New Jersey, New York Want Answers After Weeks of Drone Sightings
Drones have plagued New Jersey for almost a month.

One of my best friends lives in New Jersey. He has sent me posts about drones in towns and cities from local Facebook groups.
It seems like it happens every day!
Staten Island residents have started seeing drones, too.
New Jersey
As I said, the sightings in New Jersey started shortly after the election. Weirdly enough, the first sightings occurred near the Trump National Golf Club in Somerset County.
The FAA banned drones over the golf course and Picatinny Arsenal military research and manufacturing facility in Morris County.
The Ocean County Sheriff’s Office captured one drone on camera.
Have YOU seen the mysterious #drones in the night sky over #NewJersey?
EXCLUSIVE @News12NJ video from the @OceanCounty911 shows their first captured encounter with what they believe to be one of those drones.
— Tom Krosnowski (@N12TKrosnowski) December 8, 2024
Residents in Hackensack, located in Bergen County, witnessed their first drones on Sunday around 7 PM local time.
People thought they were small planes at first.
Some caught the drones on video.
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Mayors in north New Jersey want answers:
“We look at it this way,” they wrote. “Either higher level officials know what’s going on and are not concerned or they are negligent for not apprehending and identifying one of these drones.
“We strongly request a proactive approach be taken on the half of the residents of New Jersey and Morris County,” they wrote. “These drones have to land at some point somewhere and these offices need to follow them and identify where they are going and who owns them and is operating them.”
Residents “pay a fortune for government,” they wrote, and “right now either our government is keeping us in the dark or they are failing to act on taxpayers concerns over these unidentified drones.”
Gov. Phil Murphy swore the state government is looking into the sightings in North and Central Jersey.
Does anyone believe him? All of my Jersey friends have told me so many times that central New Jersey does not exist.
(I laughed so hard at Murphy’s post that I sent it to my Jersey friends. They all laughed, too, because they said again…central Jersey does not exist!)
New Jersey residents Phil and Maureen Doyle saw drones over their house:
Doyle said they saw dozens of flying objects, believed to be drones, coming from the direction of Picatinny Arsenal and heading northwest.
“One goes over and then another. It’s not two or three a night, it’s 30 or 50 a night. They have lights on them so you can see them,” he said.
Doyle estimates the dozens of drones flying over his home in Oak Ridge were about the size of his dining room table.
“Why are they suddenly here? What’s the basis for these drones suddenly appearing? They’ve been around for a while and now we are getting all this activity, so who’s behind it?” he asks.
One aviation expert warned of the dangers the drones pose since they’re all spotted in crowded airspaces dominated by three major airports:
“Let’s say a drone loses control and it goes above 500 feet, it could be catastrophic on an airplane midair. It could easily take out an engine, it could smash into the cockpit,” according to aviation expert JP Tristani.
Tristani added, “Is it a hazard, yes. Should it be addressed, yes. Are you waiting for a catastrophic event? You should not be doing that, it’s a matter of public safety and it has to be stopped now.”
Staten Island
Staten Island residents saw their first drones over last week.
The FAA placed a flight restriction over the area as the FBI investigates.
Authorities want answers:
On Thursday, Borough President Vito Fossella penned a letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requesting a formal investigation into the unidentified drones seen hovering over the borough.
“We have recently been made aware of large, military-style drones flying over parts of New Jersey during the past few weeks. It has also come to our attention from concerned residents and within the media that these drones have now been flying over Staten Island during the past few days,” Fossella wrote.
“It is odd and quite bizarre that nobody can figure out who is flying these drones, where they are coming from, and their purpose. It has been reported that some of the drones may be flying without an active transponder, adding to the concern about their whereabouts,” the borough president added.

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Shoot them down and wait until the owner (Biden admin) retrieves them.
Biden does not own them, but intends to pardon them.
We own them, it’s our money
The VAST majority of consumer and even commercial drones don’t use transponders. When the LEO said they ‘checked radar’ and couldn’t see anything, what he’s almost certainly referring to is a service like “Flight Aware” or something similar. These programs don’t provide ‘radar’ information. Instead, they provide transponder information. If the aircraft doesn’t have a transponder or if it’s not activated, it won’t be visible on Flight Aware.
With respect to what these things are, it’s clear from the better videos, many are just small planes. They have all the FAA required navigation lights w/somehaving their landing lights on (something encouraged by FAA whenever a plane is < FL100). Other videos are quad or octo-copters. Some of the more unexplainable drones captured on video are VTOL drones, drones that take-off and land vertically but have fixed wings which allows them to loiter for long periods of time. Who owns them? I agree w/scooterjay, they're almost certainly being operated by FedGov. We have AMPLE capability to track drones and if they were truly of 'unknown' origin, that would have happened by now. They're running some kind of OP and since they're unwilling to discuss it, they're probably violating people's civil rights.
Gee, let me see….how about someone ask China? Tens of thousands of illegal Chinese have poured over the border, China has bought up thousands of acres around military bases, flown a couple of balloons over our mainland targeting military bases and drones have been sighted over our bases.
How is it frigging possible that the US could not at least trace the flight path of these drones? It is not. If it is a China (they certainly paid enough to the Biden family over the years), Biden is letting them do it. Whatever, the government knows exactly where these are coming from and who is controlling them.
Finally, a voice of sanity. Ilhan Omar cleared it up, “Some people did something.”
The problem with that hypothesis is that I can’t believe even China cares about anything from New Jersey.
Drones the size of flying motor boats and the only information we have is blurry photographs of flashing colored lights..
The algorithms that drive computational photography in high-end cellphone cameras are nothing short of magical when it comes to shooting reasonably close objects in good lighting. But, they completely fall apart in low-light conditions particularly when trying to capture moving objects at some distance. This compromised performance is compounded by the very small apertures and sensors in cell phones. If people had good quality mirrorless or even DLSR cameras with long telephoto lenses (and knew how to properly use them), the photos and vids would be exponentially better. I am a little curious why there hasn’t been any quality professional video surface from news crews. This has been going on for weeks. No local station has thought to park a news crew in the area for the night? Maybe they were told not to.
“I am a little curious why there hasn’t been any quality professional video surface from news crews. No local station has thought to park a news crew in the area for the night?.”
Your guess is as good as mine, no doubt better than mine. Appreciate your comment.
“[New Jersey] Residents “pay a fortune for government,” they wrote, and “right now either our government is keeping us in the dark or they are failing to act on taxpayers concerns over these unidentified drones.”
I Want To
BelieveCare.You think that’s bad?
NJ got hit with a midnight coup up in Bergen county
Cittarelli won…
Maybe the drones were dropping off votes
Central Jersey most certainly does exist. It’s only the snobs in North Jersey that say it doesn’t. Here’s how you can tell where Central Jersey is: If the folks in North Jersey call it South Jersey but the folks in South Jersey call it North Jersey then BINGO you’ve found Central Jersey.
II’m sure our Secretary of Transportation is working overtime to sort this out.
I would suggest a double barrel 12-gauge with bird shot.
Buckshot/birdshot fired from a shotgun with a full choke has an effective range of <40-yards. At their lowest altitude, the drones are reportedly flying at several hundred feet, near the FAA allowable ceiling for drones. It’s tough (and technically illegal) to take down a drone at that height without using some kind of self-propelled, guided munition, just ask the Ukrainians and Russians.
Incredible as it may seem, both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption that those strange beings who landed in the Jersey farmlands tonight are the vanguard of an invading army from the planet Mars….