Clark University won’t join the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement (BDS) against Israel.
From Campus Reform:
“Our endowment is not intended to be used as an instrument to express views on social or political issues,” school president David Fithian emphasized in a statement earlier this month. “Neither is it a means for exercising social power or advancing specific interests. Therefore, the University — under the Board of Trustees’ direction — will not consider divestment as a strategy for addressing world events.”
Fithian also stressed that agreeing to Boycott Israel vis-a-vis the school’s endowment would constitute institutional bias towards one particular viewpoint, thereby violating academic freedom.
On the question of conforming to directives of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, here, too, the University does not intend to change current institutional policies or procedures,” Fithian stated. “Nor will we allow the adoption of measures within any unit or function that are discriminatory and/or force involuntary adoption of one particular point of view over others.
“Such measures would be inconsistent with our values as a University and would conflict with University policy. They also threaten academic freedom, the respectful free expression of ideas and views, and the principles of inclusion and belonging that are central to our community.”

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Finally, a college administrator with common sense and cojones.
One step at a time.
That’s a rather wordy way of saying to students and faculty, “We govern the institution, NOT YOU!”