China’s Hospitals Report Surge in HMVP Respiratory Virus that Causes Cold-Like Symptoms in Most People
Unlike covid, the human metapneumovirus is not new, has been spreading around for hundreds of years, and most people have acquired some for of natural immunity to it through previous infections.

China is currently experiencing a significant outbreak of human metapneumovirus (HMPV), a respiratory virus that was first identified in 2001 and which causes cold-like symptoms in most people.
However, the very young and elderly can be hit hard, as well as those with weakened immune systems. So, China’s hospitals are reporting a significant uptick in cases of HMVP infections as people seek relief from severe symptoms.
China is experiencing a surge in cases of human metapneumovirus (HMPV), leading to overcrowded hospitals and raising public concern about a potential epidemic. The outbreak coincides with the winter season, which typically sees an increase in respiratory illnesses due to colder weather and more indoor activities facilitating the spread of viruses.
El Financiero, BBC News, The Independent, Marca, ABP News, and Newsweek reported on the surge in HMPV patients in China, among other news outlets.
In response to the rising cases, the Chinese government announced measures to curb the increase of respiratory diseases. These measures include constant monitoring of cases, the adoption of masks, social distancing, and disinfection of public spaces.
“It is safe to travel to China,” said Mao Ning, spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs during a press conference, reassuring that both locals and tourists can feel safe traveling in China. Mao emphasized that the current situation is a normal seasonal rise in respiratory infections and not a cause for alarm.
HMPV is actually a common respiratory virus that can cause both upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Dutch scientists first identified it in the early 2000s, but evidence suggests it has been circulating worldwide for hundreds of years. Its rates of mutation appear to be low.
[Albert] Osterhaus, now a virologist with Germany’s University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, and his colleagues have since determined that HMPV has circulated in humans for hundreds of years.
Unlike the coronavirus and influenza, HMPV also appears to be relatively stable. This means that mutations are less frequent, with reinfection occurring over time as immunity wanes.
“Influenza virus is really the champion in mutation,” Osterhaus said. “[HMPV] is relatively stable, and we have looked into both RSV and HMPV viruses from 10-15 years ago and we saw some changes, but not major changes.”
HMPV belongs to the Pneumoviridae family, including the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Infections typically cause mild cold-like symptoms such as cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, and fever.
Like most airborne transmissible viruses, HMPV spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person breathes, speaks, coughs, or sneezes. It can also spread through contact with contaminated surfaces.
While it is a common respiratory illness, those exposed to cases should consider risk factors.
You’re more likely to get severely sick the first time you get HMPV, which is why young kids have a greater risk for serious illness. You get some protection (immunity) from your first infection and then are more likely to have mild, cold-like symptoms if you get another HMPV infection. Adults over 65 and people with breathing problems or a weakened immune system may also get severe symptoms.
Researchers estimate that about 10% to 12% of respiratory illnesses in children are caused by HMPV. Most cases are mild, but about 5% to 16% of children will develop a lower respiratory tract infection like pneumonia.
However, because it has been circulating for quite some time, most people have acquired a degree of immunity.
“The concern for a pandemic can be put at rest,” Dr. Carla Garcia Carreno, Children’s Medical Center Plano director of infection prevention and control, told CBS News, adding not only is the virus fairly stable, it’s also not a novel virus like COVID-19 was. “This has been circulating for a while, so people have some immunity against this human metapneumovirus.”
Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates the overall rate of respiratory infections is down in China. Additionally, the number of HMPV cases in the US is low.
A spokesperson for the World Health Organization (WHO) said data from China indicates “there has been a recent rise in acute respiratory infections” but that “the overall scale and intensity of respiratory infectious diseases in China this year are lower than last year.”
Cases of HMPV have been steadily increasing in the U.S. since November 2024 with 1.94% of weekly tests positive for HMPV as of Dec. 28, 2024, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). By comparison, 18.71% of weekly tests were positive for flu and 7.10% were positive for COVID during the same week, the data shows.
However, after the COVID experience, neighboring countries are monitoring the public health developments in China.
Hong Kong has reported a few cases of HMPV. Neighbouring countries like Cambodia and Taiwan are keeping a close watch on the situation. Cambodia’s Communicable Disease Control Department has issued warnings about HMPV, noting its similarity to Covid-19 and influenza.
Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control has said the virus’s higher risks for children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals.
In neighbouring India, officials said there is no need for panic as HMPV is “like any other respiratory virus”.
Fortunately, unlike COVID, the human metapneumovirus is not new; it has been spreading for hundreds of years, and most people have acquired some form of natural immunity through previous infections.

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The Chinese people are known for being vitamin D deficient. And without D your body cannot make the antibodies to fight off disease.
Sorry, I’m simply not willing to panic about another respiratory illness that the parasite class wants to stampede us into totalitarianism with.
Or the Dread Avian Pinkeye.
Or bubonic plague which infects a relative handful of people,(500 cases out of 8 billion people) mostly in third-world shitholes, every year since forever.
I would add that none of us have any idea whether the China report is truth or a lie. Everything that comes out of China is suspect and I believe the vast majority are lies
Wake me up when they start welding the doors to apartment houses shut to prevent people from going outside.
“Is there any way we can make it worse? Asking for a friend.”
-Dr. Anthony Fauci
Let me guess…..Pfizer is going to announce a vaccine that won’t prevent the virus from hitting you although it will make them billions of dollars in profits.
My daughter was hospitalized about 2 weeks ago for that. She’s only 48, but has asthma, and a heart condition.
It was probably a good thing – they did more checking on her heart, saw that her condition had become more serious, and decided to recommend her for surgery in the spring. If she had not been admitted, the worsening may have passed unnoticed, leading to a sudden crisis.
She’s home now, but weak. Her school is accommodating her illness, and has temporarily reduce her schedule to 4 days a week.
Hope she recovers well, and her future surgery is successful.
Why is this even news – a known seasonal cold virus spreading in China?
It is the new, lab-engineered viruses that people have no immunity to that you have to worry about, not this.