City of Worcester, MA, Votes to Become ‘Transgender Sanctuary City’
“If you say that you’re afraid of Trump and that’s why you don’t want the city to be a safe space for trans people, you better prepare for trans people to make this a very unsafe space.”

The city of Worcester, Massachusetts, has voted to become a ‘sanctuary city’ for transgender people after a recent city council meeting. While this is hardly surprising, it is absolutely unnecessary.
The city council of Worcester has a member who is nonbinary, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey is a member of the LGBT community, and there are already numerous towns and cities throughout the commonwealth which pride themselves on being overtly LGBT friendly.
Members of the trans community turned out for the city council meeting, where this issue was discussed and offered some outrageous comments.
FOX News reports:
Massachusetts town votes to become a transgender ‘sanctuary city’ after wild city council meeting
The Worcester City Council in Massachusetts voted in favor of a resolution to become a sanctuary city for those transgender and gender-diverse Tuesday.
During a lengthy city council meeting, approximately 200 people from the LGBT+ community arrived to show their support for the resolution—often expressing concerns for their safety under the new Trump administration.
One speaker, donning a purple wig, pearl necklace and white gloves, said she needs the city to protect her because the federal government will not, and she is “afraid of Trump.”
The speaker, who also claimed to have a multitude of disabilities, addressed fears that the city would become a target of the administration and lose federal funding if the measure was passed, then issued a warning.
“If you say that you’re afraid of Trump and that’s why you don’t want the city to be a safe space for trans people, you better prepare for trans people to make this a very unsafe space,” she said.
“I’m shaking right now. I don’t want to be here,” another speaker shouted into the microphone before being asked to wrap up.
“I’m sorry, am I taking too long pleading for my life?” the speaker fired back.
Here’s a highlight reel of comments from the meeting. Enjoy.
Last night, Worcester, Massachusetts voted to become a “Sanctuary City for Transgender and Gender Diverse People”
The City Council Meeting before the vote was… Interesting:
(@alx) February 12, 2025
The folks at seem downright giddy about this and all too eager to make this all about Trump:
It’s official: Worcester is a ‘sanctuary city’ for transgender community
The resolution, filed by Worcester resident Allie Cislo on behalf of Queer Residents of Worcester and Our Allies, asked the City Council to declare itself “a sanctuary city and a place of safety for transgender and gender diverse people.”
It comes in the wake of a series of executive orders signed by President Donald Trump that include limiting access to gender-affirming care for children and teenagers and reducing the government’s definition of gender to only male and female.
“The trans, nonbinary, and LGBTQIA+ community in Worcester and nationally are being attacked by President Trump,” Cislo said in the resolution.
In declaring Worcester a “sanctuary city,” the City Council committed to equal protections for LGBTQIA+ people.
Longtime Boston conservative talk host Jim Polito appeared on the The Ingraham Angle last night and alleged that members of the pro-trans crowd indulged in some sickening acts of antisemitism at the meeting as well. What a surprise.
Thank you @StudiGo_LLC for making it so convenient and easy to do a live shot. If this was possible before, maybe I would not have left TV for radio and podcasting. Special thanks to your tech Peter Tran for being the best.
— Jim Polito (@JimPolito) February 13, 2025
Featured image via YouTube.

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Literally drama queens!
There was a sound track to the blue-haired “lady” and the others,
How about “Bring in the clowns”?
“Send in the Clowns”, I think you meant.
I would have guessed that Insane Clown Posse would be doing the soundtrack for this event.
Yes, of course. Thanks.
Nice to see Tranny will have ‘safe space’. Will the City be providing housing and financial support? Medical care to include elective surgeries for ‘transitions’? Will they pay for transportation to this new Tranny Oasis? If no then they are just as guilty of over sensationalized performative BS as the advocates.
It is kind of a low bar to clear, though, with there being no stripper poles in the room for the activists to gyrate on.
Did the Fuzzy Grape close?
(Parodied in Family Guy fans as the Fuzzy Clam…)
I recommend circuses be used for safe spaces for transgenders.
Rodeos would work, too.
Good on Worcester all the nutty people can gather in their city; less for everyone else.
That’s what I was thinking, too. “Can we send you ours so they’ll be safe?”
That’s a great picture of Mayor Joe Petty.
Is this an article about clowns? That clown with the blue hair is one helluva scary clown.
They’re erecting tollbooths on I-290 to offer mandatory tickets to the Big Top.
If history is any guide, transgenders will make Worcester “safe for” transgenders the same way Mao made China “safe” for Mao.
Actually, they will take over Worcester like the homosexuals took over Provincetown on the Cape making it so discomforting to average people that they will stop going there.
It looks like lunch break at Clown College.
The white gloves were the giveaway.
One speaker, donning a purple wig, pearl necklace and white gloves, said she needs the city to protect her because the federal government will not, and she is “afraid of Trump.”
SOOOO many problems in that one sentence, alone. From it’s not a “she” to needing to be protected to TDS. Oof.
who also claimed to have a multitude of disabilities
Well, at least one of them is obvious to all observers….
you better prepare for trans people to make this a very unsafe space
You mean like Covenant School?
the City Council committed to equal protections for LGBTQIA+ people
And, can anyone articulate what “protections” they did not have before the vote tonight? Ones that other people have and they don’t?
No? None?
The level of desperate here is palpable.
It’s so palpable even a caveman can feel it.
You want that for your community, cool, just make sure you bear the cost yourself. I’m not helping you pay for that garbage
I was in a tavern in Worcester last night, and my buddy Dan walked in with a torn shirt, messed up hair and a black eye. I asked “Dude, what happened to you?”
He replied that a 6′ 5″ blue haired lady weighing 240 lbs beat him up because “she” felt threatened, and the Police let it happen.
It is coming, not in boots nor televised. I hope they choose cute flats and a trendy handbag.
They should rename themselves to Lunatic Asylum, MA. At least, that will let unsuspecting people know what the place is really about before they go there.
The cool part is that they can still pronounce it “Woos-tah”, since they never bothered much which spelling rules.
How do other people pronounce “Worcestershire Sauce?”
(Say it really fast) Wash-your-sister-sauce. There you go! LMAO
“Whose your sister’s sauce.”
Its pronounced “What’s dis heah sauce?”
Lived two towns away from Worcester for 15 years, It deserves to crash and burn. Its stupidity and corruption are legendary, even for Massachusetts.
If you wanted a concealed carry license there, you were forced to attend a “gun safety” course (and pay for it). Only one was approved in the city, and it just happened to be offered by the chief’s brother-in-law. It was one night, about 90 minutes. During the “course,” no student even got to SEE a gun, much less touch one (except for the grips protruding from the instructor’s holster). They were no more safe when they left than when they entered, .Graft from start to finish,
Why do all trannies dress with clown makeup?
A more clownish version of Nancy Pelosi.
If he wants to be taken seriously he needs to dress properly like Rachael Levine or Sam Brinton.
We REALLY need to re-open America’s mental hospitals, and quickly!
So America’s seeing a Sodom and Gomorrah versus righteousness and sanity divide? Well then it’ll turn into a place where angels ‘fear to tread’!
Those who fail to learn from history are damned to repeat it.
I went to Boston and Plymouth MA in the 70’s as a high school student. I have fading Polaroids tucked away of the high points from that trip. Those memories and pictures are long lost from the present day. Thank God, I still live in the red state of Florida where I was born.
New winter home of the Circus, clown division. They cannot be taken seriously!