University of Utah Now Offers ‘Feminist Cannabis Studies’ Course
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University of Utah Now Offers ‘Feminist Cannabis Studies’ Course

University of Utah Now Offers ‘Feminist Cannabis Studies’ Course

“will learn about the contributions of queer and trans* communities to the cannabis movement”

This is a perfect example of why our bloated system of higher education needs a complete overhaul.

Campus Reform reports:

University of Utah offers ‘Feminist Cannabis Studies’ course to students

The University of Utah offers a “Feminist Cannabis Studies” upper-division course to students which also covers “Queer/Trans* Activism and Racialized Histories.”

The course description states that the upper division course “explores feminist cannabis studies as a field and subject of study” and asks students to evaluate their “understanding and assumptions around cannabis.”

The description also explains that students use “intersectional feminist frameworks” to “examine historical and contemporary discourse on cannabis across the U.S. and beyond.”

According to the course description, students “will learn about the contributions of queer and trans* communities to the cannabis movement” and how “gender, race, sexuality, immigration and class have shaped our understanding of cannabis.”

Students also learn how “LGBTQ+ and marginalized groups used and imagined cannabis in cultural, medicinal, and spiritual practices over time,” according to the course description on the university’s website.

The course is offered in The School of Social and Cultural Transformation at The University of Utah. The school’s website says its courses “explore race and racism, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and sexual identity, disability, health and global diasporas.”

The school offers Gender Studies, Ethnic Studies, Disability Studies, and Pacific Island Studies degree programs to students. The “Feminist Cannabis Studies” course falls under the Gender Studies degree program.

Examples of additional courses offered to students in the University of Utah’s Gender Studies program are, “Gender & Nature,” “Reproductive Justice,” “Feminist Ways of Remembering,” and “Queer Representation in Media.”


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So a bunch of ugly, fat middle-aged women (with bad haircuts) in sensible shoes and rife with Home Depot project sheets sit around smoking grass and whinging abut how “oppressed” they are by “the patriarchy” and moaning about the lack of birth control they’ll never need? Yeah right…

The Gentle Grizzly | November 24, 2024 at 7:29 pm

Another course of study so in demand by employers in this day and age.

“And this will help you get a job in what industry?”
“Get a what?”

Why do the working taxpayers of the state of utah want their dollars squandered this way?

Remember when things like this used to be satire?

Broken record here:

1. Who approved the course syllabus?

2. Who’s the Department Chair and why is that person still employed?

3. Isn’t there a University-wide committee that maintains minimum academic standards?

4. Is the University president stoned?

5. Is the University president playing? perhaps with a ball? perhaps volleyball

6. Does anybody at all in the U.S. have any sense for how incredibly silly — childish — this kind of thing is viewed in other countries?

7. Does the University of Utah have trustees? Are any of the trustees grownups?

Good grief, what would even a cursory audit show — if University of Utah courses were reviewed by a non-conflicted third party.
