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National Campaign Launched to Combat ‘Faculty for Justice in Palestine’

National Campaign Launched to Combat ‘Faculty for Justice in Palestine’

“the enormous influence of anti-Zionist faculty on campus climate is often overlooked because much of it happens away from public view, in classrooms and conference halls, at faculty and academic senate meetings”

This is a necessary step in combating the shocking antisemitism we are seeing on college campuses.

AMCHA just put out this press release:

AMCHA Unveils New School-by-School Anti-Zionist Faculty Rankings

As part of its recently launched national campaign to combat faculty antisemitism, AMCHA Initiative today unveiled its Anti-Zionist Faculty (AZF) Barometer, a comprehensive, first-of-its-kind tool designed to help university stakeholders evaluate the pervasiveness of anti-Zionist faculty at hundreds of U.S. colleges and universities.

AMCHA’s research indicates anti-Zionist faculty played an astonishing role this past year in escalating antisemitic incidents, fomenting chaos, spreading anti-Israel propaganda and pushing anti-Israel activities, including the academic boycott of Israel.

The AZF Barometer ranks over 700 colleges and universities on a scale from 0 to 5 based on four measures of anti-Zionist faculty presence and activity: faculty members’ public endorsements of academic boycotts of Israel, anti-Zionist departmental statements, the presence of Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP) groups, and FJP-sponsored events and statements. These rankings provide a clear lens into influence of anti-Zionist faculty on a campus, indicating their potential contribution to campus antisemitism and enabling prospective students and their families to evaluate how welcoming or hostile a campus may be for Jewish or pro-Israel students.

Schools comprising the top ten worst according to AMCHA’s new AZF Barometer are NYU, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Columbia, UC Santa Cruz, University of Washington, Georgetown, UCLA, CUNY’s Graduate Center, UC Irvine, and the University of Hawaii Manoa.

“While much attention has been paid to the antisemitic behavior of anti-Zionist students and student groups and the inability or unwillingness of school leaders to address it, the enormous influence of anti-Zionist faculty on campus climate is often overlooked because much of it happens away from public view, in classrooms and conference halls, at faculty and academic senate meetings, and via internal communications. However, our research indicates faculty might be the most determinative variable when it comes to attacks on Jewish students,” stated AMCHA’s director, Tammi Rossman-Benjamin.

A recent AMCHA study, found that the presence of FJP chapters on college campuses:

  • Increased by more than seven times the likelihood of physical assaults on Jewish students;
  • Increased by over three times the chance that a Jewish student would be subject to threats of violence and death and
  • Prolonged the duration of encampment protests, which were likely to last over four and half times longer on campuses where FJP faculty were free to influence and provide logistic and material support to students.

In addition, according to the research, professors at FJP schools spent 9.5 more days involved in protests than those at non-FJP schools, and academic boycott calls were nearly 11 times more likely in student demands at schools with FJPs.


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I’m somewhat befuddled as to why this movement would adopt the Z term, which I understood was enemy territory.