Male Qualifies as ‘Female’ to Compete in 2025 Boston Marathon
Guess what. This male *barely* qualified as a female for the Boston Marathon.

Reduxx reported that a male qualified as a female to compete in the 2025 Boston Marathon.
Robert Chien Hwa Young, who goes by Riya Young Suising, has placed in numerous female running competitions.
Guess what. Young barely qualified as a female for the Boston Marathon. From Reduxx:
Suising, 57, celebrated his qualification in the race via Facebook with his confirmation email from the 129th Boston Marathon: “Yay! 15th Boston next April, and I barely made it in this time,” he wrote. He has qualified for the female category. The race is set to take place in April 2025.
The Boston Marathon has age and gender qualification categories. Genders include male, female, and “non-binary.” Notably, the “non-binary” category has identical qualifying times as the corresponding female categories.
In Suising’s case, he had to demonstrate a time of 4 hours and 5 minutes or less; Suising qualified with a time of 4 hours, 1 minute, and 27 seconds. Had he been forced to compete with other males he would not have qualified for the marathon, as participants in the men’s category are required to meet a 3 hour and 35 minute performance cutoff.
Young loves to compete as a female, stealing prizes and medals from actual females:
Suising competed in the 2024 San Francisco Marathon dressed in a “sexy” bumble bee costume, complete with black nylons and a mini skirt. He wore the same outfit in previous races, including a 2017 New York City Marathon and in a 2018 Los Angeles Rock and Roll Half Marathon. He also competed in the female category of the 2024 California International Marathon on December 8.
In a since-deleted Facebook post from 2015, the Palo Alto Run Club announced that Suising was seen taking second place in the women’s category of the Brazen Racing half marathon, seizing a $500 prize.
Suising has also won at least two other women’s running prizes, including taking second place at the 2015 Jed Smith 50K, and third place at the 2013 Ruth Anderson Memorial Endurance Run.
Young also dances in female classes at the San Jose Dance Theatre.
Young also works as a flight attendant for United.
Reduxx spoke to Beth Bourne, a woman in California who I have talked to quite a bit, since she spotted Young on a flight last month.
1. As "Riya" gives the safety-instructions over the PA system in his best lady-voice, I want to yell "He's a man!" @ThePosieParker, but I've promised my boyfriend no scenes this trip.
You can see his badge reads "Riya Young, she/her" which of course infuriates me, and I recall…
— Beth Bourne (@bourne_beth2345) November 13, 2024
9. In closing, my draft letter to @united's CEO Scott Kirby:
Dear Mr. Kirby,
On Friday, November 8th, I flew from SFO to MEX on flight UA821. I am writing today to request a refund ($320) for this portion of my trip.
As you may know, your airline employs…
— Beth Bourne (@bourne_beth2345) November 14, 2024
4. Besides competing in 100s of running races around the Bay Area and internationally, Young-Suising also likes to cosplay as a ballerina and Zumba instructor.
Would men go along with an imposter like this in their spaces?
— Beth Bourne (@bourne_beth2345) November 13, 2024
Bourne has also competed against Young in California’s races.
“I’ve competed in several international marathons, including the Boston Marathon in 2010, so I know this it’s a big deal to qualify for a spot. I’m also super disappointed that the captured Boston Athletic Association has a ‘non-binary’ division, which of course is predominantly men winning all of the top spots across all age groups.”
Biological males have won in the non-binary category both years it has been offered by the marathon, and with the accommodation of trans-identified males in the women’s category, it provides men three opportunities to take top spot.
Young has made news before. He’s one of those who yells when someone misgenders him.
Young filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau against Spa World in Centreville, VA, because it does not accept trans customers.
Sang Lee, the spa owner, said the business “does not allow intoxicated customers or inappropriate sexual behavior.” He also told Young, “Look, I had a couple of complaints from my customers, I had to respect that.”
Young claimed he didn’t do anything.
The spa responded to the BBB, but Lee said the translation was wrong. From WJLA:
Spa World responded to the BBB in writing:”It is our policy to not accept any kinds of abnormal sexual oriented customers to our facility such as homosexuals, or transgender. We strongly enforce this policy for the safety and the comfort for our customers, and also to promote a healthy reputation for our business. Spa World accepts family-oriented customers many times with young children. Also, for the safety and the comfort for young children at Spa World, we strongly forbid any abnormal sexual behaviors and orientation in our facility. Despite the controversial issue of homosexuality and transgender, it is our policy to not accept them.”
But Lee said that statement is not true at all. “This is a free facility, anybody is welcome here to try to have a good time,” he said.
Lee claims a new employee — an accountant — wrote the statement to the BBB while he was out of town. Lee said the statement was inaccurate because of a language barrier. “This one simple vocabulary, he misused it. Instead of ‘misbehaving,’ he said ‘sexual orientation.'”
Perhaps the second most disturbing thing I have learned about Young-Suising is that he tried to destroy a Korean couple’s family-owned business “Spa World” in Virginia back in 2013 when several female customers complained about a man invading their women’s/children’s…
— Beth Bourne (@bourne_beth2345) November 13, 2024

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He qualified as a male TO BE JUDGED as a female for his time. Everyone competes in the Boston Marathon at the same time. You just have to usually wait an hour or two after the first guys finish for the women to start coming in. This guy is just going to run all the same. The only difference is that they will mark down his time as a “woman’s” time. But … to be honest, no one cares about the times. The only thing anyone cares about with these marathons is which ethiopian or kenyan guy wins it. … and not too many people even care about that.
Not true
Clearly your not a female athlete nor probably have any females you love in your life
Oy … What, exactly, is “not true” in what I wrote? That no one cares who wins the women’s category of the marathon? It is true. It’s pretty true about the men’s category, too. Go in the street and ask 100 people to name one guy who ever won the Boston Marathon. EVER. You probably won’t be able to get an answer from more than 10 people, if that. Now ask about the women … and probably the only name any one will come up with, if they do, will be that chick who took the taxi (and I don’t even think that was the Boston Marathon, though I can’t remember).
You are always so mad that people point out that women’s sports don’t draw big audiences. Well … in general, they don’t. And it doesn’t matter who you know who might be participating. Audiences are actual numbers – they are actual ticket sales. And, outside a few sports – ice skating, gymnastics, tennis, and some others, people don’t care for women’s sports. Even those sports, I don’t think any of them have near the same audiences as the men’s divisions. Don’t get mad at me for the fact that sports is a guy thing. Go blame Mother Nature.
“What, exactly, is “not true” in what I wrote? That no one cares who wins the women’s category of the marathon? It is true. It’s pretty true about the men’s category, too. “
Well. That YOU don’t care doesn’t mean that no one cares.
For example I don’t give a good God Damn about you, but your mother does. Well might. But you get the point.
“The only thing anyone cares about with these marathons is which ethiopian or kenyan guy wins it.”
I’m old enough to remember when a kenyan guy ran for president. It wasn’t a marathon though—more like a stroll in the park because he was competing against Hillary. She claimed it was a “woman’s” time, but the kenyan just laughed and left her in the dust.
Maybe he should try identifying as Kenyan or Ethiopian?
Not true. That isn’t the “only difference.” and in fact, is not the most significant issue. Boston Marathon entries are based on a time qualification system calibrated to age and SEX. By submitting his time as a female he STOLE a spot from a qualified female. He did not qualify under male standards. For the past decade, there have been more qualified athletes than available spots so there have been relative time cut-offs to fill the scarce slots. He felt as if the easiest way to qualify was against other women rather than non-binaries (mostly other men).
I stand corrected. I thought it was open registration. Shows how much I know about marathons.
I looked up the qualifying times. Very interesting. Some of the times seem very fast (especially for the 80 year olds) but the strangest thing is that the women’s times are all 30 minutes slower than the men’s times, no matter the category. So an 80 year old woman is only given an extra 30 minutes for qualifying even though the guy’s time is almost 2 hours slower than a 20 year old guy’s. Doesn’t seem right … but I guess it works for them.
They have “non-binary” listed separately … they are all women’s times. So, it seems that the Boston Marathon thinks that “non-binary == woman”.
What does it all mean? … … Sucks to be a girl.
“What does it all mean?”
It means that there’s no honesty among trans. Claiming to be trans is way to get an advantage over other players. Nothing more.
You don’t seem to know much about a lot of things.
You stated: “He qualified as a male TO BE JUDGED as a female for his time.”
In your next post you ask what isn’t true in your comment. The comment posted above is not true. As a male, he qualified as a female. As a male, his time would not have qualified him. Thus he would not have qualified to run the Boston Marathon and would not have been allowed to compete.
Simply add a fourth category of competitors to:
Add: The mentally deranged who live in a fantasy land
I’d bring my bicycle and identify as a runner, but I’m afraid the normal runners would still beat me like a rug.
I am a cyclist – 26 miles depending on terrain, hills etc, would be between 1:15 to 1:30. My recollection is the boston marathon course is mostly down hill,
You can do better……..
Where is Jock Semple when we need him?!
I don’t particularly care if United wants to hire transvestites. Provided, of course, that they are actually competent to do the job. I am free to spend my money elsewhere, If enough people choose to spend their money elsewhere, United will find ways to change their policies.
However, I DO care that men are being allowed to take opportunities away from women and invade spaces set aside for women simply by declaring themselves female. We need our government and our supreme court to uphold biological sex as “the” defining factor and declare “gender identity” an invalid metric.