Trump Picks Robert Kennedy Jr. to Lead Health and Human Services
HHS is also responsible for unaccompanied children the border patrol agents encounter at the border.

Oh, boy.
President-elect Donald Trump chose Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead Health and Human Services (HHS).
I am thrilled to announce Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as The United States Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). For too long, Americans have been crushed by the industrial food complex and drug companies who have engaged in deception, misinformation, and disinformation when it…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 14, 2024
Hold people accountable. Just don’t ban anything. I love treating myself to junk food every once in a while.
But mainly…do not touch my Diet Coke.
If you touch my Diet Coke…there will be blood.
HHS is also responsible for unaccompanied children the border patrol agents encounter at the border:
HHS is the agency responsible for caring for unaccompanied migrant children encountered at border, as well as placing them with sponsors across the U.S. who are supposed to be vetted.
It’s specifically handled by HHS ORR (Office of Refugee resettlement).
Multiple reports found extreme lapses with the Biden/Harris admin HHS handling of these children as hundreds of thousands of them crossed the border during their term.
Children were repeatedly handed over to adult sponsors without proper vetting, HHS failed to conduct adequate safety checks, and a NYT investigation found many children illegally working in dangerous industrial jobs including slaughterhouses and construction sites, with some being killed or injured.
HHS is the agency responsible for caring for unaccompanied migrant children encountered at border, as well as placing them with sponsors across the U.S. who are supposed to be vetted.
It’s specifically handled by HHS ORR (Office of Refugee resettlement).
Multiple reports found…
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) November 14, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
HHS is a nearly $2 TRILLION monstrosity that operates, mostly, on un-Constitutional grounds. I hope Junior takes a blow torch to the place. But, as Mary wrote above, he had better not be banning anything. Recommendations are fine. Opinions are fine. No bans. People are allowed to be as unhealthy as they choose.
One thing that can, and should, be banned, though, are pharmeceutical commercials. There is no reasonable argument for advertising prescription drugs to the public. Prescription drugs are just that – only available with prescription, It is nonsense to advertise something to someone who is not allowed to buy it. We are allowed to buy guns but you never see ads for them (though I have very faint recollections of a short time period where I think I saw TV ads for Henry rifles … though that could just be inn my mind).
If you have a disease and your doctor needs your advice on which prescription drugs you should be taking for it … find a new doctor.
Maybe from broadcast TV, but how much is still broadcast?
I disagree. Advertising products that one is not allowed to buy is not “free speech”. People can look up prescription drugs, if they want, but the companies have no right to try and sell them to people who are not allowed to buy them. If you accept that the federal government has the power to disallow people from buying these drugs then they certainly have the right to disallow manufacturers of them from advertising them.
Prescription drugs are a very unique and specific class of product.
Since I recently visited home, I can tell you that broadcast TV is precisely the problem. All our broadcast news during the pandemic was “brought to you by Pfizer”. That phrase was astoundingly dominant.
Online, the problem was censorship, brought to us by various social media as a cutout for the US government and (likely) Pfizer. It is Constitutional to curtail both of those activities.
Tell that to the cigarette companies.
Agree 100% on the drug advertisement ban. As a former Pharma exec, I loathe these commercials. If I printed an ad in a medical journal, I had to include 1 to 2 pages of its package insert (with side effects, potential adverse reactions etc.), but run an obnoxious TV ad with a fat chick dancing to lousy music, no such disclosures are required. It is insane and deceptive.
I have liked most of Trump’s picks, However, Kennedy is a very poor choice.
I especially like Hegseth for defense
Additional comment on Kennedy – While I do think he was and is a nut case on the autism connection with childhood vaccines, he is correct on the covid vaccines.
I think he’s right about vaccines and autism
Prove me wrong
Joe-Dallas: Blind pig, acorn.
Gonzo, the whole idea that the MMR jab can cause autism was deliberately invented by a deeply evil man, in order to generate income for himself as an “expert witness” at the ensuing lawsuits. He literally faked his so-called “study”, made up the “cases” out of whole cloth.
Since then the matter has been studied to death, and if there were anything to it it would have been found. After hundreds of millions poured into the question, what we know is that of all the many causes of autism, vaccines (of any kind) are not one of them.
Speaking of that evil man Wakefield, the idea that CP is caused by lack of oxygen at birth, and can be prevented by a timely C-section, enjoys the popularity that it does because it was heavily promoted by John Edwards, who made a fortune suing doctors for not doing enough C-sections. That is the reason why USA doctors are so eager to do them, even when they are totally unnecessary. Meanwhile we now know that the theory is total bollocks, and CP happens long before birth. Lack of oxygen doesn’t cause CP; CP causes a newborn to have trouble breathing.
And more false beliefs invented for pure commercial profit: The idea that caffeine stunts children’s growth was invented by C. W. Post, for the purpose of promoting Postum. He convinced parents that they should give their child Postum instead of coffee, by scaring them that coffee was bad for children. There was and still is no evidence for that.
Milhouse – I knew Kennedy heavily promoted the child vaccines caused autism, though I thought that was invented by someone else, and was in a Lancet study, before Kennedy latched onto it. (note that doesnt change my opinion that kennedy is a nut case)
Yes, the evil man is Andrew Wakefield. Formerly “Dr” Andrew Wakefield. Lancet eventually withdrew his “study”, and he lost his license.
Milhouse – fwiw – I have no idea what causes autism. though there seems to a high correlation with the age of the parent at birth. The older the parent the higher probability. 100+ years ago, there were low rates of rates of austism (partly due to differences in diagnosing autism). supposedly rates of autism has increased from 1 in a thousand to 1 in 160. One of the most frustrating things is there is really no studies on the rates of austism by are of the parents (either current rates by parent age or rates by parents age from 50-100 years ago)., Its very likely that rates by parents age has changed very little. unfortunately there is very little data to do a correct analysis.
Joe, nobody knows for sure what causes autism. All we can do now is identify things that appear to be factors. But we do know some things that definitely don’t cause it, and one of those is vaccines.
One of the factors that does seem to be involved is simply genetics. At least part of the explanation for the apparent increase in autism is that in the modern world carriers are more likely to meet and marry other carriers. Silicon Valley is a great big dating pool for people on the autism spectrum. So naturally there are more children born with it.
Milhouse you are correct on the “profit motive with the false claims.
comparable is Fauci’s promotion of AZT for aids and Fauci’s promotion of Remdesivir for covid
Have you ever looked into non-MSM info on this? Dr Wakefield was a well-respected GI doctor when he was approached by moms whose children had autism and lots of GI issues. His study was axed thru political dissent.
Have you not read about Dr Brian Hooker who exposed thru a whistleblower the CDC destroying the evidence on a study around 2004 that showed Black boys who had the MMR at the recommended age of 12-18 months were almost 4x likelier to develop autism that those who had it at 36 months?
The Cutter incident with polio!
Have you never listening to the accounts of moms who had a happy, walking, talking child and soon after a vaccine (or series of), often the next day, were completely changed for the worse? Whether autism is caused or influenced by vaccines has never been studied as it should. Why? Because CDC is afraid of what it might find. The stats of chronicity of children after full vaccination vs not are out there for the open-minded. When autism explodes from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 67 in 40 years, it’s not genetic. There is no correlation between going from 10 doses of vaccines to 72? Dr Christopher Exley has studied effects of aluminum for years; every vaccine has this neurotoxin so how can we not expect some problems? The current “schedule” for a 2 month old is 8 different antigens!
If vaccines are so safe, why did Big Pharma make the Congress pass a law exempting them from liability? Did you know that all vaccines are tested against a “placebo” that is another vaccine? Yes, lets go back to the Gold Standard. The charts for mortality/incidence for all the big bad childhood diseases dropped precipitately way before most vaccines due to better hygiene in the cities.
Do your homework, folks! Check out the substack of A Midwestern Doctor. BODILY AUTONOMY FOR VACCINES, ALL AGES!
I’m not going to bother going through your pack of lies one by one. It would take too long. But every single one of your assertions is a lie. And Wakefield is one of the most evil people in human history.
Nonsense. He can’t have a baseball bat big enough to wreck Big Pharma, Big FDA and every other Big Bureaucrat under his watch.
I got a laugh from the Bloomberg headline: “Trump Picks RFK, Jr for Health, Secretary..Vaccine Stocks Fall”
Kennedy might do something erratic – like funding gain of function research
Oh wait – that already happened
i suspect that HHS has a good number things needing to be brought out of shadowy corners and into the light of day where the public can see it for themselves. With very few exceptions, HHS isn’t one, when taxpayer money gets spent then taxpayers should know what, how, why and to whom in great detail. When policy is being made about health the data used to back that policy better be replicable, without no hidden agendas and totally include a transcript of meetings, discussion and votes up/down on recommendations to the elected decision makers. All in real time.
I am for whoever will take the biggest wrecking ball for the longest amount of time to the establishment. I love this pic
If you want a laugh look at the Pfizer stock as soon as it opened today.
I started out as a Kennedy skeptic, because I thought he was a “vaccines cause autism” nut. However, as I have become better acquainted with his background and his views, I have had cause to reconsider.
He has a well-rounded classical education, which means he has a basic understanding of biology, chemistry and math, enough to make a cognizable case as an environmental lawyer, one that will pass muster for a chemist as a reader.
He is a successful courtroom lawyer who wins complex technical cases, by wrestling with the material until he understands and can transmit the information needed to make a decision.
He got dragged into the vaccine area by mothers of injured children, and his main point is that, statistically speaking, the US is showing a tremendous, anomalous, burden of chronic disease in children that so far, has no explanation. He doesn’t necessarily attribute this to vaccines or vaccines alone. He points out that we have enough information about use of vaccines and much better analytical tools, so that we probably can find out why some people react badly to vaccines.
He’s asking for a study of the effects of vaccines on people with different genetic makeups.
From my point of view, the list of vaccines recommended for children in the US has become a monstrosity. AND they are giving them to babies, which in my view is bad practice because babies have immature immune systems. AND they are giving them in bundles (as many as 7 to an infant), a practice I know has never been well-regarded due to the potential for enhanced risk.
RFK Jr. asked Tony Fauci whether there had ever been a safety study for childhood vaccines, and Fauci said there had, and he would forward it. Fauci lied.
It’s time to do that study.