in one of the key swing states, and he has a reputation as being a relatively reasonable guy. Beyond that, his look and attitude oozes “everyman” and would probably draw a lot of support from that populist block that Trump relies on. There’s a lot of ammo to use against him in terms of positions he’s taken and the fact he had a stroke, but he can turn those into positives with some practice.

    If the democrats copy the Trump campaign and make their candidate do Joe Rogan, TikTok, rallies, etc., then my money right now is on Fetterman. If they stick to a traditional campaign, I’m betting Newsom, with Kelly as a backup if Newsom gets recalled or California gets even worse in the meantime.

      Evil Otto in reply to korp. | February 3, 2025 at 6:14 am

      After the California fires Newsom is likely done. He doesn’t bring anything to the table except his “movie star looks,” which he does have… a creepy Christopher Nolan vibe.

      The Democrat bench is beyond weak. That doesn’t mean that one of them might not pull off a win, especially if Trump really screws up, but if they bring the same old same old they’ll lose.

      Lanceman in reply to korp. | February 3, 2025 at 5:49 pm

      That’s actually who obama was attempting to groom for the nomination. Biden fucked ’em by endorsing Camela out of the gate.

Carville: “…7th string quarterback…” That high, huh?

Hogg: *epic facepalm* The Dems are bound and determined to doom themselves to permanent irrelevancy.

The Democrats will never win another election if they install “Ban all firearms” into their platform and with Attention Hogg as their vice chair there is no way to run from it.

Use RICO to permanently abolish the Democrat crime cabal

    guyjones in reply to rduke007. | February 2, 2025 at 4:47 pm

    More people need to wake up to the Dhimmi-crats’ grift. That’s all they are — a wretched criminal organization masquerading as a political party, funneling trillions of dollars of U.S. taxpayers’ money into the pockets of their innumerable cronies, toadies, courtiers, dependents and grievance-mongering groups — at home, and, abroad.

Putting lipstick on a Hogg doesn’t make him anything but a Hogg.

“Staggering Talent” within the DNC is a person who can complete a sentence.

    guyjones in reply to Sanddog. | February 2, 2025 at 4:45 pm

    Complete a sentence, and, not drop expletives in every other sentence, when they’re attempting to look “cool” and “hip.”

    henrybowman in reply to Sanddog. | February 2, 2025 at 5:36 pm

    “People with less competence deserve higher positions.”
    That’s your whole damn ethos now.
    You pooped in your own reservoir.
    As poetic justice goes, you have just written your own “Macbeth.”

    I think it refers to their ability to consume an entire box of cheap Chardonnay and remain partially coherent

Carville had better watch his back.

Under the vile Dhimmi-crats’ rulebook, one is not allowed to criticize women “of color.” They are considered to be infallible and beyond reproach.

Yet… for all the talk of epic win
Trump only won popular vote by 2 million

Supposively Harris got 75 million to his 77 million

That’s just mind blowing to me

Do I think a few million was cheating ? Yes, but still, millions and millions of idiots

I play pickelball and went to dinner after play with a handful. Of 5 people, I was the only Trump supporter.

I’m always amazed that over 50 people, in the South, I. Texas, would support that freaking fool and the policies….

They actually think Trump is a dictator and antigay( 2 were gay men) doesn’t matter that he has many gays in his leadership

I really think they think gays and trans are the same issue.


    guyjones in reply to gonzotx. | February 2, 2025 at 5:25 pm

    I agree that it’s appalling that 75 million gullible lemmings and fools wanted to continue on the path of eroded American deterrence and credibility in foreign affairs; coddling and enabling of Islamofascist/Muslim terrorist regimes and groups; coddling and enabling of illegal aliens, and, other criminals; idiotic, unfeasible, impoverishing, economy-wrecking and national security-undermining “green” energy/”climate change” schemes; corrosive, racist and unlawful “DEI” schemes in school admissions, job hiring and contract awards; “trans” misogyny, the invasion of girls’/women’s private spaces and sports, and, the abuse/exploitation/mutilation of impressionable children and teens; etc., etc., but, I take comfort in knowing that #47 won by a comfortable margin (yes, it should have been far larger) despite having endured nearly ten years (at the time his re-election) of non-stop Dhimmi-crat media vilification, slanders, and other assorted negative coverage. It’s truly amazing and a testament to the common sense of at least one-half of the U.S. electorate.

    J.D. Vance’s victories in the 2028 and 2032 presidential elections will be by larger margins of victory. I’m looking forward to that.

      guyjones in reply to guyjones. | February 3, 2025 at 5:48 am

      Also, it should be observed that #47 won ~82% of U.S. counties. That is an incredibly impressive figure and achievement, and, to me, this statistic is more impressive and important than the popular vote (in which crone-harlot, Harris’s, vote totals are swelled by highly populated and overwhelmingly “blue” cities located in “blue” states , such as Commiefornia, New York, Illinois, etc.

      The counties map and number totals show that the GOP’s support is geographically broad, while the Dhimmi-crats’ support is narrow/thin and concentrated on the coasts and a handful of inland areas.

    henrybowman in reply to gonzotx. | February 2, 2025 at 5:41 pm

    Once MSNBC and CNN self-immolate, I suspect those numbers will suddenly change. Western media has been treating the west to a steady diet of nothing but socialist bullshit for decades, and that has the unfortunate effect of dumbing-down American opinion.

I’m watching a documentary on Jan 6.
Unbelievable sadness, what those bastards did to these innocent people, the stories of those who could t take the pressure anymore and committed suicide, the young children who didn’t see their father , or mother, for years…


Ole Serpent Head can’t really talk about being 7th string without looking in a mirror. He hasn’t been relevant in decades. Don’t go away mad, James, just go away.

Three paragraphs from potty-mouth, potato-mouth Carville is too many. James, the problem is that the Democratic Party consists of corrupt fascists and nut cases. Go back to your woods!

Staggering Talent? Talent at what? Who among being name democrats has shown “staggering talent?” Democrats destroy everything they touch: Border security; education; police forces that protect us; military across all – yikes; and endless list. Spare me the ignorant rhetoric.

    henrybowman in reply to B. | February 2, 2025 at 8:19 pm

    If “staggering talent” is a euphemism for “alcoholically impaired before the cameras,” I’d put up Hillary, Kamala, and Melanie Stansbury for the primaries.

Republicans/conservatives cannot assume anything. No guarantees. Remember democrats know how to take our money, wash and dry it, and line their pockets. They also know how to cheat.

At this point, Carville is indistinguishable from my lizard-skin boots.

irishgladiator63 | February 2, 2025 at 10:07 pm

Democrats don’t care about the quarterback. They win by paying off the referees.

Carville is scum, and always has been. Back in October he was sure Harris would win. Now?


“If we were playing a Super Bowl, we started our 7th-string quarterback.”

Why anyone listens to this viper is beyond me. He hasn’t been relevant since the Clinton administration.

Carville’s conveniently omitting that the democrat party didn’t hold an open primary in 2023-24 is because of Robert Kennedy Jr’s candidacy, and to hide Biden’s mental decline. The uniparty’s worst nightmare would have been a Trump vs. RFK race, because they don’t own either one of them.

Alex deWynter | February 3, 2025 at 9:32 am

Carville is, and always has been, an unprincipled political psychopath who never met a scruple he wouldn’t bend over the back of a couch.

He also has an ego the size of Jupiter.

Carville’s just mad ‘cos they didn’t use their 97th string candidate so instead of running for president, he hadda sir it out and whine from his porch wearing an out of season Mardi Gras shirt.

Kamala is proof that DEI is insane.

I seem to remember this serpent-headed idiot bragging that the 87 IQ cackling whore was gonna beat Trump in a landslide. It was all ovah.

You had ONE obvious truth back in the 90s, Jimmy. Shut your homely mouth and go away, finally.