Rep. Chris Smith: Drones Trailed Coast Guard Ship Off New Jersey Coast
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Rep. Chris Smith: Drones Trailed Coast Guard Ship Off New Jersey Coast

Rep. Chris Smith: Drones Trailed Coast Guard Ship Off New Jersey Coast

“And the night before I was there last night till late the night before, one of our, one of our police officers again working for Sheriff Mastronardy, chronicled 50 coming from the ocean onto land.”

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) asked Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to investigate the drones over New Jersey, urging the department to take the matter seriously:

As you no doubt are also aware, there have been numerous instances of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flying over New Jersey, including in close proximity to sensitive sites and critical infrastructure, to include military installations located in my district.

As you know, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JB MDL) possess capabilities to identify and take down unauthorized unmanned aerial systems and have utilized this capability to address overflights of the installation.

I urgently request all capabilities possessed by the Department of Defense, especially those in use by JBMDL to be immediately deployed to identify and address the potential threats posed by UAS over the state of New Jersey.

Smith spoke to numerous law enforcement officials and people at JBMDL about the drones.

One conversation occurred with Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy, whose office has chronicled drone activity.

Smith told Fox News’s Martha MacCallum that Mastronardy said dozens of drones trailed a Coast Guard motorboats.

Mastronardy also told Smith that someone in his office saw “50 drones flying onshore from a boat on Saturday night.”

Here is Smith’s full interview with MacCallum:

MACCALLUM: New Jersey Republican Congressman Chris Smith. His constituents have been reporting drone activity over recent days. It’s been happening over several weeks. Congressman, good to have you with us.

The White House not ruling out anything, not giving us any answers. Neither did this hearing that, we just heard some questions in what is going on here and when can people expect to get some answers from our leaders?

SMITH: They should have had them immediately last night. I was on the beach with Sheriff Mastronardy, and he’s doing a magnificent job in trying to chronicle, ascertain a threat for this. He’s the Ocean County Sheriff. Sean Golden’s doing the same thing in Mamomouth County.

So I was there on the beach, and I talked to several people, including commander for the Coast Guard, who told me that the night before, I was there last night so two nights ago, one of their 47 foot vessels, boats, was trailed very closely by more than a dozen of these, of these drones.

Now, that to me is very not just suspicious, provocative. And this could be a foreign power, whether it be Putin or whether it be Xi Jingping in China or the Middle East. We can’t rule any of that out.

MACCALLUM: This is incredible. So a United States Coast Guard boat testified to you that twelve drones were following it in the water in the Atlantic Ocean. Did they tell you anything about the size, what they look like? Were they able to get images?

SMITH: They said they were about the size of a car. They were pretty large and they weren’t far off the stern, so it’s very, very troubling. I called the joint base and talked to the commanding officer there and asked, we know we have the capability within DoD to ascertain where it’s coming from, even bring it down, and they have it, but they don’t have the, quote, “authority to do it.”

MACCALLUM: Question, Congressman. So when you’re out over the ocean and you have twelve of them out, there, I think it’s a very reasonable question. Why weren’t one of those drones trailing the coast guard ship shot down over the ocean and grabbed and checked out?

SMITH: Well, again, the capability to do that in a way that could retrieve what it is and who’s doing it, it resides within the DoD. They have it. I’ve asked the commanding officer to get that authority.

I’ve written Lloyd Austin to ask him to give that authority. I mean, this could be the beginning of something or it could be nothing. Who knows? But how dare they allow us to live…I just listened to the White House spokeswoman say nothing. They got nothing to tell us.

MACCALLUM: Unbelievable.

SMITH: And we have the capability. And the night before I was there last night till late the night before, one of our, one of our police officers again working for Sheriff Mastronardy, chronicled 50 coming from the ocean onto land. 50. I mean, this is really serious.

MACCALLUM: It’s like a Sci-Fi movie, and it could be a hoax, but it’s so large the number of them…

SMITH: …there’s probably a ship.

MACCALLUM: It’s a foreign entity. It’s something that the US knows and understands, or it’s some kind of massive hoax with lots of people involved, but whatever it is, we absolutely have to know. So, this lack of answers is absolutely…

SMITH: Martha, there’s no way this is a hoax. We have foreign powers, especially China, Putin, Russia…

MACCALLUM: We watched the balloon go across and didn’t shoot it down until it was well out over the ocean, so let’s hope we can get it right this time. It’s already very late in that process. Unbelievable. I had one go over my house, and it’s a strange feeling.

SMITH: Well, we’ll let you know what we hear from Dod, because they can give that authority today.

MACCALLUM: Well, we appreciate how proactive you are, Congressman Smith, and we’re very glad to have you with us today.


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Has nobody thought of shooting down the stupid drones? Especially if they’re over the ocean

    PrincetonAl in reply to Ironclaw. | December 11, 2024 at 3:35 pm

    … but what if they don’t want to?

    (puts on tinfoil hat)

    Just because it’s a conspiracy theory doesn’t mean it’s not true.

      henrybowman in reply to PrincetonAl. | December 11, 2024 at 4:33 pm

      “we know we have the capability within DoD to ascertain where it’s coming from, even bring it down, and they have it, but they don’t have the, quote, “authority to do it.”

      Don’t bother Lloyd Austin. He’s got an excess of white male officers to replace, and cross-dressing seminars to attend.

        iconotastic in reply to henrybowman. | December 12, 2024 at 2:08 am

        The same is true for the JCS Chairman. Because the real enemy lives in America, according to them

        ArmyStrong in reply to henrybowman. | December 12, 2024 at 8:11 am

        Most Coast Guard ships that I have seen are equipped with 30mm cannons and smaller automatic weapons. It’s unconscionable to me that they didn’t shoot them down over open water, unless their rules of engagement have them hogtied.

    MarkS in reply to Ironclaw. | December 11, 2024 at 5:00 pm

    The thing is that if the Biden administration acknowledges the problem they will be expected to do something about it, These drones are either Chinese or Iranians and Joe is afraid to challenge either

      Paula in reply to MarkS. | December 11, 2024 at 5:46 pm

      If the drones are from a foreign power and are testing our security, they have no doubt concluded that we are about as secure as a dry tumble weed in west Texas during a wind storm.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to MarkS. | December 11, 2024 at 6:48 pm

      The Biden regime knows exactly whose drones they are, and is deliberately allowing this to happen. They are obviously doing surveillance and test runs. It could be the Trump Assassination Plan C – Iran will use Chinese drones to kill Trump before he takes office, and Biden wants this to happen. Trump has a golf course nearby in NJ, which is not a coincidence.

    walls in reply to Ironclaw. | December 11, 2024 at 8:24 pm

    I bet after JAN 20, the drones will go away never to return. Bet?

    ArmyStrong in reply to Ironclaw. | December 12, 2024 at 8:06 am

    Most Coast Guard ships that I have seen are equipped with 30mm cannons and smaller automatic weapons. It’s unconscionable to me that they didn’t shoot them down over open water, unless their rules of engagement have them hogtied.

This is crazy, worse the spy balloon scandal (if true)

Hostile power drones let fly unhindered over the East Coast with no action or communication?

It’s almost like they are … okay with it.

This is the least competent administration ever, actually allied with our enemy here potentially.

Honestly wouldn’t even be shocked to find out they turned the other eye because they were ok if Iran “got their man.”

If they are the size of cars, maybe they are cars. It is great advertising for the newly perfected flying cars before product launch.

    Can’t be. The FAA hasn’t yet issued any airworthiness certifications for manned eVTOLs yet. In fact, they only finalized the criteria for that certification just a few weeks ago. The only experimental platforms that are currently flying are doing so under a demonstration license, which means no night flying and no flying in Class A, B or C airspace, which is what the airspace is in the area these things are being sighted.

Desperate space aliens, searching and searching for any way to escape New Jersey.

    Well, if the UFO’s are the size of cars, then the aliens would be the size of midgets. Maybe our midget president could meet with them and offer them a small sanctuary city and a pardon going back at least 10 years.

Apparently, the military if fully aware of these, but haven’t been asked to do anything about them

If we didn’t have an idiot for commander in chief, we’d be trailing the drones, instead of the drones trailing us.

Maybe not part of the military, but part of the intelligence community, doing testing.

Perhaps doing nothing is part of Brandon’s post-retirement income strategy?

The US military is too timid to shoot them down, just like with the Chinese spy balloon that photographed the US from one end to the other before they shot it down.

    TargaGTS in reply to OldProf2. | December 12, 2024 at 6:50 am

    The US military is controlled by CIVILIANS. Under the constraint of the USC, Goldwater-Nichols and posse comitatus (domestically), it can’t do anything without explicit direction from POTUS or his designated authority vested in SecDef. If they’re not engaging these objects, it’s because the politicians who run the federal government don’t want them engaging these objects, not because they’re ‘timid.’

    I can promise you that when the weapons free order was given to those F-22, F-35 and F-18 pilots to shoot those ‘balloons’ down a couple years ago, they executed those orders with alacrity.