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Germany: Politicians, Media Outraged Over Musk’s Interview with AfD Leader Alice Weidel 

Germany: Politicians, Media Outraged Over Musk’s Interview with AfD Leader Alice Weidel 

German government spokesperson: “It is indeed the case that Elon Musk is trying to influence the federal election through his statements.” 

Germany’s political and media establishment erupted in outrage after Elon Musk and opposition politician Alice Weidel on Thursday live-streamed a 75-minute-long conversation on X. Around 200,000 people tuned into Musk’s much-anticipated online talk with Weidel, co-leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Almost 6 weeks before the German election, Musk opened the conversation with an endorsement of Weidel’s party. “I am strongly recommending that the people of Germany vote for AfD,” Musk said. “This is simply the sensible move. Nothing outrageous is being proposed – just common sense.”

“Only the AfD can save Germany – I want to be clear about that – only the AfD can save Germany,” he added, as the country faces rampant crime and uncontrolled mass migration.

EU, German gov threaten with ‘scrutiny’ and ‘investigation’

Days ahead of the planned talk on X, the European Union threatened the duo with a probe. “When tech tycoon Elon Musk interviews German far-right leader Alice Weidel on X on Thursday night, Europe’s powerful tech regulators will be watching closely for possible violations of EU law,” Politico reported Thursday. “In particular, they’ll be evaluating whether X gives an unfair campaign advantage to Weidel’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) party over its rivals.”

The EU assigned an army of bureaucrats to ‘scrutinize’ the live stream for any possible wrongdoing. “A team of up to 150 European Commission officials in Brussels and Seville will help scrutinize whether Musk’s social media site plays by the European Union’s tech rules,” the news outlet added. “They wield far-reaching investigative powers that allow them to visit X’s offices and request access to its algorithm and internal correspondence.”

Ahead of the talk, the German parliament, the Bundestag, opened an investigation against Musk, alleging possible election meddling. “The Bundestag administration is examining whether Elon Musk would give the AfD an advantage through a live conversation with Alice Weidel,” German weekly Die Zeit reported Thursday.

“It is indeed the case that Elon Musk is trying to influence the federal election through his statements.”

German government accused Musk of election meddling even before the X interview took place. Last week, German government spokesperson Christiane Hoffmann declared, “It is indeed the case that Elon Musk is trying to influence the federal election through his statements.”

Germany’s state-run DW TV was disparaging in its review of the conversation. “The erroneous introduction from Musk was followed by a rambling 70-minute conversation, occasionally rendered awkward by language-based misunderstandings, that was punctuated with several wildly misleading claims,” DW TV complained. Both were “laughing at each other’s jokes,” the state TV commented. “Musk and Weidel spent much of the conversation agreeing with each other’s wild claims.”

“Did Elon Musk hosting AfD’s Alice Weidel go against German electoral regulations?” the German state TV asked.

The DW TV also ran a fact-check, finding seven supposed errors in the 75-minute-long conversation. Weidel’s “claim that Merkel ‘opened’ the borders is not accurate,” the broadcaster declared.

Germany’s state-run ARD broadcaster also ‘fact-checked’ the conversation, accusing the duo of making “[f]alse statements ranging from migration to National Socialism,” referring to Weidel’s comment that “Hilter was a leftist.”

“How dangerous is Elon Musk’s power?” Germany’s state-funded RBB broadcaster asked. “The world’s richest man is presently dominating the political debate in Germany,” the broadcaster lamented.

The conversation covered various topics, from government regulation to space exploration. “We had to print out 25,000 pages of paper to start Tesla’s factory in Germany,” Musk disclosed. Weidel blamed Merkel’s green energy policies and Germany’s nuclear exit for the rapid deindustrialization in Europe’s largest economy.

Weidel on Israel

Asked about Israel, Weidel said it was “too complicated” for her to respond in the wake of the ongoing Middle East conflict. Musk rephrased the question and asked if she “unequivocally support[ed] the state of Israel.” Weidel replied, “Yes of course.”

Weidel continued, saying, “Benjamin Netanyahu has made many mistakes in the past.”

She switched over to talk about the need to “protect” Germany’s tiny and dwindling Jewish minatory, which is being “exposed to Muslim crime,” particularly in Berlin — referring to the wave of pro-Hamas protests since the October 7 attack. The “AfD is the only protector of the Jewish people” in Germany, she claimed, blaming the country’s establishment “uniparty” for importing Muslim Antisemitism by letting in millions of illegal immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East.


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If you’re taking flak then you’re over the target.

    diver64 in reply to DSHornet. | January 11, 2025 at 1:37 pm

    Musk exposed the Muslim rape gangs in England that the government has been covering up for decades and is now giving someone not the establishment in Germany a voice. The caterwauling of the UniParty Establishment is quite the tell that Musk is making known things that shouldn’t be talked about such as the regulatory state squeezing the life out of business and the uncontrolled Muslim migration that has changed the very fabric of countries.

State run media is going to throw their fit at losing their monopoly. Germany still doesn’t have freedom of information after all of these years.

Germany and the rest of the EU are experiencing what it is like when all the ‘proper people’ are wrong and the wrong people are right. Elon and all, keep the pressure on.

How dare he speak the truth?

Seems Germany has not moved as far away from past oppression as I’d assumed. Nice of the Status Quo to publicize Elon’s interview so widely. Apparently, they take Elon’s opinion very seriously, especially as they disagree. Their childish attempts to intimidate him beforehand simply prove how little they understand him.

Here in the US (and elsewhere) we were told Trump was 100% a Nazi, despite years of community awards and cordial relations with minorities and liberals because…. not in favor of unlimited immigration (like many), running for office, and polls started saying he might win.
Oh, and big red flag you’re a Nazi, Jewish grandkids.

So now in Germany (and elsewhere) I notice we are told despite no previous armed insurrection or fascist master race blueprint like “My Struggle”, that one political party’s members are 100% Nazi, because….. not in favor of unlimited immigration (like many), and pols started saying they can win.
Oh and big red flag you’re a Nazi, current leader is lesbian.

How does the saying about “Fool me once…” go?

    henrybowman in reply to BobM. | January 11, 2025 at 6:07 pm

    When I was a kid, the narrative was that Russia was holding East Germany — and especially East Berlin — in a communist prison behind an “Iron Curtain,” and we in the Free World should work to deliver those victims towards liberation.

    But the reality was a lot more like today’s California — some of them did desire their freedom, but most of them preferred exactly the authoritarianism they had.

    Hitler and Stalin were both socialists. Their major disagreement was whether the blessings and virtues of socialism should be cultivated as an exclusive national advantage (“National Socialists,” aka NAZIs), or be the subject of a global program of proselytization (“International Socialists,” or COMINTERN).

    When Hitler lost, Russia “re-educated” the East German socialists to the international view. That was a minor alteration, compared to what the West Germans had to undergo to become “western capitalists” once more.

    When the wall finally came down, it did not so much free the oppressed as it let out the locusts. And they and their obsessions (“open” globalist borders, “green” control over private property) conquered Germany’s government once more, just like before.

    Today, the German socialists running the government are frantically attempting to use laws designed to prevent another Hitler (which is humorous, because those laws didn’t prevent them) to denounce a new “charismatic opinion leader.” And some of these laws (such as the ones that explicitly criminalize certain types of political and social speech, commentary, and even opinion) go out of their way to impose extremely undemocratic “wrong solutions” to this purported goal. And all of their attempts are failing badly, because the new leader is a proponent of greater freedom and not collectivist subservience to the “greater good” of the socialist elites, be they modern or Reich vintage..

      Was stationed (US Army) in Berlin in the 80s, slapped in the face with the many many memorials to those murdered trying to flee E Germany over The Wall I was well inoculated from any belief in the joys of socialism.

      Many forget that when e Germany collapsed a lot of e German rice bowls went away. Their was no political opposition allowed or no underground resistance as such in e Germany, folks could at best go along to get along with the e German traitors following Soviet directives. Merkel was one of those.

If it can be said of Musk, must it not be said of Weidel to an even greater extent? Just that thought has got to obvious to the indicters of these dastardly influencers. Sounds like campaigning to me.

Musk is engaged in next level trolling to try to pump up traffic for X-twitter. He is playing game of provoke and respond.

From 2020:

How Angela Merkel’s great migrant gamble paid off

“Five years ago, as more and more refugees crossed into Europe, Germany’s chancellor proclaimed, ‘We’ll manage this.’ Critics said it was her great mistake – but she has been proved right”

    diver64 in reply to Hodge. | January 11, 2025 at 1:39 pm

    Yes, I take my news from The Guardian. No, actually I ignore that EU Establishment Mouthpiece. They are no better than the NYT in biased “reporting”.

      henrybowman in reply to diver64. | January 11, 2025 at 6:13 pm

      I only resort to The Guardian when they accidentally cover an incident that the US establishment press cabal has colluded to entirely avoid mentioning

If Germany and the EU can’t tolerate free speech, they can order their ISPs to ban X. Let them explain to their subjects that from this point forward, they are only allowed to access approved sources of media.

    VaGentleman in reply to Sanddog. | January 11, 2025 at 7:20 pm

    With Starlink, the world changed. ISPs don’t matter when one has no link to the ground in your country to threaten. Especially when Starlink is more and more linked into your military communication structure. A ban of Starlink would raise the interesting, and ironic, possibility of pirated sets smuggled into Germany through Poland. Of course, there would also be the cottage industry of packaging X content onto thumb drives and smuggling them across the border, at which point they are inside the fence. I fear that free speech is out of the bag and running wild.

“EU, German gov threaten with ‘scrutiny’ and ‘investigation'”

Talk about; “Show me the man and I will find you the crime.”

Bless their little black marxists hearts.

The Welsh Refugee Council is using 12 year old girls in ads designed to entice foreign migrant men to move to Wales.

The young girls explain all of the great benefits available to foreign migrant “refugees”.

Did the creators of this video do this intentionally?