Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT): RFK, Jr. “Wants To Kill Our Kids”
In opposing Trump nominees, Murphy says Democrats need to make sure “the temperature has been turned up all across the country” and “to start throwing punches.” Turning up the temperature in this way is how Democrats inspired the would-be assassin of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The violent rhetoric coming from Senate Democrats is ramping up.
Just the other day Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) called for creating a Democrat “war machine” to stop Republicans.
Now Chris Murphy (D-CT) tweeted that Democrats need to “start throwing punches” and in an interview said Democrats need to make sure “the temperature has been turned up all across the country” and warned that nominee RFK, Jr. “wants to kill our kids.”
Democrats need to start throwing punches on the coming nomination fights.
RFK Jr. wants to ban drug ads? That's nice. But he also wants to kill or kids by ending vaccinations.
The danger these nominees present is unprecedented and we need to be fighting – every day.
— Chris Murphy
(@ChrisMurphyCT) January 4, 2025
None of this is coincidence. Democrats are invoking violent rhetoric towards nominees just as they have towards the Supreme Court because they think it will energize Democrats.
But it’s much worse than energizing the base. This is dangerous.
RFK, Jr. does not “want to kill our kids.” He disagrees with current protocols for assuring vaccine safety – and you are free to disagree with him on that.
But when you say that RFK, Jr. “wants to kill our kids” you are encouraging some lunatic to do to RFK,Jr. what was done to his father. Turning up the temperature in this way is how Democrats inspired the would-be assassin of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

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Rush Limbaugh started an organization Keep Our Own Kids Safe, or KOOKS, warning of the dangers of playing soccer, in response to the anti-football movement.
Where do these politicians find this kind of rhetoric??? How ridiculous.
Sorry – did not man this in reply to RHHarfin. Meant it to be a stand alone comment.
Incitement to riot, Mr Murphy? How very democrat of you!
I look at it as him welcoming thrown punches, many of which may turn out to be incoming.
It’s normal for Northeastern Progressives to lie about who REALLY wants to kill babies….
Actually, soccer and basketball have the most injuries in high school sports.
That’s not true at all. Boys football has 3 times the injury rate of boys’ soccer. Girls’ soccer has the second highest. From highest injury rate to lowest rate, they’re listed below. The address of the most recent study is below. Looking through the data, the most serious injuries that required surgery appear to be in boys’ ice hockey, boys’ football, and girls’ lacrosse.
Boys Football
Girls’ soccer
Boys’ lacrosse
Girls’ basketball
Boys’ ice hockey
Boys’ wrestling
Boys’ soccer
Girls’ lacrosse
Boys’ track and field
Boys’ basketball
Girls’ field hockey
Girls’ softball
Girls’ cross country
Boys’ baseball
Girls’ track and field
Boys’ cross country
Girls’ volleyball
Girls’ swimming and diving
Boys’ swimming and diving
It’s not Jr that wants to cut the next generation saying they are all trans itas the DNC.
Looks like they are screaming for warfare
Murphy’s a POS.
While I don’t want a war, I also no longer think Conservatives should turn the other cheek. Perhaps the other side will learn to back off if they take a few good punches in the face.
I doubt it, though. They seem to be incapable of learning.
Sorry, Steve 59; I hit the down vote, missed the up vote.
No worries B.
Of course he does. In fact, pro abortion democrats want you to kill your own kids.
Our violence must always, ALWAYS be defensive.
“No ‘Fort Sumters.’ This means exactly and precisely what it says. We must not fire first.” ~ Mike Vanderboegh
Thanks for the Sipsey StreetVanderboegh reminder. Been awhile since I read the Catechism. Much needed refresher.
Irish, Sounds like Murphy has *almost” got your Irish up. Now republicans and other sane citizens need to loudly proclaim “Democrats have already killed 60 million kids and want to keep killing!” At least that’s the stat I read about abortions since Roe vs Wade.
Democrats make up BS lies about RFK Jr. wanting to “end[] vaccinations” when the dems have done everything in their power (and criminal) to open the border and let in unwashed, unvaccinated third-worlders who are rife with all manner of disease and then forcing schools to keep these unvaccinated, diseased illegals in close proximity to American children while forcing Americans to pay higher and higher property taxes to support these diseased invaders.
“Start throwing punches” isn’t inciting violence but Trump saying “fight” at the Stop the Steal rally is?
Neither of them is inciting violence. That Democrats claim one is and one isn’t is just typical Dem dishonesty.
Yet we keep seeing Leftists commit murders or trying to. Radicalism does happen and I think they know it.
Careful with what you say Senator, you might not like it when the other side hits back!
Chris Murphy really likes using kids as human shields, doesn’t he?
Well, he is a p*ssy, so there’s that.
The good thing is no one is watching these shows
Bad thing, giving them any attention just increases their viability
Along with Whitehorse, Murphy is borderline retarded.
Whitehouse……Whitehorse is what Kennedy is riding for someone to really examine vaccinations and determine harm, and most recently efficacy as the Covid vaccine was clearly worse than useless.
Democrat Massachusetts!!!
It’s a good thing Massachusetts severely restricts firearm carry, or the wrong person might have gotten really hurt.
If Sen. Murphy keeps it up, he may qualify to become a RI Senator.
They’ve gone spinning the facts to making shiite up. But now the shiite they’re making up is so far out it makes the Twilight Zone seem like a reality show.
RFK, Jr. “wants to kill our kids.”
And Elon Musk “just wants to interfere with British politics” by tweeting about the thousands of little girls raped and tortured by migrant Muslim rape gangs and sacrificed by authorities for “multiculturalism.”
You got that backwards, Luke. Must wants to incite hatred and discrimination against Muslim rape gangs by making grooming and rape sound like a bad thing. So ignorant of other cultures!
Well the whole ‘tone down the political rhetoric’ thing didn’t last long.
As opposed to killing the kids before they’re even born? F*ck the communists.
“But it’s much worse than energizing the base. This is dangerous.”
It’s akin to ‘swatting’ – maliciously pronouncing someone as a violent threat w/o evidence, then hoping some force; LEO, or a mob, will engage the threat. – and I’m tired of pretending otherwise.
Criminalize politicos maliciously pronouncing someone as a violent threat w/o evidence, and punish accordingly, or it’s still just *clown world* where they will do it again and again until someone gets killed.
“Criminalize politicos maliciously pronouncing someone as a violent threat w/o evidence, and punish accordingly, or it’s still just *clown world* where they will do it again and again until someone gets killed.”
The idea of lamp posts and rope gains more credence every day. I REALLY think that – as old as I am – I will see some sort of uprising in my lifetime. It will NOT be pretty.
‘Make lamp posts great again’. I like it.
It amazes me that people like Senator Murphy don’t realize that people will take him literally and turn violent and others will quietly take him seriously and add his name to lists of targets to be eliminated should a “civil” war break out,
He does. That’s why he says those things.
Another reactionary, perpetually aggrieved leftist a-hole.
Murphy is one of the reasons I moved out of Connecticut. He is an awful human being.
>> . . . and warned that nominee RFK, Jr. “wants to kill our kids.”<<
So will RFK Jr. be filing a multi-million dollar defamation lawsuit against Chris Murphy (D-CT) for his unsubstantiated claim that he wants to kill children? If it's good enough for the democrats to do then Republicans should follow suit.
As it relates to Congress, this thing is a non-issue see Thomas Shuman for detail details.
This Murphy is a disgrace as he incites physical violence. For him and ALL THOSE OF HIS ILK lawfare is not enough; deep down, they all hope for and seek to inspire physical violence; their awful words worked in Butler PA and at the golf course in FL. Shame on CN voters he elected him to the U.S.Senate and to the sycophant media that gave him this stage.
Murphy is a cheap demagogue, but should be smart enough to realize that he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. Of course nowadays it’s more likely to be a scoped .308 at 300 yards, so if he opens season on Republicans he should also remember that they tend to be much better shots.
His comments were made on MSNBC, so only 65 people heard them.
Living proof the democrats are mentally ill. What they have done to children with their political correct, cultural Marxism is criminal to say the least. Remember when they accuse others, they are guilty of the same behavior. Master projectionist behavior is their mantra.
He’s not wrong. 100 years ago (1925) the child (5-and-under) mortality rate was 138.74/100K. The average American, thanks to the morbidity of diseases, only lived until 58.
We invented vaccines and ‘big pharma,’ you know the things idiots constantly whine about on social media, Now child morbidity is 7/100K and the average American lives until he’s almost 79!!!!
In short, children today are 1982% (one thousand nine hundred eighty-two) times SAFER. And all the propaganda from the anti-vax, anti-pharma clowns on the Internet can’t change that.
Sen Murphy used the wrong noun. He said, “RFK, Jr. ‘Wants To Kill Our Kids.'”
More accurately and true, “Democrats want to kill our kids.” They tried it with vaccines, they tried it with schools that indoctrinate but don’t teach, they’ve tried it with LGBTQ+[however many letters and symbols you want to add], they’ve tried it with “transgender” surgeries and drugs.
The real killers are Democrats. I don’t object at the death of any of them.
Murphy is one of the most egregious filthy liars in the Democrat Party, so no need to listen to anything blurting from his mouth.