The Lie that Will Define Biden’s Legacy
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The Lie that Will Define Biden’s Legacy

The Lie that Will Define Biden’s Legacy

“He has good days and bad days, and today was a bad day so we’re going to address this tomorrow.”

Historians will one day look back on Biden’s presidency and marvel at the fact that America elected a senile man to the highest office in the land. More shocking still, he remained in office for his full term and even “won” his party’s nod to seek a second term.

From the day Biden launched his presidential campaign in April 2019, it was clear that he had changed during his two years out of the national spotlight. His speech had become noticeably less fluent, his words were often slurred, and he struggled to communicate effectively without the aid of a teleprompter. 

The conservative media reported on these early signs of dementia, but Democrats and the so-called journalists from the legacy media dismissed the reports as right-wing propaganda. And the pandemic, which was raging at the time, allowed Biden to limit his public appearances, shielding himself from the level of scrutiny typically faced by a presidential candidate.

Five years later, Biden’s condition has deteriorated significantly. Yet Democrats refused to admit the truth until Biden’s disastrous debate performance in late June left them with no other choice.

When videos surfaced just two weeks before the debate that showed Biden’s very public and very humiliating senior moments at the G7 summit, the Juneteenth celebration, and a star-studded Los Angeles fundraiser, Jean-Pierre told reporters they were “cheap fakes.” The videos had been edited by Republicans, she said, to make Biden appear dazed and confused and therefore unfit for the presidency. Right.

On Thursday morning, the Wall Street Journal published a feature story that detailed the extraordinary efforts White House aides undertook to maintain the ruse that Biden was fine. The article, titled “How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge,” is based on interviews with “nearly 50 people, including those who participated in or had direct knowledge of the operations.”

For what it’s worth, the authors begin by stating, “The administration denied Biden has declined.” If that were true, this article would never have been written.

The primary job of the men and women surrounding Biden appeared to have been hiding his infirmities from the world. They accomplished this by limiting his duties and minimizing his interactions with outsiders, which sometimes included members of his own cabinet and Democratic leaders. Aides regularly told “visitors to keep meetings focused” and as short as possible.

The article noted that Biden has good days and not so good days.

If the president was having an off day, meetings could be scrapped altogether. On one such occasion, in the spring of 2021, a national security official explained to another aide why a meeting needed to be rescheduled. “He has good days and bad days, and today was a bad day so we’re going to address this tomorrow,” the former aide recalled the official saying.

The degree of protection around Biden was unprecedented. According to the authors:

Presidents always have gatekeepers. But in Biden’s case, the walls around him were higher and the controls greater, according to Democratic lawmakers, donors and aides who worked for Biden and other administrations. There were limits over who Biden spoke with, limits on what they said to him and limits around the sources of information he consumed.

Throughout his presidency, a small group of aides stuck close to Biden to assist him, especially when traveling or speaking to the public. “They body him to such a high degree,” a person who witnessed it said, adding that the “hand holding” is unlike anything other recent presidents have had.

The article said that top administration officials such as National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, senior counselor Steve Ricchetti and National Economic Council head Lael Brainard, often took on roles and duties one might expect the president himself to perform.

Biden did not like negative articles about himself or unfavorable poll numbers. Therefore, “Press aides who compiled packages of news clips for Biden were told by senior staff to exclude negative stories about the president.”

The Journal discussed Biden’s extensive preparation for his interview with special counsel Robert Hur, who investigated his mishandling of classified documents. Although he worked with aides three hours a day for a week, the interview did not go well. “While preparing last year for his interview with Robert K. Hur, the president couldn’t recall lines that his team discussed with him,” the article said. It’s no wonder the Department of Justice refused to release the transcript to the public.

The article noted that, “at events, aides often repeated instructions to him, such as where to enter or exit a stage, that would be obvious to the average person.”

Several lawmakers “felt Biden was unusually hard to reach,” compared to other presidents. In 2021, Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) served as the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. “Alarmed by what he viewed as overly optimistic comments from Biden as the administration assembled plans for the [U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan],” he told the Journal he tried, but failed, to get an audience with Biden.

“I was begging them to set expectations low,” said Smith, who had worked extensively on the issue and harbored concerns about how the withdrawal might go. He sought to talk to Biden directly to share his insights about the region but couldn’t get on the phone with him, Smith said.

After the disastrous withdrawal, which left 13 U.S. service members and more than 170 Afghans dead, Smith made a critical comment to the Washington Post about the administration lacking a “clear-eyed view” of the U.S.-backed Ashraf Ghani government’s durability. It was among comments that triggered an angry phone call from Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who ended up getting an earful from the frustrated chairman. Shortly after, Smith got an apologetic call from Biden. It was the only phone call Biden made to Smith in his four years in office, Smith said.

“The Biden White House was more insulated than most,” Smith said. “I spoke with Barack Obama on a number of occasions when he was president and I wasn’t even chairman of the committee.”

The Journal spoke to Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV) who said he was concerned that Biden didn’t have the energy that the job required.

Manchin noticed that Biden’s staff played a much bigger role driving his agenda than he had experienced in other administrations. Manchin referred to them as the “eager beavers”—a group that included then-White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain. “They were going, ‘I’ll take care of that,’” Manchin said.

We didn’t need the Wall Street Journal to tell us that Biden is not fine. His condition has been clear for years. And every individual who worked to cover it up from First Lady Jill Biden and Biden’s personal physician to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the legacy media, is complicit in a massive fraud against the American electorate.

And yes, this lie will define Biden’s legacy.

Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.


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On Biden’s best day, you’d need a set of field glasses to see him if you were standing atop the Bell Curve. Biden was always a stupid man.

But his dementia was plainly obvious during the 2020 campaign and the fact that we were locked in our homes didn’t disguise that.

He’s a fraud. He didn’t win the White House. He cheated and karma is going to be a _____ for him.

    Joe-dallas in reply to Peter Moss. | December 20, 2024 at 8:33 am

    I am a CPA in Dallas. I have had 14-15 clients with Alzhemiers/dementia.

    Alzhemiers / dementia if very difficult to recognize if you have never dealt with it, Yet it is extremely easy to recognize if you have dealt with it. My first two clients with dementia, I had no idea they were impaired, After the first, it became extremely easy to recognize, including 3 clients where I informed the family that the person likely had dementia one or two years before the medical diagnosis.

    I picked up on Biden’s dementia in the summer of 2020.

    Most hard core leftists refused to acknowledge the obvious (including numerous leftist commentators at to Volokh conspiracy – which has become a leftist echo chamber

      Elizabeth Stauffer in reply to Joe-dallas. | December 20, 2024 at 8:46 am

      That’s funny that you diagnosed it before the doctors! … Yeah, anyone who was honest recognized it. Foreigners saw it, especially the Australians, but that didn’t stop the Democratic machine from revving up and muscling him into the White House – even after he finished in 4th place in Iowa and 5th in New Hampshire. I still marvel at how they were able to do it. … To me, he always seemed like an imposter. Never thought of him as the president. … It was so hard in the beginning for me to even type “President Biden” in posts! 😁

      MK Ultra in reply to Joe-dallas. | December 20, 2024 at 9:54 am

      I heard Professor Volokh finally blocked that idiot “Reverend,” so hopefully that cut down on the thread-shitting.

      theduchessofkitty in reply to Joe-dallas. | December 21, 2024 at 11:46 am

      You picked it up in 2020 and so did I.

      There were years of me wondering and asking people at other forums about why hasn’t anyone seen the same thing and why has no dementia caregiver of any kind in this nation (family, friend, healthcare worker) ever said anything to the world that Biden must have a diagnosis. But no one in the healthcare industry ever did. Why?

      I wonder if organizations involved in ALZ and dementia were told by the Democrats to keep their mouths shut after people began to notice things. Anyone from those nonprofits would have seen it clearly and would have said something. But they never did. Why?

      That’s why I do not trust those organizations now. My own Mom was diagnosed with dementia recently and I would not ask them a damned thing. I’m very certain they knew. They could have demanded accountability well before 2021. But they never did. Why?

      I ask again. Why?

      It’s a wonder Biden’s 3rd grade teacher didn’t see it. | December 20, 2024 at 7:40 am

The facts have always been clear. The question is how were his aides successful in perpetrating this fraud? It is more than a question of media malfeasance, since the information was always available to anyone who had an internet connection. The answer must lie somewhere in the ability of mass communications and social media to disguise and deny an obvious truth.

    The ability of mass communications and social media to [try to] disguise and deny an obvious truth.
    FIFY. Thank the Lord for Elon’s X.

    What is surprising is the number of leftists who allowed themselves to be so easily fooled. It was an open secret.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to | December 20, 2024 at 8:45 am

    “The question is how were his aides successful in perpetrating this fraud?”

    Lapdog media, combined with a populace that still thinks “I heard it / saw it on the radio / TV so it must be true. “They wouldn’t allow them to lie!” (emphasis mine). But, if you ask, the populace can’t tell you who “they” are.

      And while we’re discussing lying liars and the lies they lied… from Tucker’s briefing note today:

      Desperate times have fallen upon MSNBC.

      According to reports, network executives recently told election-trauma-ridden hosts Joy Reid and Stephanie Ruhle that they must accept pay cuts in order to keep their nighttime shows. Reid and Ruhle each reportedly earn seven figures for their gigs.

      Sources say Morning Joe co-host Jonathan Lemire is also facing a salary reduction, and the network’s biggest star, Rachel Maddow, received a $5 million trim earlier this year. Ironically, Maddow is probably the only reason the channel remains afloat.

      According to Ruhle, Donald Trump told her to “go f**k [herself]” when she asked him for an interview in October. Based on the ratings, America’s news consumers appear to agree with the president-elect’s sentiment. Read more.

      Ooh, domino chains are so satisfying to watch!

    The Democrat leadership wanted to hide it.
    The majority of the press will always help the Democrats.
    The rank and file Democrats didn’t want to see it.

    If you refuse to see and everyone with knowledge is lying it is easy to “not know” something.

    The admitted it for just less than 4 weeks in July so they could change candidates so they would have a chance to win the presidency.

    They immediately went back to pretending he was just fine since having Kamala be president would have destroyed any chance of her winning.

      midge.hammer in reply to Martin. | December 21, 2024 at 9:13 am

      I remain surprised that they haven’t subsequently 25th’d him or otherwise had him step down (perhaps a fall that incapacitates him completely; not quite “Clintons” him, but same effect, from an acting POTUS standpoint) — just to spite all the people who bought “47” shirts and hats — making Commala ‘47’ for a coupla months and taking the credit for the first woman-, first half-black (well, woman)-, and first half Indian-, POTUS.

      Especially given the obvious hate the Bidens have for them, and vice-versa.

        henrybowman in reply to midge.hammer. | December 22, 2024 at 12:33 am

        I’m sure many of the president’s handlers would love to see that happen, but Joe isn’t going to sign a damn thing that would benefit his new Best Enemy Forever in any manner whatsoever. He’s more likely to issue a statement naming her the new Tobacco Czar.

JackinSilverSpring | December 20, 2024 at 7:57 am

So, who was actually calling the shots in Brandon’s Administration?

The Gentle Grizzly | December 20, 2024 at 8:03 am

Saw a tweet this morning. Seems that both Biden and Mrs. Emhoff have canceled their various vacations that are headed back to the White House in a big hurry. I wonder what that’s all about? Maybe Joe’s going to resign so that Mrs. Emhoff can be president.

    I haven’t seen that tweet, but my guess is that that they’ve haven’t cancelled outright but just won’t go on vacation quite yet due to the government shutdown that’s coming tonight unless Congress pulls something out of a hat in a hurry. Not the first time this has happened. And I think you can place some blame on the congressional Dems’ messaging of whether Musk should be called the president because of his role in getting the 1500-page bill killed. They’ll go once the government gets funded for whatever length they can manage to get enough people to agree on.

    Since the shutdown only applies to “non-essential” employees, you can’t have stories along the lines of “The TSA and our military are working without pay right now, and government employees are worried about their next mortgage payments,” while you have pictures of Biden and Harris on vacation and/or commentary of “They’re on vacation but swearsies they’re staying informed and making phone calls.” Way to completely prove that getting the last of the perks of being in office is more important and who the heck knows who is running things right now. (USPS keeps working too because it’s an independent agency, BTW)

    Elizabeth Stauffer in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | December 20, 2024 at 8:54 am

    They need to finish Trump-proofing the government. Did you see that Biden just canceled another $4 billion+ in student loans?

    Biden is resigning. Kamala is going to be sworn in.

The treasonous crime of this is that the people around him used this very damaged man so they could get power. Fake dr. Jill comes to mind, but there were many under the cover of darkness that should hang for this perpetual hoax.

Of course, who can ever forget:

“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize truaninonashufodopressure, isolate and punish China.” ~ Joe Biden, October 24, 2020, Luzerne County PA

MoeHowardwasright | December 20, 2024 at 9:00 am

Another conspiracy theory is confirmed. Great reporting WSJ /s. Really? This is about the same level as doing a story in 1945 that it really was the Japanese that bombed Pearl Harbor.

    Hollywood told me it was the Germans that bombed Pearl Harbor.

    “Biden decline bombshell”
    My first thought was of the BBC TV series “UXB,” about German bombs that have been in English dirt since WWII but are just being “discovered” today. All the neighborhood kids can tell you where the hole is and what’s in it, but the local cops aren’t even aware it exists.

The emperor has no brain. Soviet America on display. Mix in a touch of Edith Wilson and here we are. Much of Biden’s dementia came from the aneurysms and surgery…things he couldn’t help…. But what he did and what the Dems did was a power grab… stolen elections …lies…deception… SOP.

Only one more month of this $hit show DEI administration and pResident.

The last 4 years is a prime example that DEI does not work.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 20, 2024 at 11:41 am

Historians will one day look back on Biden’s presidency and marvel at the fact that America elected a senile man to the highest office in the land.

“elected”?? LOL.

Mail-in ballots dropped off at anonymous drop-off boxes … Yeah … “elected” …

Past time to revise the 25th A. so that “incapacitation” very clearly includes people who are non compos mentis.

I’ve been to several Presidential museum/libraries over the years and my favorite one is the Lincoln museum/library in Springfield,Illinois. I’ve been to it 3x since it opened. It shows warts and all starting from his living in a log cabin to the funeral parlor with his casket.

I wonder what the Biden presidential museum/library will look like.

    Paula in reply to DaddyO. | December 20, 2024 at 2:45 pm

    On display will be thousands of note cards that Biden used to answer questions and carry on conversations. There will be a photo of Corn Pop on the desk and a framed copy of Hunter’s pardon on the wall. There will be a stuffed animal that bit secret service agents.

    For those who are interested, there will be a likeness of the president’s nose sniffing little girl’s hair. But the main display, of course, will feature a life-like puppet head attached to a long black arm.

      DaddyO in reply to Paula. | December 20, 2024 at 3:35 pm

      I could see a section sponsored by Depends for his trip to the Vatican, and many times his looked like hey may have sharted. Then maybe an Apple wing displaying Hunter’s macbook. Another room of all of the things he’s plagiarized and his goofs. Possibly a step simulator for people wanting to try tripping up the stairs to Air Force 1.

    henrybowman in reply to DaddyO. | December 20, 2024 at 3:42 pm

    Like Dali, Escher, and Gehry went on a bender, and Escher suggested, “Hey, you guys — let’s go F things up!”
    The Michelin Man will contribute a giant, 100-foot 1967 Corvette Stingray wheel to be erected outside the side wall of the presidential library, to make foreign visitors feel welcome..

They’ve also hidden Kamala and her alcoholism from the public for 4 years

Biden’s acceptance of bribes is a worse crime than concealing his inability to function. The fact that he accepted millions in bribes from our enemies makes this scandal a betrayal of thee country, NATO, Ukraine and Taiwan .

When Putin invaded Ukraine the first thing Quisling Joe did was to promise Putin that NATO and the USA wouldn’t interfere with his conquest of Ukraine. This was worth all the millions that Putin paid Quisling Joe.

    henrybowman in reply to ConradCA. | December 21, 2024 at 4:31 am

    Putin didn’t pay Biden. Putin was just the patsy. Until Joe got a war brewing, he had no excuse to send Ukraine $60B to get his 10% kickback of.