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Course at Yale Examines Whether or Not White and Black Women Can be Friends

Course at Yale Examines Whether or Not White and Black Women Can be Friends

“No Time for Tears: Friendships between Black Women and White Women”

This is another excellent example of how progressives are moving society backwards. What a pointless course.

The College Fix reports:

Yale course asks if black and white women can be friends

A class offered by Yale University semester will study friendships between white and black women, according to the university’s course catalog.

The course, titled “No Time for Tears: Friendships between Black Women and White Women,” will seek to determine whether these friendships can develop on “equal footing” and be “unfettered by the trappings of quid pro quo transactions,” according to the syllabus. However, an expert on black politics criticized the course.

Students will “interrogate with brutal honesty the stakes that underwrite Black women’s relationships with White women,” according to a copy of the syllabus reviewed by The College Fix.

The course will be taught by Professor Tasha Hawthorne, who serves as dean of Yale’s Pierson College.

Hawthorne has not responded to requests for comment on her goals for the course. The Fix sent an email on Dec. 16 and tried to follow up via phone, but received no response in the past two weeks.

The course uses “contract grading,” which generally makes it easier for students to get good grades just for making an effort.

Students are guaranteed a B+ in the class if they meet the contract’s requirements, regardless of grades received on individual assignments.

This is seen as “an actively anti-racist approach to assessment” and a way of “participating in educational justice and equity,” according to the syllabus.

The evaluation portion of the syllabus suggests traditionally graded courses promote “bias related to being White Anglo Saxon Protestant, speaking and writing standard English, growing up in a first language English-speaking community, having parents with collegiate education, attending high schools with AP or IB classes, etc.”

The course includes several readings about calling white women “Karen,” a term that generally refers to a complaining white woman, sometimes with the implication she is racist. The syllabus can change, however, according to a note from the instructor.


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One would be forgiven if this article were mistaken for something out of the

But this must be how the administrators at U.S. universities find time for their students to:

(1) play games, mostly with balls.
(2) travel to places by bus and plane.
(3) sleep in hotels off campus.
(4) set up tents.
(5) set up placards.
(6) learn to chant slogans.

Yale is considered one of the top unis in the U.S. , correction? What a country.

How many credit hours can you fraudulently award for a question you could settle in a half hour of watching The View?

A great course I have is

“Funding can we or can we not cut off foreign governments and their proxies contributing to Yale, and issue a list of demands that further federal funding is conditioned on alongside a reconsideration of tax exempt status which would make the American Donor who despises this BS and Donald Trump who also despises this BS in a position of power over Yale?”

Does China like this society murdering Yale (Yes) does Iran (Yes) does Russia (Yes) does Qatar (Yes).

Time to eliminate foreign funding and make Americans in charge of the direction of our culture again.

This course does seem to be a forum for the Dean to preach her biases. But I am a bit curious about some of the quoted course description that it, “will seek to determine whether these friendships can develop on “equal footing” and be “unfettered by the trappings of quid pro quo transactions”. I am under the general impression that friendships are based some mutual benefit – in effect some sort of quid pro quo. So is the good Dean putting forward an expectation of a one-sided friendship as the ideal?

This is not normal.
Something very sick is happening at Yale.
(And surely we only hear about <1% of it.)

There will be no genuine friendships formed as a result of this course. Friends need to be peers that support one another…there can’t be a power imbalance dynamic or it isn’t true friendship. Courses like this are predicated on minority power grift cults that use guilt and demonization of whites to imbalance power.

I had this conversation with my son about the old boys network. The key is to get into the network at a low level and then prove oneself in order to advance up through it. Get that internship early on, work your butt off, get noticed, and yes, at some point, the system kicks in and new opportunities are made by phone calls. But they don’t make a call if you have nothing to offer, because the person calling is also putting their reputation on the line.

I was watching a TV show the other day and the female character was complaining to the white male boss that she had no seat at the table. He then recounted to her how he had gotten to where he was by using every opportunity to pitch ideas to the bosses before one of them stuck and his career took off. “So,” he stated, “you have my ear right now, what are you bringing to the table.” She hemmed and hawed, and he followed with “you have spent all of your time and effort complaining rather than actually doing anything.” Kind of reminded me of every single campus radical out there. All hat, no cattle.

amatuerwrangler | January 4, 2025 at 11:00 am

At what point does the Yale brand, and that of other Ivies, become toxic enough that the sheepskin from it generates a “no hire” rating in HR? This says the quiet part out loud, that you will get good grades regardless of how well you perform. Participation credits.

That list of “bias” components in the syllabus is a good starter list for what makes an advanced civilization. People like this professor, and Yale by extension, are conduction a war on competence.

And people willingly pay roughly $200K for four years of this.