Trump’s Sweeping Victory Triggers Ultimate Leftist, MSM Meltdown
Cry harder, MSM.

I still cannot believe it.
UNHINGED: MSNBC's Joy Reid in full meltdown mode says that another Trump presidency will allow Benjamin Netanyahu to "clear-cut Gaza" and "complete a complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza."
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) November 6, 2024
After @TedCruz won BIG in Texas, MSNBC's Joy Reid claims without evidence that the state had rampant voter suppression.
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) November 6, 2024
CNN's Van Jones is on the verge of tears.
— (@townhallcom) November 6, 2024
MSNBC's Chris Hayes is already crying about scrapping the Electoral College.
— (@townhallcom) November 6, 2024
CNN *FINALLY* comes clean on why Kamala Harris is likely to lose the 2024 election.
It's funny how CNN can come clean now, after the election is basically
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 6, 2024
Jonathan @CapehartJ on PBS at 1:57 AM ET: Trump’s victory means “I can’t help but wonder if the American people have given up on democracy.”
— Brent Baker 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 (@BrentHBaker) November 6, 2024
For one last time this election season, I am proud to present to you: the KEITHDOWN
— Jarvis (@jarvis_best) November 6, 2024

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Why the random ‘scrap the electoral college’ when she’s losing the popular vote too?
Dems way overplayed their hand, now the start paying for that.
Because they really are NPCs. They simply speak and act as they are programmed to act. There isn’t even a basic consistency check which is what allows them to hold massively contradictory “positions”.
You ever try talking to lefties in real life? A significant percentage are exactly like a social media bot.
SAT Question of the Day:
47. One of these things is not like the other; One of these things just doesn’t belong.
A. Obama 66 million
B. Hillary 67 million
C. Biden 80 million
D. Harris 67 million
I. A and D
II. B and D
III. All of the above
Someone needs to put this on a T-shirt or something. The problem with 2020 couldn’t be more obvious when seen in this context.
I want the here them look at this and then tell me again how they didn’t cheat in 2020
While you are at it, ask them how no one died of influenza during WuFlu.
I had the exact same tune in my head.
This is Trump’s third victory. Superfan Carl Wollarski said Trump could easily be an eight-peat type of president.
Which brings up a question I have: Some states allot their EVs by district. I wonder if Trump wins if all states are counted that way?
I believe it is only Nebraska and Maine. Not sure if the methodology of the two is the same. NE had a law pending to eliminate it. I think it was the subject of a post here a while back.
I’d be fine with switching to that…if and ONLY if …the CD within the States after apportionment are drawn with equal +/-5% US Citizen population. The d/prog won’t take that offer which is telling about what their priorities are…hint it ain’t the best interest of average US Citizens.
I would have thought that was obvious by now. They have to shift blame somewhere externally to avoid introspection.
If they give their rabid audience a bone they hope not to be cannibalized.
“MSNBC’s Chris Hayes is already crying about scrapping the Electoral College.”
Wait until he realizes how hard their previous attempt — the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact — is going to ram it up his Democrat bunghole. It’s now going to hand Trump the entire Left Coast and New York, in addition to others.
Stupid Democrats. Perennially fascinated by how well a new cheat would work FOR them, and never considering how badly it could work AGAINST them.
Actually, this would be a great time to take them up on the suggstion to expand the Supreme Court to 15. I bet Trump could find 6 suitable candidates.
Also, for the umpteenth time, democrats, the US was designed to be a REPUBLIC, a
Constitutional Republic. If you study history, democracies usually collapse or move
farther to the left (like our Democrat Party) and then either collapse or the standard
of living declines significantly.
No chance NY and CA follow NPV if it means a Republican gets their EC votes.
I actually agree with getting rid of the electoral college. Each state holds their own internal election and then each state gets to place one national vote for president. Whoever gets the most votes out of 50 wins.
Which means less than 600,000 people in Wyoming get the same election power as the 39,000,000 people in California. While right now that would make me happy, something seems fundamentally unfair about that.
What I want to see is Electoral votes distributed according to numbers of CITIZENS living in each state, not according to total census numbers. I don’t see enough people complaining about illegal aliens giving more power to states that have large numbers of them.
That will take a Constitutional amendment to change b/c of the requirement to apportion CD among the States by total # of residents. What could work without a Constitutional amendment is after apportionment to require CD to be drawn to reflect equal # US Citizens within the State. As.for dumping the electoral college or diminished political power for smaller, less populous States…no way Jose. That would mean the rural areas getting dominated by urban areas.
The states have paid dearly for the 17th Amendment. They lost power when they did that. Of course, they lost even more power when they began to accept money for education.
Tossing the 17th amendment and returning US Senate selection back to State Legislature and thus not direct representation of State power in DC would be a very good thing. Plus it tones down political campaign rhetoric and gets money out of those contests as well as reduces DC establishment power.
It would do no such thing. Before the amendment there was plenty of money going both into state legislative elections, and then into lobbying state legislators to change their votes.
If there’s no direct elections of US Senators then there’s no campaign and thus no campaign donations for those offices. The other thing is that the Party membership becomes less important, even of only slightly so, while the prominent economic interests of the State would become more important. So States with significant timber industry would align as would shipbuilding States and so on.
Then there’s the knock on effect of decreasing the individual power of a US Senator to wield their campaign war chest as a tool; they won’t have one. Lots of ways this makes them lesser and removes $ from political contests while also increasing odds of comity /reducing partisanship based on party alignment.
No, they didn’t. A state’s legislature is not the state; its people are the state. That’s why the Philadelphia convention decided to bypass the legislatures and have the new constitution adopted directly by “we, the people of the united states of America”. The 17th lets the state itself, i.e. its people, elect their senators. By definition that increases the state’s power, not decreases it.
It also saved state legislatures from being little more than fancy electoral colleges for the senate. As a result of the 17th amendment, state legislative elections are about state issues, and what sort of legislation voters want for the state. Without it the main issue in every state legislative election, swamping all other issues, would be whom each candidate would support for senator.
Were you always an idiot or, like all leftists, did Trump break your brain?
The Senate was intended to represent the governments of the states, who were elected by the people of the states.
NOT ‘the people’.
The House was intended to be the direct representatives of the people.
The 17th amendment undermines the purpose of the Senate and turns it into a glorified House.
Never mind, you’re too up your own ass to ever understand.
Mexico allows only citizens to vote – census is clear as to who is a citizen and who is not. Mexico also requires a voter to have an approved voter card (vs. other forms of ID) so only citizenship is checked and only citizens can vote.
IF the US required a checking of citizenship and a voter ID card, we would not have the messes or misunderstandings of our system that exist today.
How happy is Joe Biden this morning? Has he called Nancy Pelosi yet?
He doesn’t even know what day of the week it is.
The bell fell out of his Elmophone last Thursday,
Gosh, it sounds like they do not like our republic but want to replace it with a European style socialistic state. And, America is racist.
Trump is a monkey wrench into the machinery being used to place us/US into the New World Order.
Dear Dr Franklin,
We kept it.
Well Done !
“Jefferson still lives.”
–The final words of John Adams
(He was wrong, but only by hours.)
Franklin and our Founding Fathers were so smart. If you read about Ben Franklin you will find he gave a bequest to both Boston and Philadelphia to invest in young workers in their city. Guess which one still has the money to continue what he wanted.
reid again demonstrates how ignorant and irrelevant she is
Very low IQ.
The View should be extra butt hurt today.
Poor Whoopie
Fox interviewing random people in a diner. First thing the guy said, he is watching the View today….. ohhhhhhhhhhh brilliant.
I turned on my TV to watch the news for the first time in 4 years just to watch them melt down.
I really considered it, then I realized my OTA TV didn’t have access to any outlet I trusted to tell me the truth. Our family followed the results on our cell phones. I chose Daily WIre’s feed (sorry, LI, but you didn’t have the staff needed to keep up with the madness).
Let me buy that man a beer!!🤣🤣🤣
She’ll be flopping on the ground like a fish out of water!!
Behar should be in a catatonic fetal position.
Just epic!
Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters for everybody, Guinan!
Van Jones is always crying over something! That’s his schtick!
“complete a complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza.”
Like from the river to the sea?
What they think is good for Jews must also be good for Pales.
“complete a complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza.”
Or “a complete ethical cleansing of white house cabinet”
Like from one end of DC to the other?
What I think the Jews just got is a green light to take care of Iran.
Riddle: When is a desert like a swamp?
When you need to dump the bodies of defeated enemies anonymously?
Gaza forfeited 2 square miles for each hostage taken. They cleansed themselves.
45. STFU. 47
Let the Liberal exodus begin. There should be a list somewhere of the lefties that said they would leave the US if DJT won the Presidency. Don’t let the door hit ya!
I don’t know how to do links but Newsweek has the list
Like Rush used to say, liberals are dangerous when in power but amusing when out of power.
These people have promised to leave the country if Trump were re-elected President:
Barbra Streisand
Hillary Clinton
Bruce Springsteen
Taylor Swift
Nancy Pelosi
Lady Gaga
Robert De Niro
Tom Hanks
Miley Cyrus
Bette Midler
And apparently Rob Reiner pledged to self-immolate if Trump is re-elected but that’s not confirmed.
Bette Midler suggested she’d drink Drano.
Here is a good article naming 20 stars who promised to leave:
So we should send them all “fan emails” that simply say,
“We’re holding you to it, bi*h.”
It’s equally appropriate for the few guys on that list.
I won’t hold my breath.
Looks like a whole bunch of seething cope coupled with blaming voters for their choices. ‘…given up on democracy’ may be the singularly dumbest hot take of the evening; bitching b/c DJT is receiving 51%+ of popular vote (at time of comment) and twisting the election day vote totals into a ‘rejection of democracy’ is very bizarre take.
To any legacy media acolytes lurking here: Y’all swapped a bad candidate for a worse one. You lied and distorted the policy objectives of Trump and GoP in general; see the ‘Trump gonna outlaw abortion’ nonsense as the easiest example among many. You continued the disparagement of Rural voters and the very real struggles broad middle class (the folks in center 70% economically excluding the bottom/top 15% on either end).
Until y’all come to terms that the bulk of the US population doesn’t share the concerns of the top 15% who comprise the credentialed, laptop class (many w govt employers) nor the bottom 15% of minimum wage workers w low/no skill sets who receive substantial govt hand outs …the MAGA coalition will persist.
Good morning, Chief. With the tears from the coasts, expect sea levels to rise substantially.
I recall a conversation with my father many years ago wherein he said populism can be very good or very bad. The topic was Andrew Jackson and what he did to the Cherokee. In his case it would be bad but in Trump’s case it would be very good.
One concern I and others have is the possibility of another assassination attempt that would incapacitate him or kill him. I suspect he and JD Vance have worked out a way to seamlessly carry on Trump’s policies in case of such a disaster. If the unthinkable doesn’t happen, I’d like to see JD be another Trump who is decades younger and similarly energetic and who would have two terms as president himself.
Thank You, Lord. The nation has a chance and, with God’s help, we just may step back from the brink of socialism and defeat. Let’s not blow it.
Economic populism which shifts the focus of gov’t policy to ‘is this good for average US Citizen workers’ is gonna be far better than what we have had since the ‘globalism’ based/oriented economic policies in place since the early ’90s. The DC establishment is gonna right tooth and nail to stop it from happening ….which is a form of backhanded endorsement for implementing these policies.
Bad things that happen under populism can fairly be laid at the feet of the entire population. Bad things that happen under elitism simply oppress that same population. That’s a trade I’m willing to make.
“Y’all swapped a bad candidate for a worse one.”
This situation goes back further. They propped up a senile dotard and made him the Dem nominee for 2020. Then they assured his win by “curing” the election. Had they run a better candidate in 2020 (even if they had to cheat to get him elected), they wouldn’t be in the position they’re in now.
What’s that they say about karma?
I, for one, welcome our new fascist dictatorship!
Let the fiery purge of our wokist enemies begin!
Absolutely. No whining, no mercy and no remorse.
“twisting the election day vote totals into a ‘rejection of democracy’ is very bizarre take.”
Silly boy. “Democracy” is when Democrats win, of course!
I bet you’ll find that definition on Merriam Webster Online… unless they took it back off this morning.
It helps to remember that when they say “democracy”, the “t” is silent.
The garbage has spoken and we have beat the corruption
I wish that was true, but make no mistake, all those losers will do their best, scheme to stop us.
Well, they kept telling us that Trump was going to be a dictator.
If they continue their obstructionism against Democracy™, make it so.
More than anything, Trumps sweeping victory telsl me that not that many people care what the MSM thinks anymore; their influence has diminished, and they have no one to blame but themselves. So cry and scream all they want; we aren’t listening!
Leftist/Dhimmi-crat media have lost all credibility and relevance, with their relentless anti-Trump and anti-conservative/GOP venom, spite and negative coverage, since 2015 (with regard to President Trump), and, going back decades, with respect to conservative citizens and politicians, generally.
I think the Bulwark election night coverage is much more entertaining, and they come to the realization that it’s not going well very early. The only lesson they don’t consider is cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias, but they’re smart people and think theoretically about new coalitions and possibilities.
Today’s followup is interesting – it’s a problem with understanding voters. In fact the problem is that 2/3 of the population has a sense of humor, as does Trump, who is governed by it. 1/3 of the population has no sense of humor, and they’re baffled by the attraction. These guys don’t get it.
Not going to waste over an hour of my life watching these whining snowflakes. The left can neither meme nor get their point across in five minutes.
Would someone ask Joy Reid how the voters were “suppressed” in Harris county (ironic) TX?
She just kept pounding the table with the broken doll of racism. The DEMS are the party of racism, but too full of themselves to see it.
TBH she seems to think that if a person can’t just show up and vote no questions asked then that constitutes suppression of voters. It ain’t hard to vote in TX, I lived there from ’11-’20. If actual suppression was going on in Houston the DoJ would be all over it like white on rice.
Harry Litman will be worth watching, smart leftist with crazy eyes. He’s been quiet for 12 hours now. Everything is a Trump defeat.
Yeah we all know if a liberal wins we can question the crooked results and if a conservative wins it was because RUSSIA.
We did it! And the lsm can’t believe it. Joe and Mika are trying to say “we warned you” this morning. These two were just calling him a nazi and that he was going to throw all his enemies into concentration camps. cnn was like watching a funeral. The wife and I were toasting victory until 3am. Let me end with this. To all you liberal talking heads who cheered Kameltoe as they called us nazi’s, garbage, etc.,
It’s a special time to be tuned in to the MSM. Truly special.
It ain’t over yet.
Harris won’t concede because Dems probably think they have legal challenges in GA, PA, AZ and MI. And the calls for Harris to deny certification of the election will start this week.
The longer crone-harlot-dunce, Harris, delays her concession speech, the more she looks like crone Clinton, 2.0 — intemperate, petulant, entitled, narcissistic, imperially arrogant, haughty, contemptuous, intemperate and manifestly unsuited to hold political office.
The puppet masters are working on her speech right now . . . and making certain the teleprompters are working.
Capehart is uncommonly stupid. A majority voted to stop the Democrats lurch to the left and he interprets that vote as a vote against democracy. Democracy doesn’t mean what he thinks it does. It means that the majority of the citizens in each state determine how their state will vote in the electoral college. You lost, buttercup. Sit back and enjoy the show as the Republicans exercise the levers of power as enthusiastically as did Obama/Biden/Harris.
I wonder if we’ll hear anything about the “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact” today?
This was a thumping. Trump won both the popular vote and EC, the GOP picked up 5-7 seats, and will likely hold the house. I am sure there were clues along the way that the Dems went too far to the left on immigration and the economy.
But I am sure i will read endless dreck about democracy, even though he won the popular vote.
You cant win an election by hating and shaming half the electorate.
That lawfare turned out to be a really good technique………………………………………for Trump…………………..
Abortion didn’t seem to pan out for the d/prog either. The Pro abortion amendments were defeated in Florida (need 60%, fell short but was over 50%), S Dakota and Nebraska.
Maybe a sufficient number of women voters got SCOTUS’ message – abortion is a State issue, not a federal issue. Any federal abortion legislation can (and should) be challenged, and should go down in flames no matter which side it favors. Pro-choice women could vote for Trump knowing that abortion is effectively off the table nationally.
Yeah, other than Hyde amendment restrictions on funding keep the Federal govt out of the issue leaving the electorate of each State free to shape the statutory framework that beat fits the culture, history and temperament of the their State.
SCOTUS has never said any such thing.
On what grounds? Being politically a bad idea is not grounds for a legal challenge; especially with the current SCOTUS makeup.
Oddly enough, the pro-abortion amendment in Arizona seems to be winning handily, if you believe the state website. I never would have expected this.
Lots of otherwise ‘center/right conservative’ people lose their minds over abortion. They ignore the more than a dozen means of contraception, eschew celibacy or only having sex within a committed relationship, they overlook the morning after pill availability and women tracking their cycle. IMO abortion is unnecessary and is viewed as a last chance form of birth control by the irresponsibly promiscuous. Harsh? Maybe but I have yet to hear a compelling argument to change my mind for the 99%+ of abortions performed.
Agree nearly 100% with you, but want to nitpick that many pro-life people view the morning after pill as an abortifacient since it prevents implantation in the uterus of a developing embryo which was brought into being as a result of the previous night’s activities.
They can believe that and be wrong if they wish, it’s a free country so long as they don’t seek to impose their religious beliefs onto the public by statute. That fertilized egg is called a blastocyst at this stage. Can’t be properly termed a baby b/c the conditions for what can be a viable/successful pregnancy don’t yet exist. Until the blastocyst makes it to and attaches to the uterine wall there’s not gonna be a viable pregnancy.
IOW at base an abortion is the termination of an otherwise viable pregnancy and until the conditions for a viable pregnancy exist there isn’t a pregnancy to end.
FWIW I think I’m pretty extreme on being against abortion. No exceptions for rape or incest b/c IMO, it doesn’t matter how the conception occurred only that a viable pregnancy exists. It certainly isn’t the fault of the baby in the womb and we shouldn’t kill the innocent. When the purist anti abortion folks go all out v contraceptive methods they make errors not just politically but scientifically.
Breathlessly awaiting JR’s post reminding us that if only we Deplorables had nominated DeSantis, we would not be crying over a Trump loss.
Jr is in recovery mode right now. His next few posts should be highly entertaining.
Why cover Joy Reid at all? Does she qualify as a pundit? From Wikipedia:
“A pundit is a person who offers opinion in an authoritative manner on a particular subject area (typically politics, the social sciences, technology or sport), usually through the mass media.”
Clearly no because she does not speak in “authoritative manner” or any manner that one would expect from a sane person. Why not just ask some random person in the street for a comment? For example:: why would anyone care what Robert De Niro thinks about Trump? He’s an actor and a high school drop out. A good or popular actor is not necessarily qualified for anything else. Indeed in ancient Rome actors were regarded as low life and not permitted to reproduce (needs checking). I’d sooner ask a truck driver than an actor for an opinion about anything.
I wish conservative websites would stop linking to idiots. Although I suppose there is some element of entertainment value.
“I wish conservative websites would stop linking to idiots.”
1. Know your enemy.
2. Not listening to them runs the risk of creating our own insular bubble. We know they’re wrong on nearly every subject, but it’s important to be able to articulate why they’re wrong. To do that, we need to listen to them.
Yep. Knowing and understanding the other points of view helps shape our responses and craft effective arguments/strategy to defeat them….and to make.sure we aren’t arrogantly overlooking a rising issue as unimportant b/c we didn’t invent the idea.
Things to ponder:
1) Will Biden now resign so Mrs. Emhoff can be the first female president, even with the asterisk?
2) Will Maxine Waters start chanting “peach fo-sebm! peach fo-sebm!”?
3) Will even ONE celebrity or has-been actually leave?
The fact that she didn’t call Trump to concede last night and STILL hasn’t called him as of 0939 this morning speaks volumes about what a SCoaMF she is. And, the fact that very few (if any) voices on the left and mainstream media aren’t dragging her this morning for her failure to concede in a timely manner (at least not that I’ve seen).
She probably pissed off her speechwriters into quitting last night with a Hillary-class tantrum, and now she’s got nobody to tell her what to say in that phone call.
If the Dhimmi-crats are too stupid and too arrogant to make a policy course correction and move towards the center, they are going to continue to lose presidential elections.
The Dhimmi-crats got too arrogant and lazy, and, relied on activist “judges” and dutifully water-carrying and obsequious media lapdogs/shills/trained seals/stenographers to promote and advance their utterly unpopular (outside of large cities) and corrosive policies and diktats. Now, they actually have to win voters over with competent governance and good ideas.
Some reporting on Twitter from (reasonably) reliable sources that Harris’ concession speech isn’t scheduled until 6:00pm. If that’s true, it’s absolutely inexcusable.
A beg to differ. The mother of all hangovers is an excellent excuse.
She probably won’t be sober until then.
What happened to her blonde wig ??
And never EVER will they admit that it was the quality of the interior of their candidate, and not her wrapping paper that was the problem.
Poor Joy Reid. C’mon, . . . Don’t you just want to give her a big hug?
My favorite thing I saw last night was when Tim Poole on his live show sent a tweet to Harry Sisson to tell Harry that he is on the wrong side of history! Hilarious!