DEI References Deleted From Stanford U. Websites
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DEI References Deleted From Stanford U. Websites

DEI References Deleted From Stanford U. Websites

“We are committed to working aggressively to continue seeking diversity through legal means.”

Stanford University scrubbed all references to DEI from all of its websites thanks to President Donald Trump’s executive order. From Campus Reform:

According to The Stanford Daily, the school scrubbed multiple references to DEI-related topics, including a statement on the university’s “About” page that affirmed “deep respect for diversity in all its forms.”

The school’s page outlining a DEI initiative called “IDEAL,” which stands for “Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in a Learning Environment,” has also been trimmed down.

An archived version of the page from January includes references to a “Strategic Plan” related to DEI, but that has been removed on the current page.

Other links on the archived page, such as an “IDEAL Dashboard” showing the “composition of the Stanford community” and a link to a page describing “other IDEAL related campus initiatives,” are not on the page currently listed on Stanford’s website.

Last month, Stanford University President Jonathan Levin said that the school would need to “review” DEI programs and that some might need to be “modified” following President Trump’s executive order, according to The Stanford Daily.

In a statement provided to the Stanford Report last fall, Stanford University Provost Jenny Martinez said that the school will continue to work toward upholding “diversity” through “legal means.”

“We are committed to working aggressively to continue seeking diversity through legal means,” Martinez said, “including through the further expansion of our outreach to high-achieving students from underserved populations, and to fostering community for our students here on campus.”


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I suspect that they will continue to discriminate in their hiring of faculty and staff, just in a less obvious manner. It will be interesting to see if white males will be hired in similar proportions to their numbers in the applicant pool.

The secret here is to tell the white male applicants to not bother applying, and thus keep their numbers down.