Ohio Republicans Propose Ban on Asking for Preferred Pronouns on Applications to Public Universities
“We just feel that at this point, it is something that is not something that we want to keep on there because we want to keep it unbiased and open to all as possible”

This should be easy to get done. No one even knew what preferred pronouns were until like five minutes ago.
Statehouse News reports:
Ban on public universities from asking about preferred pronouns on applications proposed
A newly introduced Republican-backed bill would ban public universities from asking about preferred pronouns on applications for schools and employment.
Rep. Gail Pavliga (R-Portage County) said House Bill 686 would prevent public universities from asking a person’s preferred pronouns on admission or employment applications.
“We just feel that at this point, it is something that is not something that we want to keep on there because we want to keep it unbiased and open to all as possible,” Pavliga said.
Pavliga said professors could still ask their students to offer their preferred pronouns if they want. But she said there is no good reason for schools to ask for that.
“We don’t feel that it’s part of a person’s readiness either for employment with a university or for their acceptance into a university,” Pavliga added. “We want to see it more focused on their qualifications, preparation and academics.”
Pavliga lost her primary in March, and won’t be back in the House to reintroduce the bill if it fails to pass in the lame duck session. That seems likely, as it’s had only one committee hearing.

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So, why not simply say “You will use the English language as intended, including pronouns. ‘You’ will be used in all person-to-person interfaces where the second person is indicated by something other than a noun or their proper name.”?
The whole pronoun thing has always been more about destroying the structure of language so you could mean whatever you wanted whatever you said. And that is what made it stupid. (And there are only two acceptable third-person uses when the gender is ambiguous. And I prefer ‘s/he/it’ over ‘they’ because of how it’s pronounced.)
“We just feel that at this point, it is something that is not something that we want to keep on there because we want to keep it unbiased and open to all as possible”
Is that you, Kamala?
Good. No political litmus tests on apps.
Ohio’s attacks on free speech just keep on coming.
First, no planting flags midfield at OSU stadium. I know, some spoilsports or Ohio fans will complain the flag planting is action, not speech. But seriously, … really?
Then, no asking for pronouns on college applications.
Probably a Republican legislature.
The second bill I would support if it were amended to say that any person not replying “I/me/my/mine” is either summarily rejected with prejudice OR required to attend a re-education camp until he/she learns to use the English language correctly.
I am nothing if not reasonable.