This news will surely please Senator Elizabeth Warren.
WJAR News reports:
Brown University transfers ownership of a portion of its land to Pokanoket Indian TribeBrown University has transferred ownership of a portion of its land in Bristol, Rhode Island, to a preservation trust established by the Pokanoket Indian Tribe.The move ensures that access to the land and waters extends to tribes and Native peoples of the region for whom the land has significance, according to the university, which finalized the transfer last month.The land is the ancestral home of Metacom — also known as King Philip — the leader of the Pokanoket people. It’s also the site of his 1676 death during King Philip’s War, a bloody conflict between tribes and European settlers.In August 2017, members of the tribe and their supporters set up an encampment at the university, saying the land was illegally taken from them hundreds of years ago.The Pokanoket Nation said the encampment was aimed at reclaiming the tribe’s ancestral home in Bristol, which contains spiritually important sites. The tribe is not federally recognized, but its members say they are descended from the tribe that helped the pilgrims and its leader, Massasoit, father of Metacom.The Ivy League university said at the time that the land was donated decades earlier and that it had owned the legal title for more than 60 years.A month after the encampment began the school reached an agreement acknowledging that the land is historically Pokanoket.