Yale Psychiatrist Doesn’t Allow Her White Husband to Have White Friends Unless They Meet Her First
“Before I was a doctor, I was a black person in America, and this white coat does not protect me”
Dr. Amanda Calhoun, the Yale psychiatrist who said last month that it’s acceptable to cut off family members who voted for Trump, is back in the news this week.
The good doctor reportedly does not allow her husband to have white friends unless they have met her first.
The Washington Free Beacon reports:
A Saint Louis University graduate, Calhoun began her Yale residency in June 2019, according to her LinkedIn page. One year later, she was the keynote speaker at Yale Medical School’s “White Coats for Black Lives,” a demonstration held in the wake of George Floyd’s death in which “around 300 doctors took a knee in front of the Yale School of Medicine to demonstrate their solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.”
“Before I was a doctor, I was a black person in America, and this white coat does not protect me,” Calhoun told attendees. Her website touts similar rhetoric, including Calhoun’s belief that “all doctors should be activists.”…
Calhoun’s most controversial statements, however, involve her white colleagues, friends, and acquaintances.
Though Calhoun is married to a white man, she is openly hesitant toward Caucasians and gatekeeps her husband’s white acquaintances. In a 2022 X thread, she said she and her husband “left our hometown” because “white neighbors would meet my husband and I together, and then straight up ignore me when I greeted them if I was alone.” As a result, Calhoun wrote, she requires her husband’s white acquaintances to meet her first before befriending them.
“My husband dropped a lot of white friends and acquaintances. He doesn’t befriend white folks now unless they meet me first and respect me.”
Her bio from the Yale Medicine website is very telling:
Amanda Joy Calhoun, MD, MPH is Chief Resident of the Yale Albert J. Solnit Integrated Adult/Child Psychiatry program. She received her BA in Spanish from Yale University and her MD and MPH from Saint Louis University. Amanda J. Calhoun is currently a Viola W. Bernard Social Justice and Health Equity Fellow, a Diversity Equity and Inclusion Emerging Leaders Fellow with American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and an American Medical Association and Satcher Health Leadership Institute Medical Justice in Advocacy Fellow.
Dr. Calhoun has authored over 30 publications, 19 of which she is has first-authored, and has presented abstracts and oral presentations in numerous conferences. Her research focuses on the mental health sequelae of anti-Black racism in children and has been funded by the Yale Child Study Center Pilot Research Award and is the recipient of prestigious National Institute of Health Loan Repayment Program award.
Dr. Calhoun also specializes in the effects of medical anti-Black racism.
Can you imagine someone you love being treated by this woman?
For the love of all that is holy, make sure to do check your doctors' social media presence before allowing them to treat you.
Amanda Calhoun should be kept as far away from patients as possible. pic.twitter.com/Z8n9iQOafH
— Max 📟 (@MaxNordau) April 6, 2021
Amanda Calhoun is the chief resident at @YalePsych.
She oversees the other psychiatry residents.
In her published work, she writes approvingly of Ibram X. Kendi and Frantz Fanon, the latter of whom advocated revolutionary violence.
This is one of her publications: https://t.co/dQ01nD8U3C pic.twitter.com/KHyHkRj1fC
— Kevin Bass PhD MS (@kevinnbass) November 10, 2024
Amanda Calhoun is the @YalePsych mental health expert who recently advised viewers on MSNBC to cut off family members who voted for Trump.
She also believes black people are poor and sick because white people "intentionally oppress" them to advance a "white supremacist agenda". pic.twitter.com/ECfgIbp8va
— Kevin Bass PhD MS (@kevinnbass) November 10, 2024
This woman has turned psychiatry into a vehicle for progressive activism. Doesn’t this limit her capacity as a medical doctor and therapist?
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Wow. I’m surprised her neutered husband has any friends, of any race or sex.
I’m surprised that a DEI acts like a DEI.
I feel sorry for this cuck. Ok, no I don’t. If he wants to live under the bootheel of this racist then go for it.
“does not allow her husband to have white friends unless they have met her first.”
I don’t remember that being any part of the standard marriage vows.
I assume she wrote custom ones for both of them, and he signed on.
I don’t let my black wife have any black friends.
If you found this comment racist, but not the doctor’s comment, you must be a racist.
A classic abusive relationship, with an emotionally controlling partner.
Shocked, shocked I say. Divorce inbound. Or not, A lot of abused partners refuse to leave their partner/spouse.
Let’s modify this quote a bit.
If her husband said this:
“She doesn’t befriend black folks now unless they meet me first and respect me.”
He would be considered a racist controlling misogynists.
“white neighbors would meet my husband and I together, and then straight up ignore me when I greeted them if I was alone.” First I doubt this happened. Second, she is a scary racist and dangerous to be around so most people would avoid her when possible.
A huge 2×4 (not a chip) on both shoulders and she’s nuts.
Having been in an interracial relationship/marriage for over twenty years (I’m white, my wife was black), I can say with some confidence that she’s lying about being dissed by many of her husband’s friends. Everyone in my circle was white, and not a single person (family or friends) treated her with anything other than respect. (And we lived in various locations on both coasts.)
As for her husband, if any of his friends disrespected her and he didn’t unfriend them without prompting from her, then she’s married to the wrong man, or possibly to someone less than a man. Because no real man would tolerate anyone’s disrespect for his wife.
But she’s a control freak, treating her husband like a child and not allowing him to perform his function on his own.
Maybe people just don’t recognize her, because when you can only look up their nostrils, a lot of them look alike.
“white neighbors would meet my husband and I together, and then straight up ignore me….”
Does anyone learn grammar in school these days?
People who grew up reading don’t make this error.
People who never bothered to check on the www …. make this error
Think of it – This doctor cannot speak proper English. A basic, common error. She’s never bothered to take 60 seconds to doublecheck “me” vs. “I” and yet Yale wanted her
It’s extraordinary
It’s almost unbelievable.
Her husband is a self-loathing loser. I guarantee his racist wife steps out regularly.
“Before I was a doctor, I was a black person in America,
guess what sistah, you’re still a black person in America
oftentimes referred to as a hoodrat with papers
A psychiatrist, eh? Physician, heal thyself. Because you really need it.
There are some things that a pill can’t touch. When I rotated through psych the attending reminded us that to best serve the patient, we had to understand our own prejudices and compensate for those. She doesn’t filter hers… she amplifies them.
“Psychiatwists are the CWAAAAAAAZIEST people!”
Doesn’t Allow Her White Husband to Have White Friends Unless They Meet Her First
And doesn’t have any after they meet her, either.
So why did she marry a white man? Did she brand him?
To geld him.
Is this what an Ivy league education does to your brain?
More like this is what happens when an ivy League school admits students based on their color and their plumbing.
Reminder: The lowest prestige specialty amongst physicians is psychiatry. Especially child psychiatry. This woman is a good example why this has long been so.
You can verify this yourself the next time you’re with a doctor or a nurse. If you find a way to work it casually into the conversation, you’ll see.
Good medical students are not drawn to child psychiatry, in general.
Btw, here’s a reasonably reliable Rule To Live By: Avoid any physician who says things like “This white coat.” Especially a psychiatrist. Double Especially a child psychiatrist. Trust me.
Tried not to wear mine.. pretentious. “Tacticool” is to wear upscale casual in practice…stethoscope draped around neck.. if needed. As an intern, needed all the pockets of short white jacket for stuff… rubber tomahawk manuals etc.
ANY “potential” friend of any color that might be willing to go through that gauntlet isn’t worth having as a friend.
How convenient and consoling it must be to be able to shrug off any criticism or dislike from others as racism and totally unrelated to your own loathsome personality.
You would never have any need to examine your own behavior or motivations, and would never need to modify a thing in your own life because of negative reactions from others.
I don’t actually doubt that neighbors avoid her.
It does not apparently occur to her that a well adjusted adult would have declined to appear on Joy Reid program.
As someone still in training, it was inappropriate for her to be using the Yale brand on television.
A mentally healthy adult would have known all this, and recommended a respected faculty supervisor.
She appears to live in her own weird bubble — bless her heart.
There is a term for ‘men’ like her husband which my impeccable breeding and class won’t allow me to put in print……………
anything to do with beating someone with a feline?
Oh, no! Not…….cat bashed?!
So psychiatrists and psychologists, even family counselors are telling those upset by the election results to get “professional help.” What if the “professional” help agrees with being upset about the election? Most likely 70-90% of psychologists and psychiatrists are upset with the election results. And they are going to help their brethren of all races to not be upset? Honestly? Nope.
“So psychiatrists and psychologists, even family counselors are telling those upset by the election results to get “professional help.”
In other professions, that’s just everyday soliciting. “Straitjacket chasing,” as it were.
psychiatrists still have to grad from medical school …. no mean feat ….
“Reminder: The lowest prestige specialty amongst physicians is psychiatry. Especially child psychiatry.
Sorry to tell you, there are medical school students who are not well prepared. I know of one at a fairly well known medical school who had no understanding of decimals. How he now practices medicine I have no idea. Even in psychiatry he would need to know the difference between 0.25 mg and 0.50 mg.
This is the sort of garbage that has always existed, but became normalized under the black supremacist Obama. I am a white boy from Texas married to a beautiful black lady from Africa (21 plus years) with a biological son, and it is painful to realize that he will have to grow up in the racist sewer Obama gushed forth.
The decision to elect and re-elect Obama was not the first national gesture of destructive virtue signaling, but it may prove to be the deadliest.
“Before I was a doctor, I was a black person in America, and this white coat does not protect me,”
Yet, in this horrible racist country she managed to become a Yale psychiatrist. That’s strange, I’d have thought the white supremacist’s lurking behind every rock would have prevented this and had her out in a cotton field. Try harder, KKK. Your letting some slip through the cracks.
I’ll bet dollars to donuts that plagiarism revelation’s are soon to follow. This nitwit is a racist as is Joyless Reid – with the blonde hair.
Instead of the death penalty, I think they should just torture prisoners by making them look at a picture of Joy Reid for an hour a day.
What’s in a name?
Have you ever noticed how it seems women named “Joy” seem to have none?
Nasal voice, “Yes, dear ”
To the husband, I have no sympathy for him. He needs to man up.
He ain’t no grizzly fur shure.
It is not the sort of thing up with which we choose to put.
Yoda could not have said it better.
Seems racist. Maybe WHIPPED needs to rethink his life.
It sounds to me like this psychiatrist needs a shrink.
That’s the thing with narcissists—they’re never the problem, from their point of view. So, she’ll never go to a shrink of her own volition. And if she does, she won’t continue to go to a shrink who suggests to her, “Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re more of a problem than you might prefer to believe?”
On the other hand, if her employer forces her to see someone, as a condition of continued employment, then she’ll probably raise a fuss, hire a lawyer, perhaps sue for discrimination, etc.
So the program will probably just try to keep her from talking to the media, and hope they can ride this one out until graduation in June, 2025.
Will anybody learn anything useful from this sorry episode? My guess is that training programs all over the country will formalize rules about media contacts. They may already have.
I knew a very attractive black lady many years ago who fancied herself “one of those evil black women.” She was not. I do believe Dr. Calhoun is the real deal.
I heard a few decades back that psychiatrists were expected (by professional ethics) to receive regular occasional analysis from another psychiatrist, much as bankers are required (by law) to take three weeks consecutive vacation each year, and for similar reasons. Might have been once true but not anymore, or an urban legend, or whatever, but I did hear it.
In the past when I lived in MA, people like that were easy to find. Mentally ill and employed by the state. As for the “husband” (do we know it is a male?) — no woman is worth that BS.
“In the past when I lived in MA, people like that were easy to find. Mentally ill and employed by the state.”
I knew a fishing hole where you could always find such fish. The elevator in the Statehouse, almost certainly the only remaining manually-operated elevator in the entire state. It was run by a slow succession of wizened gnomes, all of them certainly the “challenged” relatives of powerful legislators.
Sounds like a very healthy relationship
i wonder how often she lets him look at his testicles… does she let him hold them
and remember….
it wud b a frosty day somewhere warm
b4 anyone told me who my friends are.
So she says that black doctors shouldn’t have to treat racist patients and gay doctors shouldn’t have to treat “phobic” patients.
Does that mean that patients should be able to refuse black or gay doctors? Just curious how far she’s thought her bigotry through.
Also, controlling your spouse’s friends is a huge red flag on the domestic abuse/violence front.
No, it means patients should be able to refuse racist or “phobic” doctors.
Allowing racist or homophobic patients to refuse black or gay doctors would be the equivalent of allowing racist or homophobic doctors to refuse black or gay patients. Which obviously they can’t do.
Except that patients are in fact entitled to discriminate on the basis of race or whatever, while providers are not.
It has been said that psychiatrist often enter that field of medicine because they have mental issues. She is living proof of that theory.
The reason those neighbors ignored you ain’t because of your skin color, lady.
A psychiatrist who doesn’t understand the meaning of “phobic”. LOL.
Why am I not surprised?
“Dr. Calhoun has authored over 30 publications, 19 of which she is has first-authored”
Doesn’t mention how many she plagiarized, though.
Sounds like this psychiatrist is skiting about her domestic violence – she controls who her husband is permitted to see and be friends with. What else does he beg her permission for?
If you’re curious about the publication record of Amanda J. Calhoun just enter “PubMed” in your search engine. Without the quotation marks.
That takes you to the National Library of Medicine.
Enter her name, hit and her publications come up after a couple seconds.
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