DEI Is A “Manmade Disaster…. We’re Now Seeing The ‘Sudden’ Part of The Collapse That Has Been Coming”
“There’s a saying that collapse comes gradually then suddenly, We’ve been gradually moving towards a collapse of our institutions that have been captured by group identity politics…. This was a manmade disaster, it didn’t need to be this way…. We’re now seeing the sudden part of the collapse ….”

I had the pleasure earlier today of appearing on The Great America Show w/ John Fawcett. This is the podcast formerly hosted by Lou Dobbs, on which I appeared many times.
We covered a lot of hot issues of the day, with a special focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and the Trump administration efforts to rid the federal government of it, and how it might or might not related to the crash at Reagan Int’l Airport between a passenger airliner and a military helicopter. But we went far beyond that into the history of how we got to where we are, the campus contagion, and a whole lot more.
I was unable (so far) to generate a transcript, but there were some great sections of our conversation, particularly how Critical Race Theory and DEI have gradually collapsed our institutions, and now we are in the sudden collapse phase (at 11:55).
But wait, there’s more. We talked about gender ideology, pronouns, parents rights, transgender surgeries on children, and college crazy.
We ended by discussing the case the Equal Protection Project brought against the Ithaca City School District for racial discrimination against white students.
In my humble opinion, it’s worth a listen to the full hour.

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It was predicted years ago that DEI would eventually cost lives – literally. And here we are.
It seems the tower at Reagan, as well as many others, was understaffed due to lack of controllers to do the work. At the start of 0bama-1 there were something like a thousand ready to step into the training pipeline to add to the numbers of air traffic controllers – but 0bama said there were too many whites in the group so they all weren’t hired. As a result, DEI has cost lives.
This is one of the constantly updated articles so keep in mind the relevant section will scroll down.
Another progressive theory that achieved the opposite in practice. At least with merit, things seem to work. Not so much with DEI decision makers, chosen at the expense of more qualified, then in over their heads. If only it was limited to DEI.
The ones who should learn from this incident probably won’t.
My kingdom for an edit button so I could put everything in one comment.
Has anyone else noticed there is race in everything except DIE.
It’s turning the US into Africa.
There’s a conjecture that to run a Western state you need a certain percentage of smart people. The question isn’t whether there are any but whether there are enough of them. Africa doesn’t have it, the West does.
DEI moves the US into Africa territory.
How many generations (or years) after affirmative action is ended will a member of a protected class in a desirable position be thought to have earned it without preference?
I would think at least one generation, more likely two. Kind of like long covid symptoms.
We are getting the usual DEI slow walk on the chopper disaster. The FEMALE pilot of lesser experience was being monitored by the male pilot of greater experience on a training flight. Her name is being withheld while a cya story is being cooked up. Women have no place at the controls of a war machine like this! People should be Mad as hell with DEI, not at Trump’s etiquette.
That’s not the reason for the accident though. They were avoiding traffic, just avoiding the wrong traffic. They could not see the accident jet because they were on a collision course with it and so its lights were not moving against the city lights as seen from the helicopter. It looked like empty airspace.
You can’t allow pilot discretion in visually staying clear of traffic at night “Constant bearing means collision” is the maritime axiom that’s responsible for the accident.
A man, rather than a hysterical dame, would not have collided. That’s why we are getting these manpower stories about air traffic control. It spreads responsibility thin and escapes confronting women in combat roles. Even most conservatives are terrified to confront this.
It’s not a difficult technical task to avoid what you can see. Even women can do it. And there were lots of male eyes in the loop in the helicopter. The problem was that you (male or female) cannot see the jet that you’re on a collision course towards, at night. Its lights are not moving and look like city lights. It looks like empty airspace.
Unprecedented air crash. Great loss of Life. Female Pilot. Guilty- next case!
Midair collisions are very rare. The extra dimension makes everything a miss.
A random walk is certain to return to the origin in two dimensions, but only 34% in three dimensions. No collision avoidance.
It has since developed that the helo was flying too high. It was in airspace in which other traffic is limited to 200′, rather than the 300′ it is now said to have been at.
Second, the ATC should not have relied upon the helo crew’s say-so that they had the conflicting aircraft in sight. The ATC could not have known whether that was true or not. Explicit directions should have been given to assure avoidance, such as “Immediately turn left, 180 degrees.”
I also wonder, because of a dogleg maneuver the jet had to make to line up with the correct runway, if the helo crew had noticed the jet when it appeared to be headed nearly straight at them (coming up the Potomac), but lost interest in it when the jet made its first turn (of two), veering away from the helo, apparently ceasing to be a threat. This could have caused the helo crew to lose track of the jet, and not notice its second turn, which brought it back into conflict with the helo.
One more question: Did the helo crew misinterpret the jet’s direction of flight? The last ATC instruction they acknowledged was to “pass behind” the jet. This should have been accomplished with a left turn, but the helo’s last turn was to the right. Was that turn made in response to the ATC’s instructions, or did those instructions come after that turn? Because if it was made in response to the instructions, the helo turned to avoid an aircraft they thought was taking off, rather than one that was landing.
I put it to you that at the last possible moment offering the slightest chance of avoidance, there isn’t one sane passenger who would choose a fly girl to be at the controls rather than a red blooded American boy.
Dutch Pilot Girl can fly my plane any day.
Sorry, but you can’t have the right stuff at the wrong time of the month.
And what aviation experience do you base this conclusion on?
I took one look at the TPC and asked, “Why in the (expletive deleted) are they flying helicopter routes right under the final approach to an extremely busy airport that has 2 active runways 40 degrees apart?”
This was going to happen at some point and the pilot’s genitalia wasn’t going to change that.
Either the airport goes, or the helicopter routes go. The smart answer is shut down Reagan and use Dulles, but Congress critters don’t want to wait in traffic with the plebs at the end of their grueling 3-day work week.
My good dude, it is you who should be asked that question since it is you who are asserting aviation truths. I assert nothing other than the common knowledge of biology. You clowns will always lose to the wacko, liberal left because you allow appeals to reasonableness and fair play to sway you. You fancy yourselves existing on a higher intellectual plane, when in reality, you get played for the dumbasses you are.
Jeez, calm the hell down.
Eight years in Marine Corps aviation as enlisted aircrew, 15 combat missions over Beirut as an aerial gunner, and surviving the free-for-all that was Southern California airspace in the days before TCAS, back when MTV played music videos and dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Those are my credentials.
Biology has nothing to do with having helicopter corridors that run across the terminal approach pattern of a busy airport jammed into the middle of a highly urbanized area, and then allowing VFR for maintaining separation at night. That was driven by sheer stupidity, and as you amply demonstrate, stupidity doesn’t discriminate on the basis of sex.
I agree. I was shocked to hear that military helos fly in that area regularly, nearly intersecting the flight paths of departing and arriving passenger liners. That’s just nuts.
And conducting “training” in said airspace? Absolutely not. Such airspace should be used by potentially conflicting flights only when necessary, which is pretty much never.
My understanding is that the training was for JEEP, the Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan, where the military picks up the bigshots and ferries them to Continuity of Government sites. They have to practice as they’d fly in real life, and I suspect a bunch that of they ever execute JEEP for real, a bunch of lobbyists will be flying out of Reagan as fast as they possibly can, no matter what the FAA or the control tower has to say about it.
You’re telling me a woman would be as good an aerial gunner as you were? BS. You may have a point about other factors, but you’re weakening your argument by implying women pilots are as good a male pilots. I have too many friends who land fighter jets at sea who tell otherwise. The same goes for cops. Ask any copy how a woman handles a gun and fires, either on the range or in conflicts. It’s all a PR fairytale.
All of the breathtakingly stupid airmanship that damn near killed me on about a dozen different occasions was performed by men.
Can a woman be as good an aerial gunner as me? Depends on her visual acuity, eye-hand coordination, spatial sense, and presence of mind. Can a woman spot traffic and call warnings to the PIC? Depends on her alertness and attention to detail. (And it would appear that the MALE crew chief let the nose gunners down in that regard.)
BTW, before she ended up in long-term care, my wife routinely won shooting matches against blowhard idiots like you.
Female trick shooters don’t become patrol cops. Let’s just see what the investigation finds about this pilot’s actions irrespective of all the other issues you raise, which are of a general nature. The protocols, as undesirable as they may be, existed for a long time, but this particular pilot slammed into a passenger jet on a particular night killing 67 people. Our corrupt press will paint this as somehow heroic, but hopefully a real investigation will focus on the prime actor’s actions.
I trusted my wife to be able to defend herself and my daughter in my absence. Someone like you, I would not allow to carry arms of any kind on my property.
The issues you decide as being merely of a “general nature” are akin to setting a booby trap. At some point, someone will set it off.
I am reasonably certain that Crew Resource Management is going to be a crucial element of the investigation, and unless the pilot under instruction was going for a certification on that particular flight, that’s going to be entirely on the instructor pilot if something went wrong there. I’ve been there for idiot instructor pilots dragging the entire crew into a state of very low SA by focusing on everything but aviate, communicate, navigate.