Prof Claims it’s ‘Dangerous’ for Trump to Keep Men Out of Women’s Prisons
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Prof Claims it’s ‘Dangerous’ for Trump to Keep Men Out of Women’s Prisons

Prof Claims it’s ‘Dangerous’ for Trump to Keep Men Out of Women’s Prisons

“A lot of this is keeping the category of women pure—and also, obviously, about doing immense harm to trans people.”

This is the kind of idiotic logic that comes with thinking anything Trump does or says must be wrong.

The College Fix reports:

Trump ‘dangerous’ and racist to keep men out of women’s prisons, professor says

President Donald Trump’s executive order to keep men who claim to be women out of female prisons is “dangerous” and hints of racism, according to an anthropologist.

Kate Clancy, a professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, analyzed the president’s directive that the federal government define sex on biological terms.

He also said prisons should not house men who claim to be transgender with women. The administration has also frozen people from requesting an “X” gender marker, for “nonbinary,” on their passports.

The order is “stupid” and “dangerous,” Clancy told LGBTQ Nation. Clancy disputed the idea that sex is biologically determinable. However, biology experts have affirmed there are only two sexes and it is not possible to change one’s sex.

“I think Trump, in whatever terrible language is available to him, is trying to control women and control people he perceives to be in the woman category,” Clancy told the news outlet. “A lot of this is keeping the category of women pure—and also, obviously, about doing immense harm to trans people.”

But she also finds a racial element in the executive order.

She stated:

There’s also a very racial, white supremacist thing going on here with this “defending women.” It’s a very old idea—it appears in travelogs, early writings of Europeans, as well as in the United States when they started encountering North American indigenous folks, and the way that they thought about enslaved peoples. There was this belief that in the “lower races,” men and women were less different and that in the “higher races,” there were more differences between women and men. This was about saying men and women are differentiated, clear, non-overlapping categories because that makes us a more evolved people.


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DeweyEyedMoonCalf | January 29, 2025 at 10:58 am

Anthropologist is as much a red flag as Political Scientist. Most should just use the more accurate description of “Moon Bat”.

“Clancy disputed the idea that sex is biologically determinable.”

Therefore, he’s either a liar or a lunatic. Either way, there’s no need to pay attention to him.

OK, so it’s dangerous. So, put all those trans-women (IOW, men pretending to be women) into special wings together. And treat them the way you would any other gang in prison.

We have bigger problems in a lot of our prisons than men who dress like women. But not in women’s prisons.

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | January 29, 2025 at 3:20 pm

    “President Donald Trump’s executive order … is “dangerous” and hints of racism, according to an anthropologist.”

    A real tenure-track contender would’ve found a way to slip the words “Nazi” and “don’t feel safe” in there somewhere.

    Do better, Kate

Who wants to tell her that trans isn’t a race?

    Milhouse in reply to Gremlin1974. | January 30, 2025 at 2:33 am

    She knows that. She’s not claiming it’s a race. She explains .why “transphobia” is racist. Given the premises of the bizzarro world we call academia, it even makes some sense.

    If you’re going to discuss these people’s nonsense you have to read and understand it so you can make the right arguments against it.

ahad haamoratsim | January 30, 2025 at 5:59 am

Ok, so it’s patriarchal white supremacy to think women shouldn’t be raped. Now I understand why so many feminists & LGBTLMNOP types can support Hamas.

California allows its prisoners to self-identify their sex and be assigned to their identified sex prison.

Some male sex offenders have been sent to women’s prisons.

Surprise: Woman prisoners becoming pregnant!

The above is a link to Nate the Lawyer’s YouTube video entitled “Men exploit self-id law to enter women’s prisons – now pregnancies!