Australia’s Largest Synagogue Firebombed During Friday Morning Prayers
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Australia’s Largest Synagogue Firebombed During Friday Morning Prayers 

Australia’s Largest Synagogue Firebombed During Friday Morning Prayers 

Masked men firebombed main entrance of synagogue while congregants were still inside, injuring one.

After a series of pro-Palestinian demonstrations called for ‘Intifada’ in Australia, the country’s largest synagogue in the city of Melbourne was firebombed by masked attackers during Friday morning prayers.

The attackers firebombed the main entrance of the Adass Israel synagogue while congregants were inside, injuring one worshiper. “Worshipers were forced to flee an Australian synagogue after it was set on fire,” the BBC reported. “Community leaders told local media that “a few people” were inside at the time for morning prayers, and they had reported seeing firebombs thrown. One person was injured and the fire caused extensive damage.”

The police were looking for two masked men, who were spotted “pouring petrol over the synagogue’s front entrance and that windows were smashed and Molotov cocktails thrown into the building,” the Australian media outlet NEWS reported.

The fire caused inestimable damage to the synagogue’s possessions, destroying a rare collection of holy books and handwritten Torah scrolls. “It’s believed the damage caused to the inside of the synagogue is significant,” the Australian broadcaster SBS reported. “One congregation member estimated millions of dollars worth of holy books and valuable handwritten Torah scrolls were inside, which were carefully loaded into a car later in the day.”

The Australian broadcaster ABC reported the details of the arson attack:

Fire crews were called to the Adass Israel Synagogue at Ripponlea in Melbourne’s south-east shortly after 4am and found a large fire burning through the building.

Early-morning worshippers inside the synagogue reported seeing two masked men throw fuel inside the premises, before setting it alight.

“There was some banging on a door with some liquid thrown inside and was lit alight, the few people inside the synagogue ran outside the back door, one of them got burnt,” Adass Israel Synagogue board member Benjamin Klein said.

He believed the fire had destroyed “a huge amount of furniture and holy books and Torah scrolls”.

“It’s quite horrendous and the community is really reeling from it,” he said.

“This is the focal point of the community, the jewel in the crown of the community and to see it lying burnt and in ruins is quite horrendous.

With Australia’s rapidly growing Muslim population, the country is witnessing a surge in Antisemitism. Since October 7, 2023, there has been a wave of anti-Israel demonstrations nationwide.

Two days after the October 7 massacre, Hamas supporters in Sydney were heard chanting ‘Gas the Jews’ outside the city’s landmark Opera House. Australian university campuses have seen student demonstrations calling for Intifada, a reference to Palestinian terrorist campaigns against Jews and Israelis in the early 1990s and early 2000s.

The first anniversary of the October 7 massacre was marred by pro-Palestinian demonstrations across Australia. “Thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators have taken to the streets in cities across Australia on the eve of the anniversary of the October 7 attacks,” the ABC (Australia) reported.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed Australia’s left-wing Labour Party government for fanning the flames of Antisemitism by its anti-Israel policies. On Wednesday, the Australian government voted in favor of an anti-Israel resolution at the United Nations.

The Times of Israel reported Prime Minister Netanyahu’s comments:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blames the “anti-Israel attitude of the Labor government in Australia” for the arson of a Melbourne synagogue earlier this morning.

In a post expressing “shock” at the “classic, despicable, antisemitic incident,” the prime minister points to Australia’s vote in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution calling on Israel to withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza earlier this week, along with its refusal to grant a visa to a former Israeli minister last month.

“I expect the authorities in [Australia] to exert all their weight to prevent such antisemitic attacks in the future,” the prime minister says.


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Maybe burn a mosque?

December 3: “Australia saw antisemitic incidents quadruple after Oct. 7, Jewish group reports”

“The country was home to a number of high-profile incidents, including chants of “F— the Jews” at a protest and a mass doxxing that resulted in a threat against a Jewish child.”

The religion of peace, eh?

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | December 7, 2024 at 12:39 pm

    You should check out some of the anti-Jewish comments on the X thread for this story. Not just from Muslims though; some are from old fashioned Nazi-style lowlifes.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 6, 2024 at 3:41 pm

The leftists and their shock-troops are making a mockery of civilized society in the Western world. Things are going to come to a head and it is going to be pretty friggin ugly.

This isn’t about alleged/contrived grievances held by Arab Fakestinian invaders from Arabia, who’ve absurdly co-opted a name contrived by the ancient Romans (“Palaestina”) in reference to the Philistines, in a contemptible bid at historical revisionism and erasure of Jewish history and theology.

This is about the glaring and immutable pathologies of the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and wretched ideology of “Submission,” and the goose-stepping Islamofascism and terrorism of its most fanatical adherents.

The Gentle Grizzly | December 6, 2024 at 3:47 pm

I’m just happy that for the most part Australians are disarmed. Otherwise, someone is liable to get hurt eventually.

It’s as though western, leftist dhimmi and Dhimmi-crat politicians are too stupid, too emasculated and too invested in notions of “diversity” to figure out the causality. Wherever Muslims immigrate in large quantities and reproduce, they bring the manifest intolerance, belligerence and bigotry of their supremacist and totalitarian ideology with them. destroying and undermining the secular, democratic norms of their host countries.

What we are witnessing in the U.K., France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Canada and Australia (and, to a slightly lesser extent, in the U.S.) is a “holy war” conducted through immigration and reproduction. There is no other rational interpretation of this phenomenon of persistent violence and obnoxious bullying by Muslim supremacists and terrorists.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to guyjones. | December 6, 2024 at 3:59 pm

    islam demands the power of state wherever it is found. This is why it is a political ideology and not a religion.

    The funny part is that when Western leftists liked to point out successful muslim countries they invariably choose as examples countries that understand the raw political nature of islam, like Turkey, which Attaturk clearly understood had to hold islam at bay in order to allow a half-decent society to ever emerge. BTW, the EU loved messing around with Turkey and basically broke the country in 2003 when they told Turkey that to even be considered for EU membership (which they would never offer, anyway) Turkey had to amend its constitution and remove supreme power from the secular military. Turkey did that, went back on Attaturk’s primary safeguard … and Erdogan has moved Turkey almost entirely back to an islamic state ever since, working to break all ties with the West and hamper all Western interests vis a vis the islamic world.

The Amish sure do get around, don’t they?

Anyplace there’s Muslims and Jews you get attacks on Jews, in short. The fix is what Trump has in mind, a deal.

    Dean Robinson in reply to rhhardin. | December 6, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    Presumes that the parties involved are capable of acting in good faith. Does not work well at all if one party isnt.

    Stuytown in reply to rhhardin. | December 7, 2024 at 9:11 am

    Once in a while leave your home and go sit on a park bench and admire natural beauty. It’s good to get

Dean Robinson | December 6, 2024 at 4:14 pm

Repetitive historical patterns are fascinating to study, but terrifying to experience personally. These pogroms in process are igniting simultaneously in multiple Western democracies because of moral decay that has been building over a generation, enabled by feckless leaders who ignore the evidence and reject the inconvenient actions that would stop the spread. The end result is utterly predictable, but this time the Jews are not going down without a fight that could easily take several billion more victims with them. Hope the Australian authorities recognize that they too will reap what they have sown.

And the Progressives will shout, “But, the Crusades!” Not understanding that this is precisely WHY the Crusades happened.

Deport this Labor government and the Muslims..

Yu let the third world in, yu turn into third world. Kick the troglodyte musselmans out. And new Crusade maybe?

    Danny in reply to joejoejoe. | December 7, 2024 at 5:17 am

    If the current pope called a crusade it would either be against capitalism represented by the United States to free the CCP (see his relationship with Trump vs Xi during the first Trump term) or against Israel and her supporters on behalf of the Muslims.

That would never have happened if Islamophobia wasn’t rampant in Australia.

Do you think the synagogue’s property insurance company will renew the synagogue’s policy next year? If so, it will be with a large increase in premiums. Islam squeezes its enemies. Free speech? Sure, as long as you don’t disrespect Allah. Immodest dress? Maybe in Tahiti. Societies will self-enforce rules to avoid offending the Muslims. At that point, all that is left is to hand over the keys to the city.

The post refers to these animals as pro-Palestinian. Is that what you call people who firebomb a synagogue during prayer? Vijeta?

This arson happened at 4 AM, not during prayers. It’s summer, but sunrise was at 5:50, so the earliest morning service wasn’t going to start until about 5. At 4 there were only a few people in the building (two is what I heard), either up late studying from the previous night, or come early to study before praying. An hour later there would have been more people and potentially more injuries.

Note well that this is well known to be an anti-zionist synagogue. That should be enough to show that it was not an attack on Zionists but on Jews. In the attackers’ minds, when they say “Zionist” they mean “Jew”, and they mean all Jews regardless of their opinion on Zionism.

Calling this “antisemitism” is correct but, as usual underplays the actual attitudes at play here. The Islamic paradise of the End Times, when Islam rules the earth and all is for Allah, will not be brought about unless and until the Jews are exterminated and Christians either converted or slain (by a resurrected Jesus no less, who preaches Islam not Christianity).

    Milhouse in reply to randian. | December 7, 2024 at 11:48 pm

    The culprits have not been caught, so we have no way of knowing whether they are even Moslem. Many/most of the antisemitic demonstrators at their weekly rallies in Melbourne seem not to be Moslem. They just hate “zionists”, by which they mean Jews.