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Anti-Israel Protesters at Columbia U. Barge Into Classroom Donning Face Coverings

Anti-Israel Protesters at Columbia U. Barge Into Classroom Donning Face Coverings

“filming themselves as they recited a script, passed out propaganda, and harassed students, most of whom are Jewish”

It’s time for these people, and Columbia University, to be dealt with accordingly. The new Trump administration needs to get involved.

The College Fix reports:

‘Crush Zionism’: Pro-Hamas protestors barge into Israeli history class at Columbia

Anti-Israel protestors barged into an Israeli history class at Columbia University on Tuesday to pass out pro-Hamas flyers that showed the Star of David being destroyed.

“Four student activists, donning keffiyehs, marched into the class, ‘History of Modern Israel,’ filming themselves as they recited a script, passed out propaganda, and harassed students, most of whom are Jewish, according to a student in the class,” The Washington Free Beacon reported.

Columbia student Elisha Baker posted a video of the incident to X.

“So much for ‘academic freedom.’ Welcome to Columbia, 2025!” the student wrote.

The video shows an Israeli professor, Avi Shilon, telling the protesters to leave. “This is a civil rights violation. We’re trying to learn,” he said.

Baker also posted photos of the flyers the protestors distributed, which read, “The enemy will not see tomorrow,” “Burn Zionism to the ground,” and “Crush Zionism.” One flyer showed an Israeli flag on fire.

Shilon told the Free Beacon the incident “did not discourage [him].”

“[O]n the contrary, it just makes me feel that it is so important to teach and to study Israel from a real historian who this is his field of expertise,” he said.

University President Katrina Armstrong also responded to the incident, stating, “We strongly condemn this disruption, as well as the fliers that included violent imagery that is unacceptable on our campus and in our community.”

Featured image via Twitter video.


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CincyJan | January 23, 2025 at 8:38 am

I don’t understand such a passive response to disruptions by masked cowards. Why are these mini-terrorists allowed to hide their identities? Reach out and pull those face masks down.. That is the only way they can be identified and punished. So what if they take a swing at you? That’s assault, which you can charge them with if you know who they are. All very well to record the disruption and compolain. A thousand times better to unmask the cowards and press charges.

    OldProf2 in reply to CincyJan. | January 23, 2025 at 7:31 pm

    You should be able to identify them from the individualistic items they are carrying, and follow them and photograph them without the masks.
    They are practically begging you to pull off the masks so they can complain to Alvin Bragg, whose minions will make your life a living hell.

docduracoat | January 23, 2025 at 10:23 am

I agree with CincyJan.
The students should pull the masks down on these “protesters “ who invade and disrupt a classroom
Which the students have paid for

brightlights | January 23, 2025 at 4:24 pm

Problem is it would most likely be considered assault and DA Bragg would make sure you did hard time is possible. Then the little angels would sue you.

Sucks I know.

jolanthe | January 23, 2025 at 6:24 pm

So Columbia is reminding me of the dysfunctional families one hears about: who put on a successful public face, but have a starving, scapegoated child chained to a radiator in the basement.

Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of Columbia University before he was president of the U.S.

Heckuva job, Columbia.

Heckuva job, Mayor Adams.

What a country.

henrybowman | January 23, 2025 at 8:54 pm

When your institution name grows to be a punchline for more than two dozen jokes, it’s time to reassess.

Jvj1975 | January 24, 2025 at 3:21 am

If you had what it takes to get in to Columbia, then you have shat it takes to succeed in life without ever going near that place.

Jvj1975 | January 24, 2025 at 3:27 am

If a year at Columbia costs about $80,000, give or take………… then each semester will set you back about $40,000.

At 4 classes per semester, that’s about $10,000 per class.

If you’re interested in history of Israel or any other place on earth, I’m pretty sure you can find a few books on the subject that will cost you and your family less than $10,000.

Think, people. Think! Lolol

Jvj1975 | January 24, 2025 at 3:39 am

Instead of sinking several hundred thou into Columbia, you could spend 4 or 5 years

(1) becoming a plumber or electrician; and
(2) becoming bilingual.

Then, by your mid-20s, you’d be able to own your own business, and grow the business as big or small as you like. With as many or as few employees as you’d like.

And you’d have time to read up on any aspect of history or anything else that you’re interested in.

Jvj1975 | January 24, 2025 at 3:48 am

and you’ll want to be able to function in Spanish or Mandarin because many customers speak Spanish or Mandarin at home.

Large percentages of American families don’t speak English at home. Deal widdit Grow up.

If you want these people’s business, you’ll want to be able to speak their language.

Do you honestly imagine that any member of any teacher’s union will remind you of these things?

    CincyJan in reply to Jvj1975. | January 24, 2025 at 8:05 am

    ONE language. Mussolini passed a law in Italy requiring grade 1-4 education. The reason was to teach all Italians the national language, as most spoke the regional languages and could not communicate outside their regions. We lived in Italy when I was a kid and I attended Italian schools. I was fluent in Italian but never understood a single word of Piedmontese. You are advocating for a Tower of Babel.

      Jvj1975 in reply to CincyJan. | January 24, 2025 at 4:20 pm

      Large percentages of American cities speak Spanish or something else at home.

      This is reality.

      Grownups live in reality

      If you want to have customers, then you have to be able to speak with them.

      If you have the smarts and the dollars to get in to Columbia, I would argue that your time and money would be better spent by becoming bilingual.

      It’s just common sense, and it’s nothing new.
      Like it or not.

        CincyJan in reply to Jvj1975. | January 24, 2025 at 9:40 pm

        You can speak whatever you want at home. But you had better learn English to deal with the outside world. This has always been the case with immigrants. We are foolish to accommodate a separate language. There is a theory, which I agree with, that your language influences how you think. You cannot be as specific in Italian as in English. And our traditional values – hard work, education – are WASP values, not Latino ones. Latinos value loyalty and personal relationships. The Mafia in the US never got into gun fights with the IS Army, but the cartels do in Mexico … and they win.

          Milhouse in reply to CincyJan. | January 25, 2025 at 9:48 am

          German Americans survived for centuries without learning English, until WW1-era racism forced them to.

          Puerto Ricans are just as American as anyone else, and on PR Spanish is the dominant language.

“Four student activists, donning keffiyehs, marched into the class, ‘History of Modern Israel,’ filming themselves as they recited a script, passed out propaganda, and harassed students
You know, that sounds an awful lot like how terrorist acts from the 70s and early 80s started. It wouldn’t surprise me (at a more reasonable college) to see a professor respond with lethal force when seeing that happen. Dress like a terrorist, act like a terrorist, become a “good” terrorist.

I bet they don’t allow guns on campus either. Shame on Columbia! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT for your right to learn. 4 unarmed masked assailants could have been overpowered by any classroom of people.

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