Appeals Court Upholds Law Requiring TikTok Ban or Sale Law
“That evidence includes attempts by the PRC to collect data on U.S. persons by leveraging Chinese-company investments and partnerships with U.S. organizations.”

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld a law that requires the sale or ban of TikTok in America.
President Donald Trump threatened to ban the popular social media app owned by China-based company ByteDance.
President Joe Biden signed the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, naming TikTok and ByteDance. The act “made it functionally illegal for ‘a foreign adversary controlled application’ to operate within the United States, or for any other entity to provide ‘internet hosting services to enable the distribution, maintenance, or updating’ of the app.”
The law targets all companies where “a citizen of an adversarial nation ‘directly or indirectly own[s] at least a 20 percent stake.'”
The appeals court narrowed it down to national security:
We conclude the Act implicates the First Amendment and is subject to heightened scrutiny. Whether strict or intermediate scrutiny applies is a closer question. The relevant portions of the Act are facially content neutral, but the Government arguably based its content manipulation justification for the Act upon the content on the platform. We think it only prudent, therefore, to assume without deciding that the higher standard applies.
The three-judge panel concluded that strict scrutiny is appropriate because the Act is facially content-neutral since it does not target the speech in the app.
“The TikTok-specific provisions instead straightforwardly require only that TikTok divest its platform as a precondition to operating in the United States,” wrote Senior Judge Douglas Ginsburg. “On its face, the Act concerns control by a foreign adversary and not ‘the topic discussed or the idea or message expressed.'”
The government’s concerns are:
- (1) to counter the PRC’s [People’s Republic of China] efforts to collect great quantities of data about tens of millions of Americans, and
- (2) to limit the PRC’s ability to manipulate content covertly on the TikTok platform. The former does not reference the content of speech or reflect disagreement with an idea or message.
The government claimed (emphasis mine) that “the PRC might shape the content that American users receive, interfere with our political discourse, and promote content based upon its alignment with the PRC’s interests.”
Another one (again, emphasis mine): “In fact, the Government identifies a particular topic — Taiwan’s relationship to the PRC — as a ‘significant potential flashpoint’ that may be a subject of the PRC’s influence operations, and its declarants identify other topics of importance to the PRC.”
Might. May be. So, the government hasn’t actually introduced evidence that TikTok and the PRC have done anything remotely to spark those national security concerns.
Here’s more (emphasis mine):
Indeed, content on the platform could in principle remain unchanged after divestiture, and people in the United States would remain free to read and share as much PRC propaganda (or any other content) as they desire on TikTok or any other platform of their choosing. What the Act targets is the PRC’s ability to manipulate that content covertly.
The panel said the government provided “persuasive support for its concerns regarding” national security, which includes stealing data from those in America.
It turns out the case of China Telecom (Am’s.) Corp. v. Fed. Commc’ns Comm’n in 2022 allows the government to take action before anything happens.
The government can do something “based on informed judgments.” The panel wrote:
Here the Government has drawn reasonable inferences based upon the evidence it has. That evidence includes attempts by the PRC to collect data on U.S. persons by leveraging Chinese-company investments and partnerships with U.S. organizations. It also includes the recent disclosure by former TikTok employees that TikTok employees “share U.S. user data on PRC-based internal communications systems that China-based ByteDance employees can access,” and that the ByteDance subsidiary responsible for operating the platform in the United States “approved sending U.S. data to China several times.” In short, the Government’s concerns are well founded, not speculative.
“In this case, a foreign government threatens to distort free speech on an important medium of communication,” added the panel. “Using its hybrid commercial strategy, the PRC has positioned itself to manipulate public discourse on TikTok in order to serve its own ends.”
The judges ordered TikTo to execute “a qualified divestiture by January 19, 2025.”
“Consequently, TikTok’s millions of users will need to find alternative media of communication,” the judges concluded. “That burden is attributable to the PRC’s hybrid commercial threat to U.S. national security, not to the U.S. Government, which engaged with TikTok through a multi-year process in an effort to find an alternative solution.”
The case will likely go to the Supreme Court. TikTok expects the court to throw out the law because the government passed it using “inaccurate, flawed, and hypothetical information.”
I don’t like slippery slopes.
How about this? Don’t download the app. Don’t use TikTok. Keep an eye on your child’s electronics.

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“The act “made it functionally illegal for ‘a foreign adversary controlled application’ to operate within the United States, or for any other entity to provide ‘internet hosting services to enable the distribution, maintenance, or updating’ of the app.”
How stupid.
1. You can’t stop the signal, Mal.
2. US ISPs are now held criminally liable for not stopping the signal.
3. The fedguv skates free for the entire exercise in set-up failure.
This is nothing but a general fedguv power grab over the Internet.
plus one for the Firefly reference. Been a long time since I have seen one.
This was a good ruling that says the CCP is not permitted to control our elections, and corporations that help the CCP control our elections (in this case one literally owned by the CCP) are to be held accountable.
Whatever right as a citizen vs Public Square rights for the public using the public square that applies to American owned portions of the public square does not apply to Chinese ones considering the Chinese government controls those corporations.
But feel free to live in the world of Xi controlling our elections instead.
The rest of us will be glad to see Tik Tok decline.
You do realize that the CCP literally owns Tik Tok?
Shadow ban all pro-Israel accounts and boost pro-Jihad accounts?
Result-Gen Z is fully drawn into the CCP position on Israel…..
I am sorry if you are a foreign tyrant fuck off you are not entitled to control the flow of information to Americans.
Of course feel free to start learning the Chinese national anthem instead of the American one because we are living in China if the Chinese Government takes over the flow of information.
Wow. That covers a ton of companies, and that’s without even getting into all of the countries that have made themselves adversaries of the US, even though they pretend they are our allies.
Aside from that, the whole thrust of this law is insane. It is one thing to declare Tik-Tok a security threat and to forbid it from government devices or devices used by government officials and employees … it is quite another to write some insane law making this broad of a ban of something that is, functionally, unbannable, to begin with.
This is crazy, really.
Meanwhile, we have a federal government (and many state governments) completely infested with Maoist democrats …
So because we have domestic problems you advocate allowing the CCP to distort the flow of speech in this country?
Do you or do you not wish for Gen Z to have allegiance to the Chinese Communist Party?
That is what Tik Tok continuing means.
“distort the flow of speech” … WTF is that supposed to be?
I am FAR more concerned with the Maoist sh*bags in the public schools trying to convince children in the deranged delusion that people can change their sex at will, or even worse to try and convince them to take drugs and mutilate themselves to cosplay that goal more effectively. That’s sick stuff that needs to be stopped. But, some silly web site that plays short videos … I don’t think so.
I am far more concerned with my information being hoovered up by FarceBook and the like and being sold by my local government (!!) and other businesses that have no right to do so than I am about some Chinese web site.
It is one thing to bar Chinese sites from government devices (and private corporations should do the same within their purviews) but it is quite another to claim that some site like Tik Tok is “distorting the flow of speech” in America, whatever the hell that might even mean.
Well they determine what information entire generations of Americans have access to via shadow bans, and rigged algorithms effectively giving China the ability to control the flow of speech and information in the United States.
A ruling to protect free speech from distortion is in line with Marsh v Alabama.
I challenge you to find anywhere I defended public school indoctrination or frankly where I have avoided saying it is the most important issue to tackle right now.
Tik Tok however is public square, it currently has near monopoly on how generations of Americans see the world, it is a rigged CCP controlled flow of information, and it is a way to rig elections by a foreign government.
Tik Tok is how Gen Z, and Gen Alpha get their information about the world.
We can’t enforce a regulation on the Chinese government therefore we need to ban their tools for influencing our elections, and controlling our public square.
Whatever arguments regarding how much authority the public has to regulate the public square of Facebook against desires of the Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg does not apply to an institution of the Chinese Government.
Grow up, the woke teachers you complain about are literally products of Tik Tok.
The principle of foreign governments get to control our public square is bad, the principle that where free speech in the American public square ends should be determined by Xi Jingping is bad, the principle that hostile governments should operate unimpeded in the United States of America is bad………
You are arguing for horrible principles and horrible results in defending Tik Tok right now.
I would understand you arguing you can’t regulate Facebook into becoming a free speech zone to protect the 1st amendment due to Facebook evolving into the modern public square.
Xi is not a citizen, and his institutions are not American corporations.
Frankly the Federal Government has authority over international commerce regardless of free speech issues which the U.S. Federal Government is for once absolutely in the right about.
By the way to give a very blatant example CCP eliminated pro-Israel voices via shadow bans on October 8th while amplifying pro-Hamas and even pro-Al Qaeda voices.
Again this is not an American corporation, the only way to regulate it is to ban it (unless the CCP wishes to abandon it as the law requires for it not to be banned).
Republican opposition to banning Tik Tok was correctly non-existent.
The galactic irony is that all the crap you are railing about is precisely what our own Democrat federal government was (and probably still is) doing to our own citizens.
This law is nothing but your government screaming, “You can’t censor and propagandize our citizens! That’s our job!”
1. Henry you are not yet ready to denounce neo-nazis FUCK OFF. You decide to insult me by lying? You know I voted Trump twice, contributed to Trump, that I disagree with Democrats on everything and consistently have a policy of calling me a Democrat?
Here is my response
Unlike you I have proof you are a Nazi (you still to this day will not denounce notorious neo-Nazi Tucker Carlson the man who claims Holocaust Deniers Daryl Cooper and David Irving are the best and most honest historians of our time).
You can slander I can tell the truth you nazi.
3. Because you are an illiterate Nazi twit I will requote what you are criticizing little Adolph
“So because we have domestic problems you advocate allowing the CCP to distort the flow of speech in this country?”
In other words we could protect against both but guess what? You are the idiot who wants to leave the CCP in charge of what Gen Z and Gen Alpha hears.
4. This is your government if you are an American which I realize people who see Hitler as being the good guy as the man you champion does may not see themselves as Americans.
5. You are being nothing more than the CCP being in control of how multiple generations of Americans think and restricting free speech by technological means directed from the CCP.
6. Go find the god damned Chinese supreme court that will protect the rights of anyone. Go on find it. In this country we have a system of laws checks and balances for our citizens.
Frankly I am appalled to see a robust defense of CCP control of our society. It is the same dam idiocy that cost the right institutions like institutions of education. Instead of being behind the CCP try being on planet Earth.
In case you all forgot remember the Wuhan Wet Market? Remember the Uighur Genocide? Remember Tiananmen Square?
The United States even under Biden is not China and how dare you claim the United States Government is not the government you owe allegiance to it sounds exactly like leftists in 2017 shouting not my president.
Then again we should all expect exactly that much from something like you who will still not denounce Tucker Carlson.
By the way from the verdict
““The First Amendment exists to protect free speech in the United States,” said the court’s opinion, which was written by Judge Douglas Ginsburg. “Here the Government acted solely to protect that freedom from a foreign adversary”
In other words all of those shadow bans from the public square, CCP imposed speech codes, CCP imposed required politics to participate (very blatant in the case of supporting Trump, Israel, Republican policies on transgenderism etc).
The American Public Square as a free speech zone is absolutely something the U.S. Government can do (verdict saying it could has been valid since Marsh v Alabama) the public square in the United States HAS ALWAYS FROM THE VERY FIRST DAY OF THE UNITED STATES BEEN REGULATED BY LAW, and furthermore THE CCP IS AN ENEMY OF THIS COUNTRY.
I repeat the CCP is not a citizen, it is an ENEMY.
The judge could cite limitation of free speech on Tik Tok because it is run by a foreign adversary making it having an influence on our politics problematic morally and legally.
Presence of other problems in the United States in no way shape or form makes Tik Tok good.
Yeah, sure. Except one problem, the federal government’s too retarded to actually do anything.
It’s another stupid government War=on.
They lost the War on Alcohol.
They lost the War on Drugs.
They lost the War on Guns.
They’ll never win this war, either.
Oh something is hard so I will not try, sounds exactly like you.
It does not sound like someone who gives a dam about America.
Someone who gives a dam about America would care that the CCP is able to effectively determine what entire generations of Americans believe thanks to having the ability to censor what they hear or see.
By the way answer this right now was DeSantis wrong to be against legalizing illegal drugs in Florida?
Should driving while drunk be legalized?
Those are the implications of the unbelievably stupid things you spout.
Go strap on some cardboard wings and jump off a building.
Sure it’s hard, but you have to try. Right?
Yes it is so hard to sanction the corporate arm of the CCP it should never be tried………
Just put on the dam I love Xi shirt like Mickey Mouse in South Park already.
To all the people advocating allowing the Chinese Government to completely control flow of information among Gen Z so that Xi Jingping effectively has their allegiance through ability to shape how they see the world…..
Grow the hell up I saw all of you protesting Mark Zuckerberg and Sandar Pichai (sp) two AMERICAN CITIZENS having those powers. Being against the Tik Tok ban because both sides agree with it is childish and stupid.
“To all the people advocating allowing the Chinese Government to completely control flow of information”
Take your stupid strawmen to a blog with stupid readers..
Or just shove ’em.
Sorry jackass it is not a strawman. Gen Z and Gen Alpha get their news from Tik Tok.
The Chinese government very strictly controls all information their, and shadow bans what they do not like.
It is not a strawman it is the truth.
By the way it is also the truth that people who help Holocaust Deniers are Nazis.
Now why do you not go F off to hell where you belong?
You are literally here advocating for the CCP because you are a full time jackass and asshole who does not address arguments but goes for insults and yes I am insulting you back, and yes like Trump I believe in insulting people back harder than they hit which neo-nazi supporters like you make easy.
Are you still not ready to denounce Tucker Carlson? The Tucker Carlson of Daryl Cooper fame? Oh right you are unable to because you need to fight that establishment that isn’t asking questions like is it fair that people think Dr. Mengele and Hitler are monsters when Churchill was the main villain of the second world war………
Take your lithium before you shoot somebody.
Take your nazi ass to hell you jackass.
By the way to all idiots here
Advocate for Chinese censorship than you sure as hell are advocating for Google, and Facebook censorship. If the U.S. Government can’t enforce public square regulations against a hostile power with ZERO rights of citizenship it sure as hell can not enforce it against a citizen.
Citizenship in this country means you have more not fewer rights than a foreigner.
If you think the CCP has good intentions for you you are a fool at best.
At least encourage Gen Z to be on platforms that allow two sides instead of just the CCP side (which by the way literally included a revival of Bin Laden propaganda).
The way I know the U.S. Government beats the hell out of the Chinese government?
I just overthrew the dam Biden government by voting for his opponent.
Biden was put on a leash several times by the house, senate and supreme court when he overstepped his bounds.
Sorry to burst the bubble but being pro-CCP is disgusting not brave.
“By the way to all idiots here”
You could just keep a diary.
I didn’t say idiotic nazi so I was not talking to you liar.
The most straightforward solution to protect consumer data is to make it illegal for EVERY entity, foreign or domestic, to monitor,.gather, collect, package, retain, sell buy or give away the data.
Congress can fix problems presented by TikTok by applying the solution to ALL entities. Yes that will disrupt the current business model of many companies. So what? Either consumer data is worthy of protection or it isn’t. Why limit the protection from entities in a few Nations designated as hostile while allowing domestic companies or foreign but not hostile Nations to continue to scrape,.collect, package, buy and sell our data? Congress should pull up their big boy pants and stop it entirely.
It’s like cell number spoofing for spammers and fraudsters, Any good communications professional will tell you that if the cell companies didn’t WANT this to be possible, it wouldn’t be possible.,