Dems Mocking ‘President Musk’ To Troll Trump
One source said, “The dream is to get this narrative going on Fox [News]. Everybody knows how easy it is to get under Donald Trump’s skin.”

After Elon Musk’s blitz of scathing posts on X tanked the pork-filled “bipartisan” spending bill on Wednesday and heightened the risk of a government shutdown, Democrats – en masse – launched a new strategy. Suddenly, every liberal politician and talking head began referring to the world’s richest man as “President Musk.” They are hoping that the prospect of President-elect Donald Trump being seen as subordinate to Musk will undermine the close relationship between the two. The question is: will the ego-driven Trump take the bait?
Lest you think this is just paranoid thinking on the part of the conservative media, The Rolling Stone reported on Thursday that it is a very real strategy conceived at the highest levels of Democratic Party leadership and it is intended to “drive a petty wedge” between the powerful duo.
As per The Rolling Stone:
According to a source with direct knowledge of the matter and another person briefed on it, at senior levels of different Democratic congressional offices, and also within the Democratic National Committee, discussions have been had about having party leaders and elected officials actively portray Musk as effectively Trump’s boss, and to do so during television appearances that the president-elect is likely to see. The idea is that it’s a cost-free opportunity to potentially drive a petty wedge between the notably mercurial and ego-obsessed Trump and his similarly emotive pal Musk, and to sow some chaos in the upper ranks of the Republican Party.
One source told The Rolling Stone, “The dream is to get this narrative going on Fox [News]. Everybody knows how easy it is to get under Donald Trump’s skin, so why not give him something else to think over?”
Although I think the plan is too sophomoric and transparent to work, that hasn’t stopped the party’s loyal foot soldiers from carrying out their orders.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) took to X on Wednesday night to lead the charge.
The US Congress this week came to an agreement to fund our government.
Elon Musk, who became $200 BILLION richer since Trump was elected, objected.
Are Republicans beholden to the American people? Or President Musk?
This is oligarchy at work.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) December 19, 2024
Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), who appears to have taken over Senator-elect Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) mantle as the most shameless liar in the Democratic Caucus, joined MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on Wednesday night’s edition of “The Last Word.”
In the clip below, O’Donnell noted, “Donald Trump is asking you to do him a big favor. Would you please raise the debt ceiling for him right now so that he can give those tax cuts to Elon Musk and other billionaires next year?”
Goldman replied, “Well, Lawrence, I think you have it just half a click off. It’s not Donald Trump asking for this. It’s very clearly President Elon Musk asking for this. The fact that Donald Trump has been completely AWOL during these negotiations to the point where only after Elon Musk publicly tweets about his displeasure and about this budget deal, all of a sudden, Donald Trump, chief of staff to Elon Musk, comes trotting in and blows up the deal.”
Rep. Goldman: "It's not Donald Trump asking for this. It's very clearly President Elon Musk asking for this.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 19, 2024
On Thursday, Progressive Caucus Chair Greg Casar (D-TX) told reporters: “If Elon Musk is kind of cosplaying co-president here, I don’t know why Trump doesn’t just hand him the Oval Office, or Speaker Johnson should maybe just hand Elon Musk the gavel if they just want that billionaire to run the country.”
"If Elon Musk is kind of cosplaying co-President here, I don't know why Trump doesn't just hand him the Oval Office, or Speaker Johnson should maybe just hand Elon Musk the gavel if they just want that billionaire to run the country."
— @RepCasar
— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) December 19, 2024
Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) welcomed Americans to the Elon Musk presidency.
Welcome to the Elon Musk presidency.
— Congressman Robert Garcia (@RepRobertGarcia) December 19, 2024
They are trying too hard.
— Burt Macklin (@BurtMaclin_FBI) December 20, 2024
Fox & Friends co-host Lawrence Jones had a much different take on the story. He told his colleagues on Friday morning that he had spoken to Trump the night before and he is not bothered by the Democrats’ latest narrative. In fact, Jones said that Musk’s posts were a warning shot from Trump.
The last thing I’ll say on this is because a lot of people are coming out there and saying that Elon Musk is the president-elect. The Democrats have to pick a talking point. Either Donald Trump is going to be a dictator on day one and run everything and ruin the infrastructure of the country. Or he’s ceded his power to Elon Musk. It can’t be both.
No, it did not bother the president. As I said yesterday, the Musk tweet was a warning shot from the president. They are in lockstep on this. This is why the president appointed him for this commission — him and Vivek [Ramaswamy]. They are doing what the president wants them to do.”
It’s unlikely that Musk would have posted such inflammatory remarks without Trump’s approval. In fact, I’d go as far as to agree with Jones that Musk’s posts likely came at Trump’s request.
With the exception of Trump’s September debate with Vice President Kamala Harris – where he most definitely took the bait—his campaign this time around was far more disciplined and strategic than either of his previous runs. This calculated approach has continued during the transition period, and there’s every reason to believe it will carry into his presidency.
As I see it, using Musk as a foil to kill the bloated spending bill presented to Congress on Wednesday was part of the Trump team’s well-thought-out strategy. After Musk lambasted the measure on X, Trump denounced it himself. The two are clearly aligned, united in their aim to cut waste from the government’s budget.
Democrats have repeatedly underestimated Trump’s intelligence and his talent for trolling them. And their latest narrative may be their most transparent miscalculation yet.
Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.

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Dems might get what they are suggesting in 2028 or later. That would serve them right.
Elon isn’t a natural born citizen.
And Obama was?
Leftists can’t do humor, so trolling and sarcasm is really beyond their skillset.
They are all stuck at that 6th grade level of “making fun of”.
Our “co-president” has more brain cells than the Democrat president currently in office, as well as having an IQ far superior than the collective bunch of democrats in the house and the senate.
“I am rubber, you are glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks to you!” More like 1st grade level, but the dems rarely perform at grade level.
President Musk. Meh. Whatever. I’m more interested in who was potus the previous 4 years because it sure wasn’t senile Joe, or the drunken Indian.
Or stoned Jamaican (apologies to all other Jamaicans everywhere)
Kamel toe was living her culture with gusto.
President Musk has not been sworn in yet. So who is president in the meantime? Not Biden. He’s only a puppet— Puppet Biden. So who is the puppeteer? Who is actually running the country? Does anyone know?
Yeah, Bernie. Now do Biden. Millions of patriots want an answer to who the REAL president has been for the past four years.
Yawn. Memo goes out to all dem’s–this is what you all need to say this week. Maybe some day it will work.
I also find it amusing that they think Trump’s “billionaire friends” care about getting a tax cut. Let’s see, Elon is worth 400 or so billion this week; I’m sure he’s losing sleep because if his taxes aren’t cut he’s looking at financial ruin.
Exactly! They all say the same things at the same time and they expect us to believe that it was “spontaneous.”
We stopped buying that garbage years ago.
No mention of the 83 billionaires plus George Soros that expected something if Harris won.
They haven’t been this mad since we freed their slaves, but they might be madder is we deport their new illegal immigrant slaves.
All of the sudden, politicians and cable hosts all start parroting the same phrase at the same time. The DNC must have some mechanism in place for this. Dana Perino (Fox News) calls it the “bat signal.”
It sounds like that verbally, but actually it’s the “bats signal.”
This is not the dig they think it is and Trump seems much better at not taking the weak bait in 2.0
Who would you have to call “president” in order to mock and troll Biden?
a. Dr Jill
b. Susan Rice
c. Barry Obama
d. _________________
d. Insert any random name in a Haitian phone directory and you’ll get a more apt leader than Joe Biden.
d. Big Mike
Easter Bunny,
Democrats and their hive-mind talking points again. Like a tribe of monkeys flinging poo. Except not as advanced of thought process going on here, if you could call it that.
But, thanks to X being restored to free speech by Elon Musk, the “pooh” they fling is instantly thrown back at them with counter posts and community notes (the REAL fact checking).
I almost want to make popcorn when some vacuous Dem like Fauxcohontas Warren or Hackeem Jeffries make a lying post!
“One source said, “The dream is to get this narrative going on Fox [News].”
Kid, you dream big.
I really don’t see this ever working on Trump. One thing I remember is that at the beginning of CoVid he was actually willing to listen to the experts in the field. As it turned out they not actually experts and he shouldn’t have listened to them, but the point was that although ego-driven, he was willing to listen to others. I don’t think that he or Musk see themselves in competition with each other, but more comrades attacking the same problem.
You apparently spelled enemy incorrectly.
Once again, projection from the Dim tools who were all too happy to ‘elect’ a literal mental retard to serve as Barry Soetero’s sock puppet.
The democrats/marxists are just rerunning their ole anti-Tea Party propaganda, when they tried to claim that the Tea Party was a creation and arm of the Koch brothers. At the time, the Koch brothers had little to do with anything and 99% of Tea Partiers had never heard of them and could not care less about them. The Tea Party was wholly organic and the dems were trying to claim that it wasn’t. The dems tried to use them to fight off the legitimate accusations of Soros running the democrat party (which was true then and has likely been the case up to this very day, which is how the democrats went’ so super-marxist insane).
As to Trump and Musk, what is very clear is that both of them risked absolutely everything in this election. Trump, obviously, risked his wealth, his freedom, and even his life. Musk, also, would have been destroyed by the democrats in power had Komrade Kamala won. Musk would have had his companies taken away and likely been jailed for something or another. They both risked pretty much everything on this – just to save America from being totally extinguished.
Well, the Democrats may need reminding that we don’t know WHO has been making presidential decisions over the past 4 years.
It certainly isn’t the Brussels Sprout who is “our current president.”
Are we to believe that unelected Biden advisors like Jake Sullivan, Ashley Williams, Susan Rice, Annie Tomasini, Susan Rice or ??? are making and ordering execution of presidential duties, and have been for the past 4 years?
Are they, unelected as they are, any better positioned than Musk to make decisions and create documents that our current vegetable president signs, without understanding them?
They are unelected and lack the authority . . . and yet . . .
Musk at least discusses matters with Trump, who is demonstrably very “compus mentus” and who is running rings around the progs.
Irony, thy name is “Progressive/Democrat Hypocrites.”
ADDENDUM: Jason Chaffetz points out that if the signatures on official orders were created by an autopen, the order/law itself is invalid.
He thinks a forensic examination of all his official signings should be undertaken.
Not that such an evaluation would ever happen.
This is not true. In all cases except bills passed by Congress, there is no requirement for the president’s signature.
And even in the case of bills, there is no controversy that autopen is valid, so long as it was used in the president’s presence and at his direction.
The White House OLC is of the opinion that the president’s presence is not required, so long as he authorizes the use of the autopen, but this relies on some shaky reasoning.
If there’s to be a challenge it won’t be on the grounds of using an autopen, but on those of the president not having authorized it due to not being in a frame of mind in which he was capable of doing so. And the problem with that is proving it. We can suspect it but so long as he is occasionally competent it’s almost impossible to prove that he wasn’t on that occasion.
Trump should start calling him President Musk. And Musk should start calling Trump “God Emperor Trump”.
Watch the heads explode.
That would be hilarious. Troll Level: Midnight.
They should also steal the Mockingjay Salute and finish FJB’s legacy by cementing referrals thereto as Joe Snow, like the fuzz of an offline tv channel, which must be what it’s like inside Brandon’s head most of each day. Absolutely commandeer for MAGA the idea of “the resistance”.
I mean, we haven’t had the president that was elected for four years now.
Once again, they aren’t reasoning, they’re projecting.
“President Musk”, huh? Okay, I’m good with a guy who believes in the First Amendment, wants to downsize government, and is shooting for a manned mission to Mars by 2029.
The attempt to needle Trump while promoting the oligarchy charge is pretty funny considering Biden damn sure isn’t making the decisions in his admin and the relative wealth/income disparity of the d/prog to MAGA. They are the party of wealth and privilege and have been for a few decades now especially considering ‘new’ money from Hollywood, tech sector and financial sector.
Democrats that have never accomplished anything in their lives except suck off the government are trying to mock one of the most accomplished people in our lifetime. That is really going to work. Bernie is a case in point as someone who has never held a job in the private sector.
And was literally kicked out of a communist living group for not pulling his weight.
From each according to his ability…