California School Shooter Targeted Children as Response to U.S. Involvement With ‘Genocide’ of Palestinians
“I, Lieutenant Glenn Litton of the alliance carried out countermeasure in necessitated response to America’s involvement with genocide and oppression of Palestinians along with attacks towards Yemen.”

Officials identified homeless man Glenn Litton, 56, as the man who shot two kindergartners at a northern California school on Wednesday.
The police described him as mentally ill and had a lengthy criminal record.
The investigators discovered a note he left:
“Countermeasure involving child executions has now been imposed at the Seventh Day Adventist school in CA, U.S. by the international alliance,” he wrote in the disturbing note recovered by investigators.
“I, Lieutenant Glenn Litton of the alliance carried out countermeasure in necessitated response to America’s involvement with genocide and oppression of Palestinians along with attacks towards Yemen.”
Investigators do not know how “he conflated what’s going on in Palestine and Yemen with the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.”
Litton shot Roman Mendez,6, and Elias Wolford, 5, at the Feather River Aventist School in Oroville.
Thankfully both children survived.
However, Mendez and Wolford will probably need many surgeries before they make a full recovery.
Litton faked his identity to get on the school grounds:
Authorities identified the shooter as Glenn Litton, 56, who died most likely from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Litton used the alias Michael Sanders to set up an appointment with the school principal to inquire about enrolling his grandson just before the shooting, investigators said.
Authorities believe the appointment was a ruse so Litton could gain access to the school’s campus. After the meeting, Litton fired a handgun several times before fatally shooting himself, Honea said.
“Shortly after concluding that meeting, the principal heard shots being fired, heard screams, and that’s when they determined or found that the two students had been shot,” [Butte County Sheriff Kory] Honea said.
Honea told the press Litton had mental issues going back to 16-years-old. His criminal record included identity theft, fraud, and forgery:
He served time in California State Prison in the 1990s and early 2000s for theft-related crimes. In 2015, he was sentenced to two years in prison for aggravated identity theft in Sacramento.
Litton’s first prison sentence was in 1991 for theft. Since then, he has had convictions for various crimes consisting of theft, identity theft, and some drug charges, according to Butte County officials.
“His criminal behavior and prison stints continued over the following years, all the way up until Nov. 12 when he was arrested near San Francisco for stealing a moving truck and was booked into the San Mateo County jail,” officials said.

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New York Slimes is deliberately concealing his motive and calling it “involvement with paramilitary organizations”
Typical of the Times. The left covers their own as much as possible..
To be fair, supporting the Palestinians means supporting a paramilitary organization…
“Para”? They’re a military organization, really.
That description was chosen to imply he is a right winger.
Illustration of the need to arm certain school staff…
When seconds count the police are only minutes away…
Instead, what we’ll probably end up with is facial recognition for everything we do.
Actually, a metal detector or form of search would have been necessary to prevent this. Even with security, the man was invited in and took a quick exit for the playground so he would have to be caught with the gun through preventative measures.
Of course, keeping him in the slammer would also have been a preventative measure. This guy is a poster child for 3-strikes laws.
And, yes, he is also objectively off his nut.
And, when I visited my son at a public school, I was watched to make sure I actually exited the school when I left the main office.
Gavin Newsom posted some faux-sympathetic gaslighting blaming the gun (of course). He is being dragged like a driveway grader.
Sarah Hoyt has provided you with an Instalanche.
Good work.
Putting and keeping known criminals as well as the insane away from the rest of society seems like a pretty basic, common sense policy.
It’s a better illustration for the need to home school. When was the last time you heard of a mass shooting at a home school? Also, do yo really want to be arming unionized woke school staff?
Even with SRO that spends a lot of time doing IDPA, this could have gone a lot worse.
Schools need to be hard targets. Sadly they seem to be the target of choice for the sickest souls destined for hell.
Wonder how many new homeschools this will launch? Being California, I’m sure Gavin’s response will be to make opting out of government schools even more difficult.
A criminal not following gun laws. Who would believe it?
Make Lobotomies Great Again!
Make Lithium Great Again!
How many children have to be injured or killed before politicians finally confront the PROFOUND mental health crises that has a death-grip on the country? I’ve been watching this youtube channel for the past few months that catalogs officer-involved shootings as the bodycam footage is released. I would say at least half of all officer-involved shootings were between police and someone in obvious mental crises, one precipitated either by drugs or serious mental illness (often both).
Make Asylums Great Again.
What — you expect politicians to cure the sickos who have been reliable votes for them?
“mentally ill and had a lengthy criminal record.”
While I understand the consequences the Founders expressly stating a right to:
“Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness”
We must find a way to reclaim our nation from the homeless mentally ill.
I understand that there is a “slippery slope” but that should not force us to completely ignore a a morass at the top of the slope.
It’s not just the sane who suffer when the mentally ill are not confined and cared for. They OD, they die of exposure, they are victims of violence.
The Declaration follows with “ That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,”
The government, specifically the criminal justice system of California failed to secure these rights on behalf of these children. As GWB mentions above, where’s the three strikes law?
Yet another example of how well communist gun control measures work
Lieutenant Glenn Loonie. Jeez.
I dunno, . . . he sounds to me like a solid, dependably blue voter.
In normal cases I am against death row stays because permanent solitary confinement is very overtly a form of torture.
For this POS I would love to make an exception and notably while California does not execute any longer judges have the authority to issue death sentences that will never be carried out (but do preclude parole).
It’s absolutely AMAZING how little coverage of this story there’s been in traditional media. I had FNC on in the office all day yesterday and I didn’t see this story mentioned once. Usually school shootings merit at least some coverage.
We REALLY need to re-open the mental hospitals in this country.
He didn’t. It had nothing to do with the church. He was angry at America, so he could just as easily have hit any school, government or private. It just happened to be this one.
Often terrorists who are angry at America choose a target just because it’s convenient, and it has nothing to do with whatever makes that place different from others.
For instance consider the attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. Everyone was sure it was either an attack on gays or on Hispanics or both. Turned out it was neither. It was just an attack on Americans, and the terrorist neither knew nor cared what kind of club it was.