Outgoing DNC Chair: Democrats Should’ve Kept Joe Biden as the Nominee
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Outgoing DNC Chair: Democrats Should’ve Kept Joe Biden as the Nominee

Outgoing DNC Chair: Democrats Should’ve Kept Joe Biden as the Nominee

Harrison also warned the DNC: “You cannot take anybody for granted. You cannot just assume just because you’re a Black man, you’re gonna vote for a Democrat.”

Outgoing Democratic National Committee (DNC) Jamie Harrison told The Associated Press’s Meg Kinnard that the part should have kept former President Joe Biden as its presidential nominee.

Harrison didn’t say Biden should’ve stayed the nominee because he could’ve beaten Trump.

Biden shouldn’t remained the nominee because that’s how the voters voted in the primary.

The discussion about the nominee switch started when Kinnard asked Harrison if a short campaign hurt former Vice President Kamala Harris.

A longer campaign might have made it easier for Harris, Harrison conceded, but he reminded Kinnard that the party built “a race for Joe Biden.”

The Democrats gave up on Biden but stuck with President Donald Trump:

“Joe Biden gave the State of the Union, people said it was one of the best State of the Unions that we’ve ever seen. Then we move forward to the debate, and people were like, that was a horrible debate performance. And then my thought was: ‘Joe Biden secured the nomination. The primary was done, and so, I’m a loyal guy. We’re riding with Biden.’”

“And if you look at the other side, in terms of Republicans, Donald Trump had just been convicted, how many times for all these felonies? And you didn’t hear a peep from the Republicans, in terms of like, ‘We need to jettison Donald Trump, and we need to open up a new primary, and we need to do this and that.’ And so sometimes, I think, Democrats can learn something in terms of, let’s put a line of defense around our folks and defend them as well.”

Then Kinnard asked Harrison if the party should have kept Biden as its nominee:

HARRISON: “That’s my normal default, is that you stick by your people, right, particularly people who have worked hard on behalf of the party.”

“I went into this thinking, OK, you’ve got probably the most successful of my lifetime legislative president who has poured tons of money into making sure that not just Joe Biden and Kamala Harris get elected, but Democrats get elected — not just in the battleground states, but all states who support a lot of resources and his own time fundraising in order to strengthen the state parties.”

“And then when he hits a roadblock, when he hits a bump in the road, do we stick with him, or do we jettison him? That’s the mentality that I had going into this. And my nature is, ‘I’m on the team with you, you’re my quarterback. You got sacked a few times. But you know what? I’m going to block the hell out of the next person that’s coming at you.’ And that is not always the mentality of everybody in my party. And so sometimes, people look on the sidelines, ready to call in the backup.”

Harrison also dropped some hard truths for Democrats regarding minority voters: “You cannot take anybody for granted. You cannot just assume just because you’re a Black man, you’re gonna vote for a Democrat.”

Harrison stressed that you have to persuade the person. You have to listen to the person about issues that are important to them.

Imagine that…not treating a voter based on skin color or sex:

HARRISON: “People think, well, it’s just about turnout in the Black community, right? It’s just about turnout with this group. No, it’s not. It’s more than just turnout. It’s about persuasion. You have to persuade people why you are the best person for them. You have to talk to them about the issues that are important to them. You have to show them that you really are fighting for them, and that means having those individual conversations, but having targeted conversations specifically geared towards the people that you’re talking to.”


You mean not all black people care about the same issues? You mean people are individuals and have their own thoughts?

Who would have guessed!?


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Yes, because Trump winning by even more would have been delicious.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 31, 2025 at 12:39 pm

A longer campaign might have made it easier for Harris, Harrison conceded,

LOL. THey keep repeating this idiocy. Komrade Kamala HID for the first month+ of the so-called campaign. She refused to come out in public. SHe refused to talk to anyone. She refused to show her face, at all. And then, after a couple of weeks of that insanity the bat signal went out to all the dems/leftists to argue that this was campaign brilliance, as they pointed to polls she was rising in, the more she stayed hidden.

And now they are complaining that Komrade Kamala didn’t have enough time. When she finally showed her face all she could do was to repeat to EVERYONE how she was “raised in a middle class family” and describe her time growing up in Canada (without ever mentioning anything about Canada). ANd then she just lied about everything (or had her campaign lie about everything).

Democrats are complete retards. I can’t wait for Soros to kick the bucket. The Dems will be totally lost without his direction.

    She actually had too much time. She had a big boost when the switch happened, and then declined steadily.

    George already doesn’t run Open Society. His son Alexander does. He’s engaged to Huma Abedin. Birds of a feather.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to DaveGinOly. | January 31, 2025 at 10:32 pm

      The retarded kid is just the face, now, but as long as George is alive you can bet your life that he is the one really running things with his empire. That kid is too stupid to be thinking up any tactical or strategic moves for the left. The kid is just a limelight-monger whose few attempted actions have all been spectacular failures.

“HARRISON: “People think, well, it’s just about turnout in the Black community, right?”

Can we start adding “sic” after capitalized instances of “black?” For example, “HARRISON: “People think, well, it’s just about turnout in the Black (sic) community, right?”

    MontanaMilitant in reply to MTED. | February 1, 2025 at 9:02 am

    Would you believe it’s in the AP writing style guide? Black is capitalized but White is not. The self loathing of all these recent Columbia J school grads who succeeded retiring boomers as the editors of papers across the country is pathetic. It’s how you know that reporting on race in America is a biased joke.

Mr. Harrison is a loyal Democrat in the Chicago mold: when he’s bought, he stays bought.

(Pssst, Jaime. It wouldn’t have mattered.)

    jqusnr in reply to KY Squatch. | January 31, 2025 at 7:53 pm

    ur right it wudnt have mattered
    however now the precedent has been set
    even if u lose the primaries. even if u never got a single primary vote. u can still b the nominee. if ur a Dem.

Mr. Harrison raises an interesting point: we on the right (Trump supporters, conservatives, populists, some of the libertarians, etc.) believe that Mr. Trump would have beaten on Mr. Biden like an old drum all summer and fall. We’d like to think that Mr. Trump would have had 350+ electoral votes, that he would have taken Minnesota, Oregon, Virginia and New Jersey along with all the other states he won.

Would that have happened?

I ask, knowing that of course we’ll never know, because I do wonder if the Biden team had certain tricks that they planned to deploy in the fall. I don’t know how they were going to argue past that disastrous June debate, but you know that they had to be thinking about it and planning accordingly.

Would Mr. Biden’s candidacy have indeed crumbled? Or would a lot of Democrats like Mr. Harrison just rallied around the old codger?

That’s racist! What…um…nevermind.

2smartforlibs | January 31, 2025 at 1:04 pm

Trump would have one no matter what liberal they put up.

I really don’t think that would have worked. Blacks in several key states ‘came home’ after Harris was put at the top of the ticket. While it’s possible that could have happened with Biden, I suspect the chances of it happening to the same degree as it did with Harris are slim.

I’m not sure it would have made much of a difference in the EV tally (although MN might have really been in play). But, I think Biden on the ticket probably moves two, maybe as many as three Senate seats to the GOP. That’s how toxic Joe Biden had become.

E Howard Hunt | January 31, 2025 at 1:24 pm

He sounds as profound as an eight-year-old.

Man! I hate to see this guy go. With a sharp mind like his, we would beat the Dems for the next twenty years!

Biden would have lost by twice as many votes. The truth is America is wakening up. We don’t want what the Demoncrats are offering. It’s that simple. You keep poking at a sleeping dog pretty soon, that dog is going to have all they will take. They are going to bite the H out of you.

“And if you look at the other side, in terms of Republicans, Donald Trump had just been convicted, how many times for all these felonies? And you didn’t hear a peep from the Republicans”

That’s because Republicans are too smart to be persuaded by phony-baloney show trials, whereas any middle-schooler watching Joe onverse with ghosts, trip over shadows, and answer questions with loony irrelevancies like “We finally beat Medicare!” knew the old coot was insane.