Catholic Group Denounces ‘Queer Bible’ Class at Wellesley College
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Catholic Group Denounces ‘Queer Bible’ Class at Wellesley College

Catholic Group Denounces ‘Queer Bible’ Class at Wellesley College

“explores the social construction of gender…in the biblical world”

So stunning and brave. Do you think Wellesley will be offering a similar course on the Quran? I’m guessing no.

The College Fix reports:

‘Ideological cudgel’: Catholic group denounces Wellesley ‘Queer Bible’ class

Wellesley College in Massachusetts offers a “Queer Bible” course that “explores the social construction of gender…in the biblical world.”

The course is an exercise “in self-serving revisionism,” C.J. Doyle, the executive director of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, told The College Fix via email.

“Although founded in the 19th century by Evangelical Presbyterians, Wellesley College is now a secular, culturally conforming, post-Christian institution, which embraces homosexualist ideology,” he said.

Courses such as “Queer Bible” are “a kind of academic special pleading, intended to effect social change and cultural revolution—in this case, the mainstreaming of homosexuality,” Doyle said.

Students are unlikely to find “the disinterested pursuit of truth, scholarly merit, and theological integrity” in such courses, he said.

He also said it is “improbable that such a school of Biblical interpretation, if one can call it that, would extend beyond the intellectual ghetto of the Woke Left.”

“Certainly, it will not find a home in the continued growth of a robust, traditional Catholicism, nor in the belief systems of Eastern Orthodox Christianity or Evangelical Protestantism,” Doyle said.

He told The Fix the religious groups most likely to embrace this revisionist perspective on traditional Christian morality are the mainline Protestant churches, which are experiencing severe declines in membership.

“Queer theory in Biblical studies will remain what is—an ideological cudgel used in the culture war—rather than a reputable school of scholarly thought,” he said.

The course is offered by Assistant Professor of Religion Eric Jarrard, who earned his doctorate in Hebrew Bible from Harvard University.

The Fix reached out to the Professor Jarrard, Wellesley’s media relations team, and the school’s religious studies department to learn more about the specifics and purpose of the course twice via email in the last two weeks. None responded.

According to the university, the course is “[a]n introduction to the Bible at the intersection of queer theory, biblical interpretation, and the historical study of the ancient Middle East.”


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I am SO excited about this! I am just sure that this is going to be of TREMENDOUS USE to me in my post-college career…

As a barrista.

I don’t know. With some hard work you might be able to make pope.

“Catholic Group Denounces ‘Queer Bible’ Class at Wellesley College”
“the executive director of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts,”
A LAY organization.
Not in any way an official arm of the Church — the same folks who run places like Georgetown and Notre Dame.

    ztakddot in reply to henrybowman. | February 18, 2025 at 4:21 pm

    I used to think they were like ADL for catholics but even more easily triggered. Bill Donohue was their president and the go to person for anything catholic in Boston, He didn’t cover himself with glory during the priest pedo scandal.