U. Colorado-Colorado Springs Prof Praises North Korea, Argues Country Advances Socialist Revolution

Kim jong Un North Korea

Colleges and universities have to stop being communist indoctrination centers. Hasn’t everyone had enough of this?

The College Fix reports:

Professor praises North Korea, argues country advances socialist revolutionAn assistant sociology professor at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs argued during a recent conference that elections in North Korea are “thorough” and “community-based.”“In the tradition of communist and socialist election system, we discussed the candidates so thoroughly before even we cast the vote, that’s often why it’s like the election result is 100 percent,” Professor Haruki Eda said at the conference protesting U.S. involvement in Korea.Eda presented at the “U.S. Out of Korea” conference organized by Nodutdol, a progressive Korean organization, on Oct. 26 in Aurora, Colorado. Nodutdol is known for sending delegations to North Korea and is often criticized for excusing North Korean human rights violations.Eda said North Korea “invented games to vote, like practice voting and practice discussing the candidates in advance,” and election campaigns are run as “community gatherings.”“It’s a very thorough discussion system where they practice this community-based grassroots way of vetting people and deciding on our leaders,” Eda said.During his presentation, which was posted on YouTube by a citizen journalist*, Eda showed a photo he claimed was related to such community based elections in 1947 or 1948, but stated he “did not know the full context of the event.”Professor Eda and the University of Colorado Colorado Springs did not return multiple requests for comment from The College Fix.“Central to the event was a ‘Korea 101’ presentation by Haruki Eda, a local educator and longtime member of Nodutdol, who stated, ‘Many civilians were massacred across the peninsula by both the South Korean and U.S. militaries,’” the socialist news outlet FightBack News reported.

Tags: College Insurrection, Colorado, Communism, North Korea