Major Kamala Fundraiser: Leaving ‘Democratic Party is Like Leaving a Cult’
“They pretend to be so loving and caring and embracing of diversity, but all of a sudden, when I dare to issue or utter any criticisms of the goddess Kamala Harris, I get ostracized.”

Democratic National Committee financial chair Lindy Li went off on the party on Piers Morgan Uncensored, revealing how it’s become a cult, and people have targeted her because she questioned the mismanagement of money.
From the video:
MORGAN: The Democrats have got to move on quickly, haven’t they?
LI: Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. She’s indulging delusions for running for governor in California in 2026 and perhaps even running for president in 2020. And I just want to echo what a lot of you guys already said this past week has been harrowing for me.
This Saturday, I went on Fox and Friends and I said that Democrats have a stench of loser hanging over them. As soon as I said that, there were boycott campaigns against me. Unblock, unfollow campaigns. I lost 40,000 followers.
MORGAN: Really?
LI: In four days, people have called me the “w” word. I don’t know what we’re allowed to say, but you can fill in the blank.
MORGAN: We’re uncensored. Say it.
LI: Say what?
MORGAN The word was…
LI: Am I allowed to?
LI: Well, they called me a whore. They called me the c word. They asked for me to be deported and you can just search for my name and those terms on X and you’ll see a bunch of them. So all these so called Democrats, the party of inclusion, the party of diversity, masks off.
And it’s even worse because they pretend to occupy the moral high ground. They pretend to be so loving and caring and embracing of diversity, but all of a sudden, when I dare to issue or utter any criticisms of the goddess Kamala Harris, I get ostracized. Me, after having raised tens of millions of dollars for the party.
My donors are pissed.
They raised $2.5 billion across Super PACs in the campaign. It’s my responsibility. It’s my duty of care to ask, “What the hell happened with that money? Why did we spend it? Why did we spend millions of dollars on five star hotels for campaign staffers? Why did we spend $500,000, essentially bribing. Al Sharpton moments before he interviewed Kamala?”
These are legitimate questions, but no. In the cult, you can’t ask questions and leaving the democratic party or even questioning the democratic party is like leaving a cult. It’s terrifying.
Piers, I don’t want to be a part of this tent. I don’t want to be a part of this craziness anymore. They’re accelerating my rightward shift. I don’t want this nonsense. It’s just crazy. And honestly, they’re shrinking their tent.
They’re basically telling me, they’re pushing me to bring my tens of millions of dollars that I raised and can continue to raise to a different team that treats me better, that treats me with just common decency that doesn’t call me a communist spy.
By the way, the communist regime in China killed my great grandfather. They don’t know my family’s history. This is the first time I’m really saying it on air. They are calling me a spy for the regime that killed my great grandfather. Let that soak in just for a second. That’s how disgraceful they are.
And these are the people who call themselves the social justice warriors. They are dabbling. They are going headfirst into racism anytime someone dares to disagree with them.
I don’t want to be a part of this nonsense anymore.
I want to be a part of the team that says men are men and women are women and men shouldn’t play women’s sports.
INSANE! Kamala campaign advisor Lindy Li quits the Democrat Party: I don’t want to be part of this tent anymore. I don’t want to be part of this craziness. I want to be part of the team that treats me with common decency.
Li says she’s been the target of a smear and cancel…
— Bad Hombre (@joma_gc) December 21, 2024

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Welcome to sanity, Lindy. Feels good!
Pepe! They tol’ me you wuz hanged!
Lindy Li is finding her way like so many of us.
What took her so long?
For me, I was raised Dem, By the 80s I was independent, and through the 90s I increasing shifted to the right, What kept me from completely shifting to the right were RINOs.
A RINO is nothing more than a closet lefty with a “(R)” by his/her name, no? How would closet lefties keep you from shifting completely to the right?
I guess I worded it wrong, I was fully right then, but could not support RINOs, RINOs appeared to control the party.
RINOs are trans-conservatives. They’re Democrats pretending to be Republicans to con people into voting for them. After the votes are cast, they drop the pretensions, un-tuck and reveal their true character.
No kidding. History repeats no matter if it is the ‘Democratic’ Party now, the CCP now, the original Lenin-Trotsky-Marxist movement of a century ago. Question anything and you will be judged a heretic and will pay for it. Be glad you are a heretic in America for now anyway.
“when I dare to issue or utter any criticisms of the goddess Kamala Harris, I get ostracized.”
Cults and girl cliques: compare and contrast.
Truly visious indeed.
They only judged her by the company she kept. So I guess whore would fit.
No religion tolerates apostates
While having Mr. Trump call her and do a meet-and-greet would be a great photo-op, having VP-elect Vance arrange for a quiet meeting and substantive discussion on how Ms. Li could come over and bring her posse with her would be an excellent long-play.
“It’s been a decade of toxicity, extremism and setting money on fire” – Brianna Wu.
It took a decade to come to the conclusion- and then only after Harris lost!
What if Harris or Biden won?
Progressives wreaked destruction on our society and now op out as if it were a $350 gym membership.
toxicity and extremism. If that doesn’t describe MAGA I don’t know what does?
If you’re going to troll, at least make it interesting.
Your handler is going to cut your pay at this rate.
Bestiality and onanism. If that doesn’t describe tjv1156 I don’t know what does?
Safe space nursery is the next door down, princess.
Get used to MAGA, you are in for a rough ride. Give up TDS, if you can’t break the habit on your own, seek electroshock therapy.
yes- it’s going to be a rough ride I sadly agree. Incompetence will be on full display. SMH A man who couldn’t geyt hired at MaCDonald’s and Walmart with his criminal resume is now somehow qualified to be President.It’s bizarro world. Hey maybe this time he’ll get that wall built ( hahahaha) Stop fentanyl from coming in ( hahahahah) give us all a perfect health care plan ( hahahahah) cut the deficit ( hahahahahha) .Ok he won’t get any of that done, but maybe he’ll take care of the important stuff like raising prices and freeing the 1/6 ‘ patriots’ ( hahahhaha-patriots).
Hey here’s an idea… should take the hollywood stance on ‘extremism’….gtfo. Cuba is nice this time of year.
No need- in 2 years a correction will be made. While I admit that it’s depressing so many are straiht up cult and don’t see Trump for who he really is, it is already becoming apparent since the election what with walking back one of his big lies ( bringing grocery prices down ) and ‘going after’ Cheney ,Smith, and journalists. Although the cult sees nothing wrong with this, decent, reasonablty thoughtful people do.
Correct. People like Li, who’ve apparently spit out the Kool-Aid, should be offered the opportunity to contribute to the other side.
But only in tasks not requiring access to sharp objects.
Trump had enough of that last term.
This is true. Low level jobs only.
Having read enough Le Carre I would be wary of having any defectors in a position of trust. Just look at someone like Maher who appears to be seeing the light, but in my opinion, he is like a Nazi general who see the future and decides that he doesn’t want to end his tenure at the end of a rope. They don’t choose a side on principle, they choose a side based on who is winning and who might be in power. Having slept with dogs, I treat them as having fleas until proven otherwise. Sure, they can provide intel, but always consider the source and independently verify before taking it as gospel.
As long as greed doesn’t rule the day. The last thing we need is to drag a Trojan horse full of looters and destroyers in thru the gates.
She thought she was in a big tent. Once she got out of the tent she found out it was a pup tent. You are welcome to bring your fundraising prowess to the MAGA tent. Your donors will be much happier to see their money go to a much better calling.
Only one opinion allowed. Criticism of Party dogma will be shouted down — by people woefully ignorant of history, as so aptly pointed out.
The would “like” is unnecessary
Criticism of Trump not allowed. Blind fealty to Trump rewarded with Cabinet or senior admin to Trump. Fixed it.
Were you born stupid or do you have to work at it?
Seriously, dude. You’re a bigger moron than JR is, and trust me, that’s saying a WHOLE lot.
Don’t you have some posts at Democrat Underground to copy and paste?
Here’s one. See yourself?
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. “It’s, like, incredible.”
and you fell for this …
“Very simple word, groceries. Like almost — you know, who uses the word? I started using the word — the groceries. When you buy apples, when you buy bacon, when you buy eggs, they would double and triple the price over a short period of time, and I won an election based on that. We’re going to bring those prices way down.”
you fell for it I bet
Dear Dickhead,
I didn’t ask for your feverish grade-school display of TDS, I asked specifically for proof that Trump actually called his base a “cult.”
I see that you’re constitutionally incapable of being in compliance with that request.
That clearly means that you have no proof and you are thus just another brain-dead liar.
You sound conspicuously like that bungmunch “Johnny” that Disqus has banned about a hundred times.
You’re quite literally too stupid to argue with, so I’ll defer further retorts in the interest of not cluttering this thread any further.
It’s too bad that WordPress doesn’t have a “block and report” function.
wish there was an ignore button
You lost, princess. Now suck it up like your idol Kamala.
Glad to see you working through your grief, stage 2 is ugly but keep working at it you’ll get through the loss.
There was a bit of that one opinion issue here over DeSantis.
“I want to be part of the team that treats me with common decency.”
Does that mean that even though the Dems have treated us commoners like like dirt, and used authoritarian measures to oppress us, she’d still raise money for them if they had been nice to her, personally?
Anybody commenting on the other party being a cult better not be a Trump supporter. He straight out called his base a cult .
I’m a Trump supporter and I think I’ll call “the other party” any damn thing I want to call them.
“He straight out called his base a cult .”
Then you should be able to straight out post some sort of proof of such a statement.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. “It’s, like, incredible.” If that’s not a cult then I don’t know what is.
I didn’t ask for YOUR definition of a cult, Dingus.
I asked you for proof that Trump actually “called his base a cult.”
Based on the stupidity of your posts so far, imma guess you’ve got nothing.
Don’t tell tjv a knock-knock joke, lest he think you’re advocating home invasion.
riiiiight. It was one of the rare occasions where Trump told the truth. LOL.Hey presidential trivia. In the history of the the USA ther have been 91 indictments handed down to Presidents or ex Presidents. One person accounts for all them. Can you guess who that is ??
You wouldn’t know what a cult is if it tied you up and pegged you.
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
Waiting for the proof of your ridiculous assertion.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. “It’s, like, incredible.” That’s a cult.
Steadfast support does not make a cult. And those were just Trump’s words to express the strength of his support and to get across the fact that what he is standing against is that bad.
Meanwhile, the only one who got shot was Trump, himself, and his supporters … and the America-hating, anti-human left just rolled on with their designs to destroy America.
supporting somebody after they get convicted of fraud is blind loyalty. Supporting somebody who was found liable for fraud THREE times is blind loyalty.Supporting somebody who found liable liable for sexual assault and libel is blind loyalty. Supporting somebody who was indicted on 91 charges is blind loyalty. ( No other President has ever had any of these happen by the way) He couldn’t get hired almost anywhere with the criminal resume. Pence saw it . So did Barr, Milley, Mcmaster, Kelly, and Bolton. Unprecedented in US history. He’s CLEARLY unfit for office. They, and I, see him for who is. You CLearly don’t
Reply to the idiot tjv1156:
You think your Soviet show trials mean anything? The only indictments they make is against dangerous lunatics like yourself.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Hey, how about that Mandala guy, wasn’t that something?
When you try to talk politics with progressive fascists they react as if you criticized their religion. I want to know how they can support Biden when he is accepting millions in bribes from our enemies Russia and China? Especially after Biden promised Putin that he could conquer Ukraine with out interference from NATO!
Simple: Russia and China aren’t tds1156’s enemies. They’re its allies. Looting and destroying the United States and her capitalist republic, as Brandon has been doing for more than a half-century now, is its dream.
Just like gangs, they save their worst for defectors.
LOL. “The ‘w’ word”??
Since when is “whore” a word you can’t say?
I have really been amazed at how American adults have reduced themselves to 7 year olds with this “The x-word” stuff. It is crazy. This is not how adults act.
The left has really managed to infantilize our society. As I have said before, we are going to be a laughing stock and a cautionary tale to decent, sane societies for millenia into the future. This population of Americans is that crazy and deranged. And, if that weren’t enough, the completely lunatic nihilism is the cherry on top.
“Since when is “whore” a word you can’t say?”
It’s not just TV, it’s British TV. TV networks and some national regimes have greatly varying rules, sometimes two-tiered ones worse than the Democrats’. She’s a nice police woman, not a bull in a China shop like that dipwad who blurted out the N-word in the congressional crime hearings.
Even within the US, carrier policies are varied and bizarre. For example, the Comet “SF oldies” channel routinely blurs out overly gauzy costumes (Stargate) and depictions of gore (Grimm) that were perfectly acceptable to air unblurred on network TV when the shows were current 20 years ago. It’s a mug’s game you can’t win, and particularly maddening to the viewer when the blurred out damage turns out to have been integral to the plot clue-wise.
Ms. Li should join up with the CCP. The CCP and Dem Party share many of the same goals.
What makes you think she hasn’t? I’m picking up an accent — I can’t quite nail down whether she sounds Manchurian or Trojan.
I think you are likely correct.
Steve; Everyone:
Regarding tjv1156 .
Just ignore him.
Recall the old saying- never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty yourself and the pig enjoys it.
so now trials by a jury of peers are “soviet trials’? Huh? What bizarro world am I living in? I”l answer my own question. The one created by Donald Trump.SMH
How’s the ramen in the DNC boiler room today tj? Well I guess it beats your previous gig peddling your hindquarters at freeway off-ramps.
Clearly he created YOUR world, princess.
Great example of what we were voting against. I think we should keep tjv around as a constant reminder of what it will be like in the US if a looney left democrat ever gets the white house again. Plus it’s fun having a jester around to point and laugh at. Now dance for us tjv
Yep. I’ve already opted out of any further troll beatdowns for this guy.
He’s the ridiculous clown “Johnny” from Instapundit, and Disqus has banned him more times than can be counted.
Hopefully the admins will soon blacklist him.
Maybe I do, too. Out here in deplorables land, it’s a sport.
Nah. I prefer having a fjb1156 around to remind me daily how sick and twisted advanced TDS leaves those afflicted.
A lot of cults are insulted by Ms. Li’s comment.
Kamala is such a fraud.
Dems doubling down on stupid.