Diversity Conference for Elite Private Schools Devolves Into Festival of Jew Hatred
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Diversity Conference for Elite Private Schools Devolves Into Festival of Jew Hatred

Diversity Conference for Elite Private Schools Devolves Into Festival of Jew Hatred

“There was an overwhelming feeling that we were not welcome”

As we have pointed out before, DEI policies justify and encourage antisemitism.

The New York Post reports:

Prestigious private school diversity conference devolved into ‘festival of Jew hate’: outraged attendees

An “equity and justice” conference involving many of the country’s most prestigious private schools devolved into a “festival of Jew hate” that had scared students leaving in tears, according to outraged parents and attendees.

Speakers at last week’s National Association of Independent Schools’ annual People of Color Conference accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide” and downplayed the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks that killed 1,200 Israeli civilians — prompting some frightened kids to hide their Jewish stars as they left early.

“There was an overwhelming feeling that we were not welcome,” one Jewish senior from the Milken Community School in Los Angeles told The Post.

“We felt small and insignificant,” said the student, who asked for anonymity out of fear of retribution.

The NAIS — an organization of 1,300 independent schools that includes Manhattan’s Tony Dalton, Brearley, Collegiate, Trinity, Fieldston, and the Riverdale Country School — held the professional development and networking event Dec. 4-7 in Colorado along with its Student Diversity Leadership Conference. Approximately 8,000 students and adults attended.

Among the New York prep schools in attendance were the Brooklyn Friends School, Dalton and Horace Mann. A complete list of attendees was not immediately available.

NYC parents fumed because they were given assurances Jewish students would be welcomed, but called the conference a “festival of hate” pushed by the “woke” NAIS.

“It’s all indoctrination for them to bring back to the school,” said one NYC private school mom, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

“There’s no transparency. I don’t know if one of my daughter’s teachers were there … I want to know that the teachers and students that went are now going to be un-indoctrinated.”


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The Laird of Hilltucky | December 15, 2024 at 2:21 pm

Where was this event held? Any business, institution, or organization that hosted or helped organize this event should be canceled or closed or have its license revoked.

“Let’s hold a conference to celebrate diversity!”
“Yes, let’s! We can kill Jews!”

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to henrybowman. | December 16, 2024 at 2:44 am

    Something that the left, the fringe right, Islamists, Christian supersecessionists, the Black Hebrew movement, and atheists can all agree on.

Jewish kids from the west side of Los Angeles and the Upper East Side of Manhattan go to a “People of Color” conference and are surprised that they don’t fit in?

What’s wrong with this picture?

Save your children. Make Aliyah.