Anti-Israel Vandals at Columbia U. Fill Toilets With Cement
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Anti-Israel Vandals at Columbia U. Fill Toilets With Cement

Anti-Israel Vandals at Columbia U. Fill Toilets With Cement

“The accompanying manifesto claimed that it had attacked the school because it had expelled an anti-Israel student activist.”

These folks just keep getting worse and nothing seems to happen to them.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

Anti-Israel vandals pour cement down toilets, spray buildings with red paint at Columbia U

Two Columbia University schools were vandalized by anti-Israel activists on Wednesday afternoon, according to the institution and activist groups, with cement flushed down toilets and a building facade sprayed with red paint.

In a video and manifesto supposedly anonymously submitted to activist group Unity of Fields by vandals, the alleged perpetrators revealed that they flushed concrete down the toilets in Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs to cement “the sewage lines of the entire building, forcing them to shut down business-as-usual.”

The facilities were vandalized with graffiti that included “disturbing, personal attacks,” according to Columbia.

“Keren eat Wiener,” was graffitied with a stencil according to a video published on social media by Unity of Field, formerly known as Palestine Action US.

The accompanying manifesto claimed that it had attacked the school because it had expelled an anti-Israel student activist. The vandals mentioned the school’s dean and former IDF intelligence soldier Keren Yarhi-Milo as a “killer.”

The vandals also blamed New York Police Department Intelligence and Counterterrorism Deputy Commissioner Rebecca Weiner, who according to her LinkedIn is also adjunct assistant professor at the school, for the clearing of the April activist occupation of Columbia’s Hamilton Hall.

The university responded in a Wednesday statement saying “acts of vandalism of University buildings and property and attempts to harass and intimidate members of our community are unacceptable and abhorrent and will not be tolerated at Columbia.”

Featured image via Twitter video.


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acts of vandalism … will not be tolerated at Columbia
Yeah, right. Pull the other one.

They are playing to win by intimidation. I don’t know the right response, but it could include more expulsions.

Sorry this had to happen to one of the apparently better parts of Columbia.

If Columbia doesn’t expel them, and those eligible for deportation aren’t deported, then just expect more of this

    Milhouse in reply to rochf. | February 4, 2025 at 12:02 am

    Expel whom? The vandals’ identity is unknown, so there is no one against whom any action can be taken.

Wonder why these anti-Israel activists think intimidation will work? Oh … maybe leftist Columbia waited too long to assign consequences to their actions. Now they are going to have to get really tough. This is will be a major repair, costing lots of money. It should be answered with lots of expulsions.

Vandalizing bathroom sewage lines to protest Israel? Paging Dr. Freud.

    diver64 in reply to jolanthe. | February 2, 2025 at 6:15 am

    I’m going to protest the cafeteria’s Taco Tuesday by pulling all the geraniums from the flower beds. That will show them I mean business.

ahad haamoratsim | February 2, 2025 at 3:01 am

If they continue making themselves obnoxious to the university at large and not just to those pesky Jewish students & faculty, maybe they will wear out their welcome instead of being seen as a fashionable cause. One can only hope.

“Karen eats Wieners” sounds like standard grade school bathroom stall graffiti.