Trump Sentenced to Unconditional Discharge in New York Hush Money Case
Trump won’t face punishment, but will be labeled a felon.

Judge Juan Merchan sentenced President-elect Donald Trump to unconditional discharge.
In New York, an unconditional discharge means the court found someone committed the crime but thinks a punishment doesn’t serve a purpose.
That means Trump won’t serve prison time, fine, or probation supervision.
The sentencing means Trump is a felon. None of us are stupid. We all know the whole point of this circus was to slap Trump with the felon label.
Judge sentences Trump to an 'unconditional discharge'
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 10, 2025
A jury found Trump guilty of 34 felony counts for falsifying business records to pay off Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair.
Judge Juan Merchan refused to throw out the guilty verdict, scheduling the sentencing for January 10, ten days before the inauguration.
However, Merchan hinted that Trump won’t face any punishment.
Merchan said it’s “proper at this juncture” to inform everyone that it’s the “Court’s inclination to not impose any sentence of incarceration, a sentence authorized by the conviction but one the People concede they no longer view as a practicable recommendation.”

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to the full extent allowed by law.
*clears throat*
Alright, ten more days to the inaugural. Suck it, Left-wing and NeverTrump w(hore)ds!

Retribution can’t happen soon enough
Retribution will not ever happen.
They have called him a felon from the first indictment.
Who cares what they call him. I would like to think that this will be overturned on appeal since it had so many irregularities in just the jury instructions much less the other conduct of the judge and prosecutors.
They act as if this matters. An NYC jury would have convicted Trump of anything.
Trump could have been charged with the murder of someone still alive, had that person come and testify that they were still alive, and the jury would still have convicted him of murder.
riiiight. Trump’s an honest guy. Never lies or does anything wrong. it’s all lawfare. You wear that red hat well.
Much more stylishly than your red nose.
Given the BS they had to pull to “convict” him of a non crime, apparently he doesn’t do anything wrong. So they had to make it up.
False dichotomy. It is not necessary to suppose that Trump is a saint in order to maintain that this case against him, and indeed all the cases against him, are pure BS.
Though one does have to wonder why they couldn’t find anything genuine to go after him for, so that they had to resort to making up these ridiculous cases. It must be that he hasn’t done anything chargeable within the statute of limitations.
The conviction will be thrown out on appeal. The case consisted of a number of steps, each of which individually, appeared mechanistically correct, but when viewed as a whole were obviously cobbled together with the sole view of punishing one man under the pretext of a concocted, nonexistent crime.
Thrown out by which court? The NY appeals court have already shown us what they are about as has Roberts and ACB
No, they haven’t. Not yet, anyway.
TY Mary
I get it. I don’t like it. But 47 will make it work to his advantage. Yugely. Mugshot x 1000000.
“We all know the whole point of this circus was to slap Trump with the felon label.“
No, that was the fallback purpose of the charade, amended post election. The intended purpose was to prevent Trump from returning to the White House. Just like after the assassination attempt, he’s emerged bruised and bloodied but resilient and victorious. As the saying goes, they won the battle, but he won the war.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I meant the sentencing.
I know. But we mustn’t lose sight of the big picture. Trump being labeled a “felon” is a mere table scrap compared to their intended purpose. Of course, they will milk it for all it’s worth. On Inauguration Day the MSM pundits will repeatedly point out that Trump is the first convicted felon to be inaugurated President. A small victory indeed before Trump walks triumphantly back into the Oval Office and starts signing EO’s.
Who cares. Trump will wear it like a badge till he tears it off and shoves it down their putrid mouth holes
“On Inauguration Day the MSM pundits will repeatedly point out that Trump is the first convicted felon to be inaugurated President.”
F*g Democrats can’t have ALL the “firsts.” Denied!
Some related observations. Eventually this will be overturned on appeal and the “Scarlet Letter” will go away. However, absent this lawfare, I believe that the Republicans might have gotten a few less votes in November and lost control of the House. That has permanent effect. Finally, when the appeals overturn the conviction, it might be just in time for the mid-terms and help Republicans yet again.
What a farce.
Think about all the resources spent, but most importantly, all the damage done to the integrity of the justice system, all to put a label on their political rival.
It is disgusting at a banana-republic level.
We can thank Amy Coney Barrett for being the swing vote who could have stopped this circus in it’s tracks, but instead sided with those who opinion she valued most: Sotomayor, Kagan and Brown Jackson.
I could be wrong but doesn’t a person have to be convicted and sentenced for SCOTUS to hear the case? This was not what happened so I don’t understand why it is a big deal. Most Americans know this was a scam trial and will be overturned and all this was about appearance. It gives the Trump haters a few weeks of pleasure but it was not proper for the court to intervene. IHO
They didn’t hear or give opinion on the case. They heard a motion to postpone sentencing, which went about how I expected. Roberts is to much of a wuss to look like he might actually have an controversial opinion that will upset the left and make people yell at him.
I’m still waiting to hear just what book entry other than “legal expense” a payment to your lawyer should be? Have either Bragg or Merchan ever explained?
LOL, you mean the judge that yelled “I am not here to listen to you!” at the defendant? No they didn’t answer.
If your lawyer does you a favor and goes to the supermarket for you, and then sends you an invoice on his stationery for the groceries he bought you, is that really a legal expense? Would you book it that way? Or would you put it down as “groceries”?
On the other hand, if you have an accountant running your ledger for you, and all he sees is a lawyer’s invoice, and he has a limited number of categories in his drop-down menu, he’ll probably book it as “legal expenses” even if he knows what the payment was really for, let alone if he doesn’t.
And since it was a private ledger, it really shouldn’t be any of NY state’s business what was put down.
My understanding is that one aspect of being a convicted felon is that you typically lose your civil rights until the conviction is either overturned on appeal, you are pardoned, or you go through a special process to have your rights restored. These typically include the right to own a firearm and the right to vote. I’m certainly not a lawyer, nor am I pretty enough to play one on TV, but is there anybody out there who IS a lawyer who can tell us (with some degree of accuracy) how this might affect his performance as president? At least until it’s overturned?
I wonder if the Dems are stupid enough to screech about a convicted felon being in charge of the biggest firearms the country has, i.e. nuclear weapons.
Paging Jamie Raskin…
The boy who cried “felon!”
I’m predicting that Dems will screech about a convicted felon needing to be impeached
So water wet, sky blue?
Not a lawyer, but the Constitution states the qualifications for president, and being a felon does not disqualify someone for the office. No statute can overrule the Constitution, so DJT remains qualified to be POTUS.
That is correct. And it is entirely possible that no appeals court will rule there are grounds to overturn the conviction, and in that case, only flipping the NY Governor to the GOP will get rid of it, since in NY, the Governor has pardon power. The 2026 NY elections will be highly contested in any case, and Trump may be able to make a special play to flip NY, since so many House seats depend on it in the Midterms, and by then the Democrats may have worn out their welcome.
IANAL, but basically none. The secret service doesn’t let the president carry a gun and he probably won’t be able to vote in November.
If I were his legal team I would immediately petition to have 2nd amendment rights and voting rights restored.
Trump doesn’t need a firearm. He has the codes to the Nuclear Arsenal and will have a general who isn’t on the CCP payroll.
Who needs a firearm when an F-22 will do.
After all, the mentally deranged pretend CinC said he wouldn’t hesitate to murder Americans with an F-16.
Several points.
1) Under NY law, a felon only loses the right to vote during his period of incarceration. Since Trump was sentenced to no prison time, he could vote in an election held today, if he were a NY resident.
2) Similarly, under NY law, a public official convicted of a felony forfeits any public office they currently hold, but is not barred from being sworn in to a new one, so even if he were a NY resident and had been elected governor instead of president, this conviction wouldn’t prevent him from taking office in a couple of weeks.
3) Since he’s actually a Florida resident, all of President Trump’s civil rights could be immediately restored by executive clemency issued by Governor DeSantis and two of his cabinet members (if I understand Florida’s clemency procedures correctly) — assuming he’s lost them at all given NY’s generous laws.
tl;dr: I *think* Trump can still vote and own firearms. And it definitely doesn’t prevent him from being President.
“These typically include the right to own a firearm and the right to vote.”
The first is federal law, but the second is wholly up to the state. There are states in which felons currently in prison can still vote!
I mean, DC still bothers to set up polling stations, so what does that tell you?
(And yes — DC is one of the places where you can vote from your cell.)
You don’t automatically lose all rights.
In Florida you automatically get your voting rights back as soon as you’ve completed your sentence and paid all fines/restitution. So Trump wouldn’t lose his voting rights.
But the loss of gun rights is a federal law, and not subject to being restored by the state. On the other hand that law is probably unconstitutional, and Trump would be well positioned to challenge it.
Based on the evidence, I would say that the judge is the one who’s guilty and Trump is the one who’s innocent.
As a result, justice is turned upside down and the lady with scales is standing on her head and the scales are in the trash.
Yes but judges never face consequences for any of their misinterpretations of law,..look at how many time the 9th has been over turned and they all get to retire with full pensions
I bet this Judge retires before the conviction can be overturned and writes a couple of books.
that was funny Paula. You wear that red hat well. Hey remember when Trump actually told the truth and called his followers a not very bright cult? ” I could shoot somebody on Fifth ave. in broad daylight and these ( gullible rubes) would still vote for me” . See yourself in their.
Semiliterate choad-gargling troll say what?
Get a new schtick, dimbulb.
“Je suis felon”…… to the Left we all are felons. Wear it well.
We are garbage, fascists, racists etc so what is another label? Who really cares.
To channel Dr. Bronner (in his early ’70s Mark Spitz fanboi phase), we should all practice our booking photo glares so that someday we can be as great as Donald Trump.
Higher New York courts would do well to throw out this conviction lest they damage their reputation even further.
Ha! It’s obvious that the courts, Engoron, Merchan and Kaplan don’t care about appearances, its all about getting Trump
We all know Trump’s great unforgivable felony crime:
He is not Hillary Clinton.
Yes. In 2016, Trump dealt the Left a narcissistic injury they will never recover from and howl to this very day over.
Time to by one of those TShirts that say I voted for a Felon.
I sure hope Trump just lets his legal team hand this. This is one of those things that they like to play against Trump.
His best response should be “So What”
I believe there is an entire year of rubbing this in their faces… just like with the mug shot.
Buddy Cianci.
Alcee Hastings.
Joe Ganim.
Marion Barry.
“So what?”
“These are YOUR RULES, Democrats.”
God bless President Trump and keep him and his family safe. Amen
that was funny You wear that red hat well. Hey remember when Trump actually told the truth and called his followers a not very bright cult? ” I could shoot somebody on Fifth ave. in broad daylight and these ( gullible rubes) would still vote for me” . See yourself in their.
Trump must be the most investigated person in the history of the US. The federal DOJ and multiple states have gone after him. Yet NY (the most corrupt state in the US) and the feds had to manufacture a case because they found nothing substantive. Dershowitz has said many times on his podcast that he has never seen a worse miscarriage of justice in his entire 60 year legal career. This from a long-time liberal Democrat who admits he voted against Trump, at least in 2016.
I suspect that many foreigners would not want to invest in anything in this country because its legal system has shown itself to be corrupt from top to bottom. The US Supreme Court could have stopped this charade years ago and didn’t. Right up to the last minute. The highest court itself is a joke. One of the members can’t define a woman. Another lacks even elementary legal knowledge. Do some of them think the sun revolves around the earth?
What is to be done after Trump takes office? He must give as he got. Otherwise he will appear toothless. No forgive and forget. No mister nice guy. Otherwise our enemies will consider us weak. Trump must resist the advice he will get to act like the typical Republican– spineless. Trump must not hold back, and go after his enemies, both foreign and domestic, with resolve and aggression.
The best way for Trump to go after Democrats is for AG Pam Bondi to go after Democrat corruption generally. They won’t necessarily be able to get the same individual Democrats who went after Trump, but there are plenty of corrupt Democrats, particularly in NY and DC, and getting as many as you can would be a good start. They need to be much more aggressive in going after corrupt Democrats with electronic surveillance especially. Bug their phones, have informants wearing wires, bug their meeting places, use the NSA’s powers to get them, etc…
Isn’t that weird. He never lies or does anything wrong. You wear that red hat well. Hey remember when Trump actually told the truth and called his followers a not very bright cult? ” I could shoot somebody on Fifth ave. in broad daylight and these ( gullible rubes) would still vote for me” . See yourself in there
You add nothing of value here. Your column space would be better utilized to run Temu nose-ring ads.
I honestly believe that the Lawfare attacks backfired on the Democrats. They apparently hoped that the Red/Religious Base wouldn’t support a Felon. However, I know that the whole affair for me, at least, FORCED me to vote for Trump.
To do otherwise would be to accept the full descent of America into a Banana Republic, where the party in power can do armed raids on the homes of their political opponents and jail them on “Trumped” up charges.
I was horrified to tears….but more than tears…,action!
Not just you and the Red side but a whole lot of people looked at this trash go on and on and one then realized that an out of control legal system could just as easily go after them and they didn’t have millions of dollars to fight it.
Something I like to point out to leftist is if they can do that to Trump, imagine what could be done to you.
oh put a sock in it. Wanne be saffe?Don’t try to rape anybody, don’t lie on loan loan applications, don’t pay hush money to pornstars. Don’t steal classified documents. Don’t lie about election fraud Don’t call the Sec of State to ‘fin’d votes. Like every other President in US history except this shitstain. WAKE UP!!!
Outlaw President.
I love it.
The most famous American outlaws:
Jesse James
Billy The Kid
Donald J. Trump
I was thinking of the tyranny fighting type of outlaws…
George Washington.
Ben Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
and other men who could read cursive.
All the way back to 2016. That’s why we voted for him.
When an act is of such little concern to the safety and well-being of a community, what purpose is served by it’s being a crime in the first place? Maybe our courts, before trial, should review the circumstances and impact of the alleged crime, and toss any charges that, even if true, couldn’t have, or didn’t, have a negative impact on the public. Such a process would serve justice better than consuming public resources (and the court’s time) to no actual purpose.
This is what I think most laws are about, they aren’t about anything but making sure they can always find something to go after someone with.
That goes double for New York’s ludicrous real estate “crime.”
“He can’t keep getting away with it!“
Consider how this looks to the average adult around the world.
Imho it will confirm beyond any shadow of any doubt that any judicial process in any jurisdiction can be completely corrupted — regardless of any reputation, regardless of any constitution, regardless of any declaration of any independence, regardless of any self-righteous bloviating by self-righteous bloviators in robes, in uniforms, on tv, in courtrooms, at the UN, at the EU, etc, etc.
“If this can be done to Donald Trump, in New York, NY, anything can be done to anyone, anywhere.”
And who knows, perhaps in the end that will be a good thing….
The Communists have been calling Trump a felon for some time now. How did that work out last November?
The politically astute thing for the Communists to do would have been to dismiss the charges. The public has the attention span of a toddler, and soon would have forgotten the lawfare against Trump that backfired. Now Trump can remind everyone about this kangaroo court conviction every time the Communists try to block his agenda. Talk about a gift that will keep on giving!
A famous “Scarlet Letter” for history to judge the Democrats by. I am so glad that Trump loves America so much.
Other comments have touched on this issue indirectly: felons can not neither have guns nor be around guns. Will NY go after him for having USSS security detail?
Another sidebar: everyone associated with him will have to report on their security forms that they associate with a known felon — or else DOJ or NY will go after them, also?
What will this do to HIS security clearance? A waiver – no doubt – but …
this could open a legal can of worms by setting a precedent to waiver felony convictions for security clearances?
The circus continues.
Oh bother.
The ability to classify material is a presidential power. Trump doesn’t need a security clearance and Congress has absolutely no say over it.
Felons cannot own or possess guns, there is nothing saying that they can’t be around Guns. They wouldn’t be able to go anywhere, the could always be a gun nearby.
There is a book titled “Three Felonies a Day”, in which the authors argue that there are so many obscure federal laws, and regulations which have the force of law, that the average American unknowingly commits three felonies every day. What they did to Trump, they can do to any one of us.
It’s enough to make Carter roll over in the rotunda.
The goals of the vile Dhimmi-crats’ transparently politically motivated lawfare against #47 have been vilification, incarceration (if possible), humiliation and harassment.
They’ve failed on all counts. This politically persecuted “felon” is about to be sworn in as POTUS, ushering in a new era of American prosperity and renewal, and, global peace and stability.
Given that the Left has openly committed themselves to sabotaging these efforts, thus declaring themselves the enemy of the American People, I hereby pre-emptively blame them should our fearless leader fall anyway short of expectations.
No one has the answers
But one thing is true
You’ve got to turn on evil
When it’s coming after you
You’ve got to hunt it down
And when it tries to hide
You’ve got to go in after it
And never be denied
Time is running out
I think this is great. The dems need to keep acting like the boneheaded, moronic political beasts that they are. Don’t change anything. That way, in the future, they won’t stand a chance of being elected to any position other than dogcatcher. And perhaps not even that august office.
Exactly. They lost due to DEI and brainwashing into mental retardation. They will keep doubling-down due to holiness spiraling until and unless Bill Clinton 2.0 snaps them out of it. Until then, we need hold the monopoly on common sense.
I do hope someday it gets turned over, until then it’s President Trump and they didn’t do anything against that.
Everyone Joe Stalin put on trial was found guilty too. Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Mugabe, and so many others.
Democrats are in fine company.