Trump Tells Putin to End Ukraine War: ‘We Can Do It the Easy Way, or the Hard Way’
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Trump Tells Putin to End Ukraine War: ‘We Can Do It the Easy Way, or the Hard Way’

Trump Tells Putin to End Ukraine War: ‘We Can Do It the Easy Way, or the Hard Way’

“If we don’t make a ‘deal,’ and soon, I have no other choice but to put high levels of Taxes, Tariffs, and Sanctions on anything being sold by Russia to the United States, and various other participating countries.”

President Donald Trump told Russian dictator President Vladimir Putin that if he doesn’t put an end to the war in Ukraine, he won’t have a choice but to punish the country via the economy.

Trump wrote on Truth Social:

I’m not looking to hurt Russia. I love the Russian people, and always had a very good relationship with President Putin – and this despite the Radical Left’s Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX. We must never forget that Russia helped us win the Second World War, losing almost 60,000,000 lives in the process. All of that being said, I’m going to do Russia, whose Economy is failing, and President Putin, a very big FAVOR. Settle now, and STOP this ridiculous War! IT’S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE. If we don’t make a “deal,” and soon, I have no other choice but to put high levels of Taxes, Tariffs, and Sanctions on anything being sold by Russia to the United States, and various other participating countries. Let’s get this war, which never would have started if I were President, over with! We can do it the easy way, or the hard way – and the easy way is always better. It’s time to “MAKE A DEAL.” NO MORE LIVES SHOULD BE LOST!!!

During the campaign, Trump vowed to end the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Way too many outlets think it started three years ago. No, it began in 2014, especially when Russia snatched Crimea away from Ukraine.

Russia just escalated it three years ago.

Before the election, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said many times that he thought Trump was the one who could get Putin to end the war:

Earlier this month, Zelensky told Ukrainian television:

Zelenskiy also said a priority was to stabilise the front line early in the new year. Putin, he said, feared negotiations as they would be tantamount to a defeat for Russia.

“Trump can be decisive. For us, this is the most important thing,” Zelenskiy said in a televised interview.

“His qualities are indeed there,” Zelenskiy said of Trump. “He can be decisive in this war. He is capable of stopping Putin or, to put it more fairly, help us stop Putin. He is able to do this.”


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Trump will find something outside the war that Putin wants. Casinos in Moscow or something.

“N0, [the conflict in Ukraine] began in 2014, especially when Russia snatched Crimea away from Ukraine.
No, it started when NATO persisted in moving eastward, contrary to assurances that were given to the USSR in exchange for not standing in the way of German re-unification. Also, you’ve grossly oversimplified things by omitting to mention the 2014 Maidan revolution in which arch-neocon Victoria Nuland was a prominent player. Only after that did Russia grab Crimea.

Given NATO’s perfidy, and US officials’ stated interest in destroying/dismembering Russia and achieving “regime change” in Russia, Trump (and LI editors) are delusional if they assume that Russia can be bullied into settling this war on any terms that don’t ensure Russia’s long-term security.

    4rdm2 in reply to moonmoth. | January 22, 2025 at 3:43 pm

    Sorry, but no. Russia is 100% in the wrong. Full stop. Even wanting this Ukraine mess done, Russia is still wrong. There is nothing good about them. They don’t deserve to gain anything out of this whatsoever.

      moonmoth in reply to 4rdm2. | January 22, 2025 at 3:59 pm

      “Russia is 100% in the wrong.” That is a demonstrable lie, as I have already shown.

      “[Russia doesn’t] deserve to gain anything out of this whatsoever.”
      Your opinion of what Russia “deserves” is immaterial. Russia sees the possibility of NATO and its nuclear-capable missiles in Ukraine as an existential threat, just as the US saw the presence of Soviet nukes in Cuba. Russia is not going to allow that, just as we did not allow the nukes in Cuba.

        geronl in reply to moonmoth. | January 22, 2025 at 4:04 pm

        Russia is 100% in the wrong. That is a fact.

        Petrushka in reply to moonmoth. | January 22, 2025 at 4:11 pm

        BS. Ukraine had nukes and gave them up for guarantees of security.

        4rdm2 in reply to moonmoth. | January 22, 2025 at 4:25 pm

        No, it isn’t. Russia is wrong, period. NATO is no threat whatsoever to Russia in any way so long as Russia leaves its neighbors alone. Full stop. Russia. Knows this. What they are upset about is potentially losing the ability to overrun their neighbors and nothing else,

          Paul in reply to 4rdm2. | January 22, 2025 at 4:55 pm

          The distance from Kiev to Moscow is about the same as the distance from Cuba to Washington DC. From the eastern border of Ukraine it’s a much shorter distance.

          4rdm2 in reply to 4rdm2. | January 22, 2025 at 7:15 pm

          Irrelevant. NATO has no interest in invading Russia. Russia does however have interest in invading it’s neighbors.

          henrybowman in reply to 4rdm2. | January 23, 2025 at 2:39 am

          “NATO is no threat whatsoever to Russia in any way so long as Russia leaves its neighbors alone. Full stop.”

          Minor incursion guarantees and severed pipelines notwithstanding…

      Dolce Far Niente in reply to 4rdm2. | January 22, 2025 at 5:06 pm

      So, you are fine with the Ukrainian government , the one the USA helped install after deposing the democratically elected Yanukovych government, shelling and killing 10,000 ethnic Russian Ukrainians in the so-called “breakaway” provinces?

      A prime reason, although not the only one, that sent Russia into Ukraine, but that’s cool, right?

      JohnSmith100 in reply to 4rdm2. | January 22, 2025 at 6:37 pm

      Russia should vacate Crimea, and pay restitution.

      Ironclaw in reply to 4rdm2. | January 22, 2025 at 6:50 pm

      Like it or not, they’re going to gain out of this. They have what they wanted at the very beginning and that is Crimea and a land bridge that connects Mainland Russia to it. There’s no Universe where they’re going to give that up. That’s just facts and you can accept it or not they don’t care

    At a minimum, I expect Putin will demand that Ukraine never become a member state of NATO. That will be a red line position for him. And really, who could blame him for that position? From a tactical perspective, the eastern border of Ukraine is half-way to Moscow.

    Suburban Farm Guy in reply to moonmoth. | January 22, 2025 at 3:58 pm

    I have said that for years, and Trump is probably smart enough to see it too.


    geronl in reply to moonmoth. | January 22, 2025 at 4:03 pm

    Please. The war is just Russian expansionism. Pure and simple.

    Virginia42 in reply to moonmoth. | January 22, 2025 at 4:58 pm

    Crimea has also historically never been ‘Ukrainian.” They got administration of it after WW2 as a “reward” from Kruschchev.

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to moonmoth. | January 22, 2025 at 5:48 pm

    NATO is a defensive alliance, not an offensive alliance. If Russia does not attack a NATO member, it has nothing to worry about.

    joejoejoe in reply to moonmoth. | January 22, 2025 at 7:23 pm

    v lad. Wassup

Trump should invite Putin to church and have Bishop Budde preach to him.

Based on NATO’s current position, it is certain that Russia will win this war.

Ukraine does not have the boots on the ground to make any progress.

The USA will not send any troops. The remaining members of NATO are either unwilling to send any troops or provide very few troops.

Russia has the boots on the ground and is steadily taking additional ground each and every day.

Trump should accept Russia’s terms and stop the killing and destruction ASAP!

Also, Evil Bidon is personally responsible for most of this war’s death and destruction.

Early on, a settlement was actually initialed.

Evil Bidon forced Ukraine to renege on the deal,

    ‘Trump should accept Russia’s terms and stop the killing and destruction ASAP!’

    Abject surrender to a tyrant? That would make Trump the worst President in history.

      mailman in reply to geronl. | January 22, 2025 at 5:14 pm

      Whether you like it or not there is gong to have to be give and take from both sides.

      I would think Russia will get to keep the don bas (as that area was always majority Russian) and the Crimea while Ukraine gets what’s left over plus permanent eastern presence in the region.

      What is clear is that adults are actually needed to bring this war to an end and funding it with never ending cash and things that go boom is just doing the same that’s already been done and hoping that this time it’s gonna work!

      henrybowman in reply to geronl. | January 23, 2025 at 2:43 am

      We keep having to remind people that neither Biden nor Trump is president of Ukraine. Although Biden spend our money like he was.

Why does he do this publicly?

American Human | January 22, 2025 at 5:04 pm

I spent a considerable amount of time in Russia between 2005 and 2013. I can say without excuse that the Russian people are good, decent, hard-working, and educated. They have their societal problems (drinking) but the Russians I worked with were dedicated and determined to get things done. They were kind and friendly and fun too. We used to take them bowling and treat them to dinner (they didn’t make that much) and we all had a good time. Its always political leaders who make countries not like each other.
Russia is now sending troops as old as 70 years into battle. The Norks (12,000) are fodder and they must know it. They have no battle experience and are suffering. Putin is destroying his economy by putting more and more $$ into building military weapons. He doesn’t have spare parts or people trained in maintenance (which they don’t seem to know anything about)
I disagree that Russia is winning. No one is winning anything. The fronts are meat-grinders killing more and more men on both sides with no end in sight and no end-game at all. Russia has lost more men to death and injuries than during the entire Afghanistan war with NOTHING to show for it. About a quarter of all military aged men have left the country. The Russian officers do not know seemingly anything about fighting a war. The Russian army is a paper tiger. Ukraine is maintaining because they have a greater motivation (their country is being attacked) and they are more resourceful too.
Both sides should throw down their arms and just stop. The status quo would stop the meaningless slaughter on both sides.

American Human | January 22, 2025 at 5:26 pm

Driving down the cost of oil would go a long, long way to stopping the war. Russia depends greatly on selling oil. They don’t have much $$ now and a drastic reduction in oil revenues would destroy their economy. Even Putin (maybe) wouldn’t starve his entire nation just to save face would he?

Drill baby drill!!

    Opening up US gas and oil fields will have that impact pretty damned quickly. Which begs the question of why Biden didn’t do this? Was he owned by Russia? 🤔

I have no problem with #47’s remarks, except for the flattery giving the Soviet Union credit for helping to win WWII. The Soviet Union’s help in that endeavor only came after that country gleefully and naively allied with Hitler and the Nazis, and, was stabbed in the back for its gullibility. Let’s not omit that fact. And, let’s recall the oppression and misery that the Soviet Union imposed on East Germany and the rest of the communist bloc, during the Cold War.

    Milhouse in reply to guyjones. | January 23, 2025 at 3:59 am

    Also, the number of people the USSR “lost” in WW2, which keeps increasing on every retelling, depends on the Sovets’ word, and includes millions murdered by the Soviets rather than by the Germans.

“”put high levels of Taxes, Tariffs, and Sanctions on anything being sold by Russia to the United States,””

Including uranium?