AOC Loses Bid to be Top Democrat on House Oversight Committee
“seen as a blow for progressives who backed Ocasio-Cortez”

Far left New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was angling for the top Dem spot on the House Oversight Committee but lost to Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia.
There have been rumblings around DC that Nancy Pelosi was working behind the scenes to tank AOC, despite the fact that she’s dealing with a broken hip.
FOX News reports:
AOC loses bid to be top Democrat on powerful House Oversight Committee
Progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., was defeated in her bid to be the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, losing to Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia.
Connolly, 74, bested the 35-year-old Ocasio-Cortez with 131 to 84 votes in what is seen as a blow for progressives who backed Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the progressive “Squad.”
“I thank my colleagues for their support and the confidence they’ve placed in me to lead House Democrats on the Oversight Committee,” Connolly said in a statement after being elected by the House Democratic Caucus.
Connolly called out “the Republican playbook,” in which he accused Republicans of using “debunked conspiracy theories” and enabling “the worst abuses of the Trump Administration.”
Don’t you love how Democrats accuse Republicans of dealing in conspiracy theories after pushing the Russia collusion hoax for years?
Mediaite reported this tidbit on Pelosi:
Last week, Punchbowl News reported that former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was “actively working to tank” Ocasio-Cortez’s candidacy and “making calls on behalf of” Connolly.
“Pelosi has made her support for Connolly publicly known. But her behind-the-scenes maneuvering shows the amount of political capital Pelosi’s willing to put into the contest, which will be decided next week,” explained Punchbowl.
Either way, this was an embarrassing loss for Ocasio-Cortez.
JUST NOW: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez officially loses vote to become ranking Democrat on the important House Oversight Committee – Axios
She lost to an old Democrat – Rep. Gerry Connolly, 74.
The vote: 131 to 84.
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) December 17, 2024
The decision is final.
The @HouseDemocrats have resoundingly rejected AOC’s bid to become the ranking member on the House Oversight Committee.
This is a clear signal that affiliations with the DSA will not be rewarded with leadership positions in this Democratic Party.
— (((Zak Malamed))) (@zakmalamed) December 17, 2024
AOC timeline tells the story after she lost her bid to lead the Oversight Committee.
— Libs of Bluesky (@Libsofbluesky) December 18, 2024
The left is not happy about this.
From the New Republic:
In other democracies, the leadership of parties that have endured humiliating defeats like the one Democrats saw in November—or even just regular defeats—resign. That kicks off a process by which members determine a new, ideally more successful direction, represented by different people. But the Democratic Party isn’t really a “party” of the sort that exists in other democracies, with memberships and official constituencies, like unions, who have some say over how it’s governed. Members mostly make decisions based on their own interests rather than to drive some shared, democratically decided agenda forward.
That’s part of what’s so depressing about the Oversight Committee ordeal for the couple dozen journalists and political junkies who pay attention to that sort of thing. Pelosi and the old guard’s continued opposition to younger talent seems breathtakingly counterproductive in the face of the Democratic Party’s numerous challenges right now.
Democrats can’t seem to get out of their own way.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
may the dems destroy each other, and become a permanent minority nationwide
If they refuse to acknowledge why they lost to Trump they may very well be
It’s too bad, it would have been quite humorous, I’m sure, to have that retard as the ranking member on a committee.
Connolly who was selected instead of AOC isn’t any better.
darn. my heart is broken…
Awww, shucks and darn for AOC. *sigh* Guess she’ll just have to wait for next time.
She could always try pole dancing.
She lost to an old Democrat who was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Not clear how recently he was diagnosed; he conveniently didn’t mention the diagnosis until right after the election.
“Democrats can’t seem to get out of their own way.” I consider this a good thing. Like a surprise present from Santa under the tree.
AOC crashing and burning is gratifying.
Democrats will emerge from the 2024 defeat just fine, thank you very much.
They are remarkably little cockroaches.
They can survive things that are deadly to human beings and other insects.
They always come back.
They’ll be back in 2026 to detail and destroy whatever is left of MAGA
With whom does AOC have enough influence and power to make her eligible for ranking membership on ANY committee?
Other than the media.
The dumber than a box of rocks twit, Occasional-Cortex’s, off-putting, malignant and obnoxious narcissism, self-reverence and self-aggrandizement are too repugnant for even her Dhimmi-crat comrades to stomach.
She will still angle to succeed Schmuck Schumer in the U.S. Senate, though.
If she was making a bid to be the lowest democrat in congress she would be a winner.
When push comes to shove, the Democrats will pick the old white guy over the female latinecks.
Or just the older option in general. The d/prog seem to love and respect their seniority.
* sad trombone *
To what debunked conspiracy theories and abuses is Connolly referring? Would those be the ones that were proven true over time (such as FBI informants in the J6 crowd)? Is he claiming that Democrats’ actual conspiracies and abuses are preferable?
In his statement, he speaks of their democracy. What about everybody else’s democracy, or is this like their truth which is like a flexible delusion that doesn’t require any connection to actual truth?
Why should we talk to them? Why should we negotiate or even seek common ground with them if that is their attitude? Meaningful negotiation and compromise are only possible if both side of the discussion actually want to seek consensus or agreement. His statements demonstrate an unwillingness to reach or to even seek compromise.
They’ve said up front that they’re going to oppose Republican reforms, before they even know what they are, and dismiss them out of hand. And for no reason other than they are proposed by Republicans and President Trump’s team. They’re going to oppose any reforms, regardless of what they are or whether they are beneficial to America and her people.
I’ll ask again, why should we even talk to them?
guagua corto cortez
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @aoc.bsk… • 11h Tried my best. Sorry I couldn’t pull it through everyone – we live to fight another day.”
“At least they admitted to me that they found my past accomplishments in office highly meretricious.”
“Connolly called out “the Republican playbook,” in which he accused Republicans of using “debunked conspiracy theories”
Getting them all promoted out of the “conspiracy theory” column into the “proven conspiracies” column isn’t quite the same thing as “debunking” them, Gerry.
“At least they admitted to me that they found my past accomplishments in office highly meretricious.”
she is a genuine moron
Was “meretricious” henrybowman’s typo or AOC’s actual selection? It’s such a good self-description that, if I thought it possible that she knew it means “falsely attractive, superficially significant, or relating to a prostitute,” I’d think it was a Freudian slip.
My opinion is that Auto Correct accidentally revealed more truth than any Democratic politician has revealed intentionally in generations.
She lost due to misogyny and racism.
AOC even fails at having sight, so over-sight is really out of the ballpark for her.
She sure knows how to oversee one of the worlds largest companies pulling 25,000 jobs out of her district.
And yet they re-elected her. Her original election could be a fluke; only 30,000 voters bothered to show up for the 2018 Democratic primary in a district that always elects the Democrat, so a mere 17,000 primary voters put her in as the representative of over 500,000 residents. But there have been three elections since then, each with a contested primary, and she won each one with more votes than her first victory.
OTOH, she seems to have reduced the usual 80% Democratic vote from that district in the main election to under 70% the last two elections.