I…I honestly have no words about Tuft University’s new course titled “Transcestors: Trans History, Narrative & Influence” through its Experimental College.
From Campus Reform:
According to the description, the course will prompt students with questions such as “How have transgender people been systematically misused, misunderstood, co-opted, and erased throughout history?.”The description continues to provide the premise of the course which will include the oppression of transgender-identifying people and so-called trans erasure.“In this course, we’ll look at several notable examples of trans existence throughout time and place, their relative oppressions, and how these situations have altered cis perceptions of trans people in the modern day,” it says.“We’ll additionally look at how these erasures of history have influenced the current mass markets of entertainment (including literature, movies, sitcoms, and stand-up comedy), the deliberate attacks on U.S. trans rights over the past decade (such as book bans, participation in sports, and access to trans-related healthcare), and the impact of of these attacks on cis people alongside trans people,” it continues.Milo Todd is the listed professor for the class. He is the “co-editor-in-chief at Foglifter Journal, runs The Queer Writer newsletter, and teaches creative writing primarily to queer and trans adults.”