New Policy at California State U. to Focus on Bias, Microaggressions, Intimidation, Hostile Words
“appears to create a reporting system in which any word or action someone finds offensive can be reported and investigated”
We have seen policies like these fail time after time, yet the campus left still persists.
The College Fix reports:
New CSU policy to police complaints of bias, microaggressions, intimidation, hostile words
A new policy currently being rolled out by California State University system leaders aims to crack down on bias, microaggressions, intimidating behavior, and bullying — but has raised free speech alarm bells.
The “Other Conduct of Concern” policy would oversee discrimination and harassment complaints that do not violate CSU policies or local, state, or federal laws. Currently in draft form, it will be finalized this month and submitted to the California Auditor in early January.
It requires employees at all 23 campuses to address any and all reports of “verbal abuse,” “intimidating behavior,” “microaggressions that are not pervasive,” “bullying,” “hostile language,” and “acts of bias.”
The policy is an attempt to right the course after a scandal hit the system several years ago about the failure to deal with Title IX complaints.
But instead of creating a system hyper-focused on Title IX-based discrimination and harassment, some critics say the end result appears to create a reporting system in which any word or action someone finds offensive can be reported and investigated.
Under the policy, such reports create permanent paper trails and require “corrective action,” such as re-education trainings and restorative justice actions.
“The problem is that calling something a ‘microaggression’ is entirely subjective,” wrote San Diego State University English Professor Peter C. Herman in a recent Times of San Diego op-ed.
“…Nonetheless, the CSU Administration wants to set up a complicated system to police [Other Conduct of Concern, or OCC] and everyone is under surveillance.”
Complaints will be tackled through a seven-step process: acknowledgment; initial review; support for the “reporting party”; factfinding; communication; action; and follow-up.
“…How OCC is addressed will depend on the nature of the behavior(s). Potential outcomes could include education, counseling, coaching, mentoring, training and restorative processes,” the policy states.
“A supervisor, student affairs professional or administrator will recommend appropriate corrective action. … Supervisors will continue monitoring the environment to prevent any recurrence of the behavior.”
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Barring Jews from campus buildings will of course continue to be permitted, as will use of ‘Zionist’ or ‘Jew’ as an epithet, and physical assault against Jewish students and faculty. Freedom of speech, you know.
Looks like UC Archipelago to me:
Speech policing is unconstitutional.
This has the look and feel of re-education by neo-marxists. Where are the free speech advocates?
So, if you are a thinking person, report EVERY liberal who violates these speech rules. For example, someone telling you that my pronouns are “X” is bullying you.
Encouraging students and faculty to rat out each other is likely to kill any remaining feelings of community at the school.
Any living old timers from Stasi would be glad to see their techniques reborn in a new model at a US university.