Unseated Squad Member Addresses Daniel Penny Verdict: ‘Dear White People’
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Unseated Squad Member Addresses Daniel Penny Verdict: ‘Dear White People’

Unseated Squad Member Addresses Daniel Penny Verdict: ‘Dear White People’

“If you’re threatening people on the subway, you’re not a good person no matter what your skin color is.”

Outgoing New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman, best known for pulling a fire alarm to delay a House vote and for losing his primary by a whopping 17 points, took to X to express his outrage over the Daniel Penny verdict.

In the opening post of a 12-post thread (accessible in full by clicking below), Bowman wrote: “Dear White People, I don’t know why I feel the need to keep talking to you. I don’t know why part of me still has hope for you and for us. Some of you are too far gone. But maybe enough of you aren’t and will join us in fighting to end white supremacy.”

Jamaal Bowman continued his thread to “call out the hypocrisy and evil of it all.” He shared that he has “seen countless incidents of brutal police violence and killings in my lifetime.” He referenced the cases of Rodney King, George Floyd, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, and Breonna Taylor before shifting his focus back to Jordan Neely.

Adding to his list, Bowman mentioned Tyre Nichols—a 29-year-old black man who died in January 2023, several days after being brutally beaten by five black Memphis police officers. Bowman explained his inclusion of Nichols, stating, “White supremacy is not skin color. It’s a state of mind.” In other words, according to Bowman, the black officers were agents of white supremacy.

Bowman eventually returned to Jordan Neely’s case, asserting, “Neely was sick, but not a threat. He was subdued. Still not a threat. Daniel Penny choked him for 6 minutes. And killed him. We all watched it on camera, and he was still acquitted.”

Interestingly, Bowman did not mention the black man who helped restrain Neely during the incident.

He concluded his impassioned thread by decrying how black people are “harmed or killed,” claiming that “there is never accountability or justice. This is the evil of white supremacy.”

Later, Bowman reposted the first tweet in his 12-post thread, adding the caption, “Seems like I hit a nerve. White people on X going crazy on this one. Must’ve been a lot of truth in what I posted.”

He followed up with another message:

Unsurprisingly, Bowman faced significant backlash for his remarks. His posts were met with numerous “community notes” from other users, highlighting the obvious inaccuracies and contradictions in his claims.

Other users were happy to explain to Bowman why he lost his primary this summer.

He was even called out by one black man who noted that during his four years in Congress, he’d done nothing to enact change for those whom he professes to care so much about. Instead, he “stirs the pot for clicks and cheap outrage. … Is this really the legacy you want? Screaming into the void while doing nothing for the people you claim to represent?”

What Bowman needs to understand most is that the “Al Sharpton-style” of race-baiting no longer resonates with the public. The nation has moved past the unfounded hysteria over “systemic racism” that swept across the country following George Floyd’s death in May 2020. The divisive narrative that America is inherently racist—propagated by the Democratic Party and amplified by the legacy media—has run its course. Daniel Penny’s acquittal by a New York jury serves as a clear signal that America has entered a post-2020 era. At last, a measure of sanity has returned to the national conversation.

Goodbye, Jamaal.

Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.


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“Dear White People, I don’t know why I feel the need to keep talking to you.”

Neither do I. STFU and go away

Tired of the black racists like Bowman in our midst. Fortunately, for them especially, their bigoted claims are false.

With his unhinged, racist anti-White rants, Jamaal is trying to get noticed.

Sorry, Charlie. Only the best tasting rants are good enough for Starkist. Al Sharpton-style of race-baiting no longer works with the white fishes.

Apparently Carlin Clarke is a product of the woke black culture and when she was given the athletic of the year award by Time Magazine… are they still functioning?
They also gave one to Hitler, if I remember, correctly

She bent the knee and acknowledged her white privilege

And wants all the black women who came
Before her to
Gain financial benefited cause, they are the real foundation of WNBA

What a piece of sad BS Catlin

First of all, basketball was invented by a white person and often blacks are given athletic positions, ie scholarships, jobs, based on the idea that blacks are more athletic than an equal white athlete
I know this because not only has that been admitted by black coaches and athletes but my daughter, white, was always the best player on her basketball teams from AAU, HS, D1 and had to prove herself endlessly. Yes, White girls can jump and score and rebound

So instead of bending the knee the groveling to the black masses, ignoring all the young girls who looked up to you and wanted to be just like Cat

You throw that all away with your disgusting groveling

she can always hang with Swift, who we’re are also sick of cause I will
Never Ever watch or buy anything connected to you again

Sick of these race hustlers and race apologists

White supremacy to Bowman and his ilk,

— the ability to solve algebra and word problems

— speaking properly and clearly

— being generally civil

Shaddup retard, even your side can’t stand you

Dear Black people.

Play the Cris Rock YouTube video: “How not to get your ass kicked by the police.”

Sound and simple advice. Very funny

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

It will take the reader very little effort to confirm that Albert Schweitzer considered them a subspecies that must be treated as children. And he was a devout Christian and polymath who devoted his life to helping them.

    NorthernNewYorker in reply to E Howard Hunt. | December 11, 2024 at 9:40 pm

    On that topic, I think Mr. Bowman would benefit greatly from a trip to Africa. He will find, I believe, that the people there will view him as an American, and will wonder at his seeming ingratitude for being able to live and prosper in such a great country.

Dear Mr. Bowman:

You’re a real Dem. Keep up the great work!

G. Soros

Racist POS

What is it about former educators who toss their hats into the ring? Bowman, Tim and dingbat wife Gwen Walz, and of course “Doctor” Jill.

When will American voters quit voting these dimwitted activists to positions of even greater power over us?

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | December 11, 2024 at 9:27 pm

Dear Black People. If you believe your failure in life is due to White People, you took a hard left turn a few miles back.

Turn around, figure out how you fucked up your own life, and stop blaming your misgivings and poor choices on someone else.

Oh, and stop murdering each other.

Chief, out.

Trayvon Martin was not killed the police.

    DaveGinOly in reply to allenb611. | December 12, 2024 at 1:51 am

    No, but he was killed by a “white” Hispanic.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to allenb611. | December 12, 2024 at 11:31 am

    Trayvon Martin got what he deserved, but his parents neglect was the cause. They did not give him the attention he needed while he was alive, but did milk his death for personal gain. There are so many more young blacks just like Trayvon, mostly killing each other.

Thank God for bodycams. Absolutely everything he said gets refuted every day. If anything, cops put themselves in harms way by often not acting fast enough.

best known for pulling a fire alarm to delay a House vote

The idea that that was his purpose was always stupid and without any basis in fact, and it hasn’t got any less stupid since.

I don’t know why he did pull the alarm. Which he definitely did, on purpose, despite his efforts to pretend otherwise. But I do know that that wasn’t the reason.

There was just no way that he could have expected a vote in the House to be delayed by pulling a fire alarm in an entirely different building. And indeed it wasn’t. The Cannon building was shut down and evacuated because of his alarm. And the vote proceeded in the House without any disturbance, as indeed no one in the House even knew there was a problem over at Cannon.

    henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | December 12, 2024 at 2:25 am

    “Sure he was CRAZY, Lieutenant… but what was his MOTIVE??”
    There’s a cop undermining his own chances for a promotion.

    Stuytown in reply to Milhouse. | December 12, 2024 at 7:57 am

    At this point, I think you are on Bowman’s payroll. I’m tired of logging in just to down-vote this comment, which I know ahead of time will be here every time there is a Bowman-related article.

    If you can’t offer a more likely reason for him pulling the fire alarm, just don’t comment.

      Juris Doctor Doom in reply to Stuytown. | December 12, 2024 at 3:40 pm

      He’s a contrarian gatekeeper, who shows up to comment on certain topic threads to steer thinking in a certain direction, mostly by advising what one “cannot do” as opposed to what one “can do.”

      Milhouse in reply to Stuytown. | December 13, 2024 at 1:18 am

      It won’t be there “every time there is a Bowman-related article”, just every time such an article repeats this obviously false claim. Don’t you think I’m tired of this obvious lie being repeated every time Bowman’s name comes up? Stop telling the lie and I’ll stop challenging it.

        Stuytown in reply to Milhouse. | December 13, 2024 at 2:51 am

        You cannot prove it’s a lie. You have never proven it’s a lie. You have not even come close to proving it’s a lie. You have never offered any explanation for his actions. Yet you accuse others of lying. Give it a rest. You know enough to to know that you can’t accuse another of lying without a reasonable explanation for the accusation. Actually, 10-year olds know this.

        I think you are a brilliant person. I think your knowledge is remarkable. I look forward to reading your comments. But you often pick really stupid fights. Bowman is one of your stupid fights. Sometimes you just need to keep it to yourself.

          Milhouse in reply to Stuytown. | December 14, 2024 at 11:21 am

          I don’t have to offer an explanation for his actions. The burden of proof is on those asserting an explanation. Especially when it’s one that the know has no basis in fact, has never had any basis in fact, and makes no sense at all. To make such an assertion, in that knowledge, is a lie.

    Azathoth in reply to Milhouse. | December 12, 2024 at 10:50 am

    And here he rides on his pale horse, in to defend his comrades.

    As always.

    The fool expected there to be a big incident that would have fire trucks and police –the way it happens in schools in New York when a fire alarm is pulled. He was a school principal.

      Milhouse in reply to Azathoth. | December 13, 2024 at 1:22 am

      And here comes the filthy disgusting demon, to shamelessly defame me again. Go back to Hell, literally, and now.

      He was a school principal in NY, so of course he knows very well that a fire alarm a block away from the school has no effect at all on the school. His school was never evacuated, even for a real fire that far away, let alone for a mere alarm.

        Stuytown in reply to Milhouse. | December 13, 2024 at 3:09 am

        A fire alarm a block away from a school has nothing to do with the school itself–no relation other than rough geography. On the other hand, a fire alarm in one Congressional office building that is attached through underground corridors, connected presumably with surveillance and security measures, and that houses the offices of House members who might be voting on a bill, has SOME RELATIONSHIP other than geography to the Capitol. Can we say with certainty that it’s a causal relationship? No. But, if you call people liars here because they believe that he pulled the alarm in an effort, however ridiculous, to delay the vote, then it is you, not them, who looks foolish.

    Juris Doctor Doom in reply to Milhouse. | December 12, 2024 at 3:37 pm

    Ok look, here comes gatekeeper Milhouse, to make sure none of you get any ideas and only think a certain way.

    “I don’t know why he did pull the alarm. Which he definitely did, on purpose, despite his efforts to pretend otherwise. ” So, what was his reason? Sufficient time has passed to ascertain that motive, especially given how certain you are. Just because the vote wasn’t delayed doesn’t mean he didn’t attempt to delay it, and just went about it stupidly.

      How on earth could his motive have been ascertained, no matter how much time has passed. The only person who knows why he did it is him, and he still ludicrously insists it was an honest mistake, which is obviously not true.

      But you’re the one making a positive assertion, that you do know his motive, and it’s even more ridiculous than his explanation. It has no basis whatsoever. There’s no basis for even supposing he wanted to delay the vote. That was always just a pure guess. And it’s just impossible for him to have done it for that reason.

      No one is stupid enough to think that a fire alarm in Cannon could possibly disrupt a vote in the Capitol. Whoever first came up with the idea obviously thought the alarm was in the Capitol.

Bowman explained his inclusion of Nichols, stating, “White supremacy is not skin color. It’s a state of mind.” In other words, according to Bowman, the black officers were agents of white supremacy.

He also dragged Kyle Rittenhouse in, without any explanation of what he is doing in what is supposedly a tale of black people being murdered.

1. Rodney King was a criminal who led police on a high-speed chase and then violently resisted arrest. The police used appropriate force to subdue him. Even the second jury, which convicted two of the four accused, found that all the but the last six blows were justified.

The police had every right to beat him until he stopped fighting. Their only fault was that when he stopped fighting, three out of four cops noticed immediately and stopped. Powell was caught up in the moment and didn’t notice until he had landed six unnecessary blows. So he was convicted for those six blows, and Koon was convicted for not stopping him.

2. Garner was not murdered. He resisted arrest, and police used appropriate force to subdue him. He died because he gave himself a heart attack by fighting back when he was in no physical condition to do so.

3. Philandro Castile’s case is not entirely clear, but it appears that he reached for his gun. What was the cop supposed to think?

4. Trayvon Martin was a vicious thug who tried to murder George Zimmerman, but Zimmerman fought back and killed him in self-defense.

5. Briona Taylor is a sad case. She didn’t deserve to die. And the cops should not have burst in on her and her boyfriend. But once the boyfriend started shooting at them, albeit in legitimate self-defense, what were they supposed to do? Don’t blame the cops, blame the system that allows no-knock warrants.

6. George Floyd was not murdered. We all saw what happened, and it wasn’t murder. Like many of the others you name, he resisted arrest, which he had no right to do, and died as a result of his own actions.

7. Tyre Nichols had nothing to do with race; he gave the cops grief, they gave him grief. And they were black, so “white supremacy” can’t possibly have been involved.

8. Jordan Neely was a threat, and he was not subdued. He was fighting and had to be restrained.

White people who find themselves in the same circumstances are killed just as often, or more often, than black people are. In particular, police are more likely to kill a white man who resists arrest than they are a black man who does so. When we see someone killed, we don’t even look at what color anyone involved is. We treat it exactly the same regardless.

There is no “white supremacy” involved in any of these cases, and few people ever encounter it in real life any more.

Kyle Rittenhouse and Daniel Penny are indeed free, and that is a wonderful thing for which all decent people, regardless of what their skin looks like, are happy. But I don’t understand what Rittenhouse even has to do with this whole topic. How’d he sneak into this rant? How does race get involved in a white kid jumped by a bunch of white thugs, and defending himself? There was no one involved who wasn’t white.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Milhouse. | December 12, 2024 at 1:53 am


    henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | December 12, 2024 at 2:36 am

    “3. Philandro Castile’s case is not entirely clear, but it appears that he reached for his gun. What was the cop supposed to think?”

    Clearest dashcam and sound I’ve ever watched. Watch it (only one minute) and then make your own judgment. I know I’ve made mine.


      Milhouse in reply to henrybowman. | December 12, 2024 at 8:10 am

      What is it that you think you see in that video? It doesn’t show Castile, or the inside of the car at all, so how do you know what he was doing? How do you know he didn’t reach for and pull out the gun? Because he said he wasn’t???? As I understand it, the cop claimed that even as he was saying he wasn’t reaching for it, he was doing exactly that. What evidence is there that this wasn’t true?

      Maybe he was trying to tell the cop that he wasn’t reaching for the gun, he was reaching for his ID, or for something else; but if the gun was in the same place as that other thing, then he was reaching in the direction of the gun, and the cop had no way of knowing that he wasn’t going to pull it. He can’t just take the guy’s word for it.

        henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | December 12, 2024 at 4:47 pm

        So he emptied his mag into the guy. Seven shots? Eight?
        After which the guy was still functional enough to complain quite clearly, “I wasn’t reaching!”
        Yeah, a real Profile in Competence, that cop.

          Milhouse in reply to henrybowman. | December 13, 2024 at 1:42 am

          Maybe so, but it still doesn’t tell us whether Castile was reaching toward the gun.

          “So he emptied his mag into the guy. Seven shots? Eight?”
          Seven or eight shots would not empty the magazine modern police pistol – not even close.

          “After which the guy was still functional enough to complain quite clearly, “I wasn’t reaching!””
          Short of a CNS hit, handguns are not great at quickly stopping a person. Even a heart shot can take several seconds to stop a motivated person, Several seconds can be an eternity in a gun fight. That’s a big reason you see police doing actual mag dumps.

      The cop asked for ID. Logic suggests that Castile was reaching for his wallet to meet the cop’s request. But the PD had hired a hysterical coward and issued a gun to him…

Alexander Scipio | December 12, 2024 at 1:36 am

Dear Black People: If it wasn’t for white superiority, you’d all still be living a neolithic lifestyle in mud huts while being enslaved by the Mali empire, the largest ever in Africa, whose wealth was entirely based on gold and slavery. If you’re living in the First World – you’re welcome.

It’s the Cultural Marxists that have to go, they are poisoning society

Bowman needs to check himself. Would it be acceptable to start a speech with Dear Black People?

Time to cancel bowman for toxic anti-white rhetoric. BLM/CRT is such a fraud. There will be no reparations.