The View Melts Down, But Alyssa Farah Griffin Provides a Reality Check
Griffin: “I think we forget about rural America. I think the working class feels left behind. They feel like the powerful, the elite, only care about themselves and their power.”

Most of the ladies on The View dressed in black today because former President Donald Trump destroyed VP Kamala Harris last night.
They cried. They blamed racism and sexism. They gushed over Harris.
Whoopi Goldberg cried. Joy Behar had a slightly steadier take:
Whoopi Goldberg: “So, how do you feel?”
Joy Behar: “I’ll start… This is what people wanted. I vehemently disagree with the decision that Americans made… We should protest if the situation arises that we need to protest, which I’m sure it will. And I’ve been through this before with Nixon. It’s been very difficult, but boy, oh boy, do we have a country if we can keep it.”
NEW: ABC’s The View opens up with a teary-eyed Whoopi Goldberg and a miserable-looking Joy Behar admitting defeat.
Whoopi Goldberg: “So, how do you feel?”
Joy Behar: “I’ll start… This is what people wanted. I vehemently disagree with the decision that Americans made… We…
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) November 6, 2024
Sunny Hostin blamed it on “cultural resentment.” I love that she now cares about the debt, unlike me, who is always concerned about the debt, and the main reason why I’m not a Republican is because, like the Democrats, they only truly care about it when they’re the minority.
Give me a break, though. These people don’t have to worry about grocery prices going up every week. They don’t have to worry about any prices going up.
It must be nice. I wish I had so few worries so I could make identity politics a priority (that was sarcasm because I’d never do that):
HOSTIN: “Economists have made clear that he’s going to increase the debt by $7.75 trillion. I’m worried about mass deportation and internment camps. And I’m also worried about Elon Musk warning Americans to prepare for temporary hardship. I’m surprised at the results, but I’m not surprised. As a woman of color, I was so hopeful that a mixed-race woman married to a Jewish guy could be elected president of this country.”
BEHAR: “Mm-hmm.”
HOSTIN: “And I think that it had nothing to do with policy, I think this was a referendum of cultural resentment in this country.”
The View’s Sunny Hostin has a meltdown on air and blames “cultural resentment” for Trump’s landslide victory.
“I was so hopeful that a mixed-race woman married to a Jewish guy could be elected president of this country. And I think that it had nothing to do with policy. I think…
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) November 6, 2024
However, Alyssa Farah Griffin had a few good takes. Yes, the Democrats learned nothing from 2016.
The Democrats once again forgot the ordinary people:
“I think we forget about rural America. I think the working class feels left behind. They feel like the powerful, the elite, only care about themselves and their power.”
“And he [Trump] spoke to them. We may not have liked his words, but they turned out for him. I mean, the map was beyond Reagan what we saw last night. And I think we need to start listening more to the concerns of everyday Americans who feel like this system is failing.”
JUST IN: The View’s Alyssa Farah Griffin describes Trump’s massive, crushing victory as “beyond Reagan.”
“I didn’t expect it to be this resounding. And I think there are some lessons from it.”
Something remarkable happened when Griffin dropped a surprisingly good take about why…
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) November 6, 2024
Griffin also shot down Sunny Hostin’s demeaning remark about white women:
SUNNY HOSTIN: “So why do you think that uneducated white women voted against their reproductive health freedoms? And why do you think Latino men voted in favor of someone that’s going to deport, says he’s going to deport, the majority of his community?”
ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: “I don’t think women like being called uneducated white women. I think the economy matters, national security matters, but when you put people in these boxes, I think that’s a takeaway from this phrase.”
The View's Sunny Hostin Gets a Rude Awakening as Her Co-Host Confronts Her to Her Face
This is the last thing I thought I’d see today.
SUNNY HOSTIN: “So why do you think that uneducated white women voted against their reproductive health freedoms? And why do you think Latino…
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) November 6, 2024
Joy Behar cannot believe all women aren’t obsessed with the ability to have abortions.
It boggles her mind that A) Women have other pressing matters, and B) Women are against murdering unborn human beings. God forbid:
BEHAR: “So, you know, women’s health care and abortion is specifically, specifically was — was on the, definitely one of the, one of the cries from the Democratic Party. They were really banking on it, I think. And only 14 percent of Americans voted for that particular thing.”
WATCH: Joy Behar is shocked that women did NOT buy into Kamala Harris and Democrats’ abortion messaging:
“Only 14% of Americans voted for that particular thing!”
— Conservative War Machine (@WarMachineRR) November 6, 2024

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I wanted hair pulling
Roller Derby is gone.
‘She’s five ft six and 215’
Roller Derby Queen Jim Croce
“Well the roller derby program said
that she was built like a ‘frigerator with a head”
I wanted Whoopie and Joy to spontaneously combust.
Popcorn theater
I actually thought they took it pretty well.
My guess is that most of the women on The View are used to being licked.
Unentertaining, even postulating the addition of mud OR jello.
Griffin nailed it …. no one will learn from it …. but she nailed it.
Yep, they just didn’t hate Trump and his garbage supporters hard enough. That is what they think,
I am eating popcorn as I read about them. Who was it who promised to drink Drano?
I find it remarkable how the abortion issue always comes front and center at election time. Then we hear nothing until the next election. Been that way for the past 30 years at least.
Pro abortion amendments in Florida, South Dakota and Nebraska were defeated FWIW.
A part of me wonders if this represents a strategic mistake on our parts. After all, while there is no guarantee, children of radicals tend to be more radical than the average. When these radicals are having abortions, they may be saving the world from more radicals.
Preventing murder isn’t about strategy.
Chill, dude. He’s not talking about that as murder, he’s talking about the democrat party’s stupidity.
Dobb’s was January 2022. 1 Year into Biden’s administration. He had the house and senate. Could have passed abortion law if they wanted.
They want the issue. They don’t want it solved. They need something to trot out each election to stir up the usual voters. If it gets resolved, one way or the other, it goes away and they have to find something of substance to use in election season. The same general thing exists for immigration.
Biden could have made headway on a left-leaning, but more viable immigration strategy. That was an issue that reached across the aisle to get the 60 Senate votes needed. Abortion is not that issue, at least not the infanticide version that Democrats want.
They wouldn’t have had a majority.
I love the care in which they parse their words.
That changes Friday.
I am TERRIBLY WORRIED about mass deportation.
I fear it may not come soon enough or thoroughly enough or massively enough.
Attempting to actually round up people will be difficult, and will be one long zoo of screaming kids and women on camera. Very bad PR.
Rather than trying to herd cats, hidden cats, they should go for the choke points: those who employ them and support them. No money or social services – they will have little choice but to leave. So, identify where these folks work and starting with the largest, most visible, arrest the entire management structure and prosecute them to the hilt. From the line supervisor to the CEO, HR and Board.
Confiscate the entire business and all it’s assets as fruit of the criminal enterprise. Liquidate the assets. Maybe for the most visible, raze the real estate and salt the earth. Make it very painful and very visible to all. Then pointedly ask, who’s next. CEOs like to avoid jail time.
Ban all federal benefits.
Prohibit any public assistance by States or localities or NGOs or any charities or any individual. USCode 18 covers that, I think.
All the while, leave the illegals alone, aside from law breakers. Offer free transport out the country, back to where they came from and care for those who surrender for deportation – make that generous. Or to Mexico, since they allowed them to transit. Hunger is a big motivator.
The tough one will be the criminal gangs which have taken over California. These are the guys who destroyed El Salvador and Mexico. These folks need to be handled ruthlessly.
So apparently there is one person on that show that’s not a complete airhead
Tired of their sanctimony.
Systemic racism is the direct result of Sunny Hostin having to live in a $3.5m house:
One could question how much generational wealth she has accumulated with her family’s slave holdings:
Sunny thinks there’s “cultural resentment” in this country? Yeah.. Sunny, we’re tired of leftist attempts to control us. We’re tired of pronouns, race baiting, DEI, gender ideology, censorship… all of it. She might want to sit down, STFU and make herself very small so we forget her role in promoting that garbage.
The View melts down into a sticky mess.
I always found The View disgusting. But it sounds like today’s program might almost have been worth watching. Almost……
I’m tired of lumping women’s healthcare with abortion and I’m tired of lumping all groups together. Hostin is a condescending bitch and she can stuff it! And this is why they lost. They will never get it because they would have to re-evaluate what’s in their heads.
As I have said before: there is no evidence to support the idea that there are a gazillion potential pro-abortion voters who were quietly slumbering until the Dobbs was handed down.
Since Roe vs Wade first came out in 1973 every election has been framed by the pro-abortionists as the last chance to stop the slavery of women. At some point the pro- abortionists’ non-stop hair-on-fire campaign style was likely to max out in terms of public support.
Of course, the pro-abortion side could undertake the task of convincing people that the murder of babies is not really murder. But that would take hard work (not to mention the dreadful possibility of realizing they are wrong). It is easier to wear vulva hats and scream, “KEEP YOUR LAWS OFF MY BODY!!”
Keep your laws off my body unless it’s the COVID shot and then you better mandate that shit for everyone. The hypocrisy is overwhelming for me. Basically if a Democrat says its good, then it is, and I think the thinking stops there.
Or, they could teach their daughters and sisters how to have more personal pride and self-respect to not get pregnant in the first place.
No one is listening to them; and I’m still not sure they’ve realized it. Denial is a long river after all : ) People don’t care what they think; and their stupid canned audience applause isn’t real. What is real is Joe Rogan riffing with people on an unscripted podcast for 3 hours. They are irrelevant and have been left behind. Maybe that will dawn on them at some point? I’m not too sure though.
But Deamazon is longer 🙂
Denial is a long river after all
beautifully put–thank you
Some women know how to take a pill.
Without racism hostin would be cleaning up Taco Bell’s on all you can sloppy burrito nights.
“And I think we need to start listening more to the concerns of everyday Americans who feel like this system is failing.”
Listening to all Americans and not just those in Hollywood or inside the Beltway. What a concept.
“I don’t think women like being called uneducated white women. ”
Who would have thought women don’t like being called stupid or garbage? Other than the hags on The View, that is.
All they learned from the election is that America is irredeemably racist and misogynist. The lection proves it. we still have not repiutiated our “whiteness and patriarchy”.
They are ignorant and arrogant. It cannot be fixed.