Trump Wins Reelection
A sweeping victory, likely to surpass 300 electoral votes and win the popular vote as well.

Donald Trump is the winner and has been reelected, with both Pennsylvania and Wisconsin being called for him pushing him over the 270 electoral votes need, and he will pick up 4 more electoral votes (3 in Alaska and 1 in Maine) and he is leading in AZ, NV, and MI.
While the final popular vote will take time to calculate, Trump is expected to win the popular vote as well.

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I am so happy right now! I will not be getting much sleep. I may try to count communists tears instead of sheep.
Certainly good news. Now everyone on the right needs to not take the bait and just push forward with what’s best for the country.
I’d really like to see Vance next.
Also I bet the Harris group is really wish they took Shapiro. Walz is a buffoon that just kept on giving.
This blowout was far beyond the effect of picking Walz over Shapiro. So happy for Israel and American Jews. America took a test about what was important and passed it,
Pence was a dud and Trump did much better this time around with the people he’s chosen to surround himself with. JD needs a strong role in this administration to position him for 2028.
Imagine waking up in Minn today to realize that Trump is President and Walz is still your govenor. I sort of wonder if the state got visibly better in his recent 3 month absence. We’ll know if their is a public letter in the paper saying, “hey Tim, take your time, we’re OK.”
The first anti-American President was not succeeded by the second.
No, there was Trump in between.
Lord be praised! Good riddance to that insufferably vile, narcissistic, arrogant, stupid and evil POS. He and his minions have done incalculable damage to the U.S. and the free world, and, have the blood of innocents on their hands, worldwide.
Now, if you’ll please excuse me — I have to go to the bathroom and take a massive Obama. Then, I must clean up a stinking pile of Obama that my neighbor’s dog left on my lawn.
Don’t forget to wipe your Harris.
Very witty!
Happy Day!
Those poor dudes for Harris.
Maybe Kamala can get her old job at McDonalds back.
Obama will never be president again and he has lost the presidency.
Why is everyone discussing a strange woman who is incapable of speech when there should be a focus on the loser of the election (Obama) and the winner (Trump)?
Okay… bets on whether they wake Joe up to tell him, or wait till after breakfast?
I’m pretty sure Joe saw the internals and realized Kamala was going to lose. And he won’t lose a minute of sleep over it.
Oh to be a fly on the wall when Joe is told of Harris’ monumental loss to Trump.
Walz is still in his home chapel, praying to his statue of Lenin.
Rather see the Downfall parody version of it.
Did you notice that Jill Biden wore a bright red dress when she went to vote?
All TDS whiners screaming BUT TRUMP CAN’T WIN hardest hit.
This meltdown will be…captivating and delicious.
Be careful.
Congratulations to Professor Jacobson and the other great and inimitable LI bloggers, LI readership, conservative and patriotic Americans and citizens, and, freedom-loving peoples, worldwide.
This is a restoration of sanity and competence to American leadership.
I had said repeatedly on this site that it wouldn’t be close, and, it wasn’t. The vile and despicable Dhimmi-crat media shills/lapdogs/trained seals/stenographers have been doing their utmost to downplay, whitewash, ignore and pooh-pooh citizens’ legitimate concerns about Biden-Harrisflation and the illegal alien invasion/open borders lunacy.
Democrats out did themselves with the elevation of Cumalah. Really thought they couldn’t top Hillary but look at Democrats over achieve on that one 😂
The great thing is all the right people are crying online ❤️
We are gonna need a bigger cup for all those delicious liberal tears already flowing 😂
What is great about all this is that leftists have painted themselves in to a corner with election denying because if they suddenly go all in on denying this election it just highlights the utter hypocrisy of their stance these last 4 years! The c7nts!
Too big to rig, they didn’t have any time to steal it.
And it will really stick in the communists craw that he also won the popular vote.
And just like that, the popular vote means nothing 😂
Well, except for all those blue states that said their EVs had to go to the popular vote winner…..
If they hold true to that, Trump will be looking at a Reagan v. Mondale type of landslide.
oh I had forgotten about that…. hehehehe
They couldn’t use the same tactics they used in 2020 and that really hurt their vote totals.
I was a TX GOP poll watcher, and compared to 2020 / 2022 it was light years more efficient.
His 3rd election he won
I think the big difference between now and 2016 is that Trump won’t be sabotaged by his own Congress and purposely slow balled things and then allowed Congress to fall in to the hands of Democrats.
Secondly with a “friendly” Senate Leader Trump should get a f88k load more things done this time than he was “allowed” to do last time.
If I was the FBI I’d be nervous about my future. Same for the CIA and especially for every single person on Epstein and Diddy’s video feeds!
President Trump must fire Christopher Wray at FBI and Gina Haspel at CIA, along with their lieutenants, on day one. That’s a good start to cleaning house.
If Wray and Haspel are as smart as they are supposed to be, they will retire by the end of December and disappear for public view in the hopes that criminal charges will not be brought against them.
We don’t have the House confirmed yet.
The stock market is going to explode
President Trump hasn’t even taken office, yet, and, he’s already putting money in investors’ pockets.
The stock market’s going to explode
Hic cup
That was the irony of 2016. Had Hillarity won, Oberlin would have lost more in their endowment from investment losses than they had to pay out over the Gibsons lawsuit. Trump winning made them money in the long run.
Let the retribution begin. I don’t know who the AG will be, but it must be a vicious dog willing to rid the three letter agencies of all criminals.
Deportations must begin now with self deportation. Then massive effort begins January 2025.
All of Biden’s executive orders must be terminated.
It’s going to be a busy first 100 days.
You got it. He should put out a press release that people who self-deport have the opportunity to come back through the legal system. Anyone that has to be deported should be blackballed for life.
We need to pass a law that anyone who is deported and returns without a Presidential invitation in writing gets an automatic death penalty!
Rudy!!! Let him settle a few scores!
It has been a pleasure to learn from LI throughout this campaign.
As for Biden and company, never have so many owed so little to so few.
Congratulations to our president elect. He ran a superb campaign. Professional in every way. This man certainly deserves it. Almost assassinated, dragged into a kangaroo court, facing lawfare and a constant barrage of insults and fabricated accusations. Yet he never gave up. A true hero for our time. As to the city of my birth and early years, FU. Shame, shame for the way you treated someone who did so much for the city.
Now the challenge of governing begins. Clean up the horrible mess created by a criminal syndicate called the Democratic Party. Really a communist party hell bent on destroying our country.
Unite, and continue to fight. Yeah.
That great news but the better news is the Senate. That’s big
I just hope the GOP keeps the House.
Prepare for Trump Unleashed(TM), if the GOP has control of Congress. Great things will be in store.
The Senate looks good but I’m worried about the House. The races there are very close. Still, it appears the Republicans might keep control.
When all the votes are tallied I want to see the comparisons to 2020. The numbers from 2020 were very high – suspiciously high. This year actual physical in-person turnout seemed higher than ever. The total vote count had better be higher. (And if they aren’t it will only confirm, in my mind, that the 2020 vote was illegitimate.)
A win for Trump, The Constitution, and all America!
Good riddance to Globalists and, hopefully, the Deep State shadow government. Time to expose them, along with the Kennedy assassination plotters, and all the rest. We need The Twitter Files gone wild.
Yeah, an analysis would be interesting. Crime boss/dotard, Biden’s alleged 81 million votes seem even more suspicious, now, and, more conclusively the result of obvious ballot fraud.
81 million. Exactly!
The democrats have run two women for President, and Trump beat ‘em both!
They were both manifestly awful candidates. Arrogant, narcissistic, entitled, smug, sanctimonious and contemptuous.
Right. There were far better female candidates. Far better minority candidates, but when the democratic primary process is upended as happened in 2016, 2020 and 2024, Democrats ended up with worthless candidates that some progressive millenial thought would hit the mark. Or, as in the case of 2020, enough shenanigans happened to push Biden over the edge to victory. While little was proven, there continue to be more and more pieces of evidence that something stank in 2020, and it wasn’t just Biden’s Depends.
Not sports, either, so it’s perfectly OK!
Trump can’t win. Republicans are stupid. They should nominate Nikki Haley.
— signed, JR
LMAO! Thanks.
Here’s where we get to test how big the thumb counter goes.
Back before Computers, all the States could finish counting before bedtime.
And at this very moment, on national maps, only Michigan and Arizona still remain gray, a testament to their Democrat bureaucratic incompetence. I would be ashamed of my state, if I believed our Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, was at all representative of the average honest Arizonan.
Went to bed last night, feeling confident on Trump’s victory.
Woke up to Trump victory.
My wife came in fuming about it.
I kept my mouth shut.
The instant she left. I silently Invader Zim laughed.
“…Ordinary Americans are celebrating America’s rejection of wokeism, DEI, identity politics, creeping and galloping socialism, onerous governmental regulation, transexuals in the girls’ bathrooms, and semi-somnolent ineptitude.
For Democrats, it’s back to the drawing board with their crayons, to re-divide us by race, gender, and class. For the rest of America, it’s morning in the sun.”
By Glenn K Beaton, Nov. 06, 2024
Democrats said Trump supporters were evil.
Republicans said Democrats had bad ideas.
It is not hard to see which is the real party of hate.